
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 05:39:39


New year is coming ,mother was doing the cleaning in the house these days ,first,she cleaned kitchen,there is a lot of things in the kitchen ,she put everything out,put them in underground and then began to clean the dirty place of kitchen,only the kitchen she has cleaned for three days,mother is very tired,but I can't help her.

Fast these days, mother festival in cleaning the house clean kitchen, first, the kitchen is a lot of things, mother put everything out, in underground and then began to clean the kitchen dirty place, light kitchen mother pack for three days, mother is very tired, but I can't help.

Fast these days, mother festival in cleaning the house clean kitchen, first, the kitchen is a lo...


Fast these days, mother festival in cleaning the house clean kitchen, first, the kitchen is a lot of things, mother put everything out, in underground and then began to clean the kitchen dirty place, light kitchen mother pack for three days, mother is very tired, but I can't help.


new year is on the corner, mum is doing the housework these days.first place is the kitchen where is full of things,mum moved all the things out , then cleaned the dirty place. just cleaning the small kitchen took her 3 day! mum is tired,but i evev couldn't help her

英语翻译快过年了,妈妈这几天一直在打扫家里,首先打扫的是厨房,厨房的东西很多,妈妈把每一样东西都清理出来、放在地下,然后开始清理厨房脏的地方,光厨房妈妈就收拾了三天,妈妈很累, 快过年了,你在家里都帮爸爸,妈妈干了哪些事情?请你写一写 英语翻译我在过年这几天拜访亲友.你们过年的时候都干些什么.学校生活很紧张吗. 拖把好神拖怎么样,我想在主要是想了解这个拖把拖把.快过年了吗!要打扫卫生呀!买个备用着 英语翻译我快回家过年了 好开心 在家里呆的感觉就是不一样 还几天过年了阿 我妈妈正在打扫房间.用英语翻译 妈妈没有每天打扫房间的英语翻译 在过年我要打扫清洁的英语怎么说 英语翻译今天天气很好,只是有一点多云.我很高兴,因为在假期的这几天里我过得很自由,就像今天一样.今天上午我没有课,爸爸妈妈都去上班,我在家里很闲,发现家里很乱,所以,我就想打扫房间 妈妈在早上打扫卫生 英语怎么说 英语翻译1.我在前三天就完成了所有的作业.2.之后一直到过年我都在家里玩电脑游戏.3.过年是我最开心的时候.4.我吃了很多的美食. 英语翻译我准备在过年的时候吃很多零食喝很多饮料知道把自己撑死 我还准备挣很多的压岁钱请同学们吃饭我还要买一个钱包用来装我的零花钱我还要帮妈妈打扫房子帮奶奶贴对联...第一句 英语翻译:我帮妈妈做家务,像打扫房间,洗衣服. 我得帮我妈妈打扫房间.求英语翻译 用英语翻译 你妈妈每周花多少时间打扫屋子? 你的妈妈正在打扫卫生吗?英语翻译 英语翻译Jack和爸爸为妈妈过了一个快乐的节目,那是晴朗的一天,上午他们去买了鲜花(flower),Jack还给妈妈买了礼物,下午他们在家里帮忙打扫了妈妈的房间晚上爸爸给妈妈做了晚餐,有牛肉,