一道英语试题请求详解I have many friends ,-------some are businessmen .A.of them B.from which C.who of D.of whom 请求详解

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:30:43

一道英语试题请求详解I have many friends ,-------some are businessmen .A.of them B.from which C.who of D.of whom 请求详解
I have many friends ,-------some are businessmen .
A.of them B.from which C.who of D.of whom

一道英语试题请求详解I have many friends ,-------some are businessmen .A.of them B.from which C.who of D.of whom 请求详解
不能确定是不是定语从句的话要看下答案,从答案中我们可以知道是“他们中的一些”,从而判定为定语从句.先行词为“friends”,属“人物”,因此可以用who,whom,which.在确定用哪个之前,要先了解从句(后半句)如果单独成句的话,它的结构是怎么样的.可以确定为Some of my friends are businessmen,也可为(Out) Of all my firneds,some are businessmen.英语句型灵活,你要多读~OK,确定之后,可以判断为D了,用whom,of是介词,后面接宾格.
你还可能对A有疑惑,解释一下,如果A的话,句型应该为I have many friends, and some of them are businessmen.或I have many friends, and of them,some are businessmen.注意"and",两个分句之间要有连接词.

从句中whom指代friends some of friends are businessmen


一道英语试题请求详解I have many friends ,-------some are businessmen .A.of them B.from which C.who of D.of whom 请求详解 一道高中英语试题What the old man ( )have a great effect on him.A does B does do C does does D do does 请求详解 英语试题一道,望详解,It is___,not you,who wants more.A.me B.him C.he D.I (答案是D)为什么不能选择 英语试题一道望详解I come here__to tell you that our team has won.A.particularly B.specially C.generally D.especially(答案是B)请结合这题说明这几个词用法上的区别 请求详解We couldn’t have played worseM:I’m sorry I missed the football game.But I had a terrible cold.W:You didn’t miss anything.We couldn’t have played worse. 请求详解过程,谢谢 说文解字:副 请求详解 请求该题详解 一道初二英语试题When you finish school,you have your g__________ 英语试题,40,hurry up.we don't have ___time.a,many b,enough c,too many41,i'm give___a,the man the book b,the book the man c,the book for the man42,i am not feelimg very well.i ___to see the doctor.a,need b,should c,would43,___are you feeling?i am 一道中招英语试题---Have you seen _____ mobile phone?i left it here just now?---No,i haven't.A.a B.an C.the D.x请简要说明理由. 一道英语试题 巨难!59.I had eaten Chinese food often,but I could not have imagined how_____ and extravagant a real Chinese banquet could be,A) prominent C) handsomeB) fabulous D) gracious 一道英语试题求学霸指点 I want to have a toy car as my birthday present.换一种说法,意思不变这是小学6年级上学期的一道英语试题.属于句型转换 初三英语试题,1.我有几件事情要做.I have _____ ______ ______ things to do. I have been looking for a man. 请求详解PPR 中水管?