英语翻译If I talk about Stefani Germanotta,do you know who she is?Yes,this name isn’t that popular as her another name-----Lady Gaga.These two words are so popular in recent years and I guess all of you know her more or less.The song made GAGA

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 22:30:14

英语翻译If I talk about Stefani Germanotta,do you know who she is?Yes,this name isn’t that popular as her another name-----Lady Gaga.These two words are so popular in recent years and I guess all of you know her more or less.The song made GAGA
If I talk about Stefani Germanotta,do you know who she is?Yes,this name isn’t that popular as her another name-----Lady Gaga.These two words are so popular in recent years and I guess all of you know her more or less.
The song made GAGA rise to fame overnight,which brought her plenty of things such as fame,and a bright future.Then the song pushed her enterprise to a new peak.You may say she is a lucky one,but actually she isn’t that lucky as you’ve imagined.Before her coming famous,she worked in lots of places such as bars,dancing,singing,and crying.She had so great a dream but she can’t realize it.What’ more,her father just didn’t understand her and she went into a dilemma.At that time,her grandma told her:”I give you a few hours to cry,but after that you can’t cry anymore,you must cheer up,you must return to NY and you must fight it!” As time flied,she did it!Yes,she did it!She makes everyone know her name,she stands on the stage of Grammy,leading the tendency of popular music.She stands in the White House,protecting
people who lack of love.She stands at the top of music world,with her dreams shining.Yes,she has the biggest ambition in the world.Yes,she was born to shock the world.Yes,she is LADY GAGA.
You may think:”Oh,she is weird!Look at her hair!Look at her shoes her clothes her face!”… And so forth.But in fact that is just a way to express herself,to show her attitude and her opinions.I beg you don’t know her well,she is a very kind girl and she loves her fans who are called little monsters.I’m one of them and I beg she is a good singer,a good girl,and a super diva.
I wanna wind up this presentation by gaga’s words at her concert in Vancouver:
“Everyone thought I was a freak or I looked like a gay or I was not that of them.But I don’t care.Because,I have enough courage to face all of these rumors.Yes,the real world is so cruel,but now open your eyes,15,000 people in Vancouver are screaming for you tonight!”

英语翻译If I talk about Stefani Germanotta,do you know who she is?Yes,this name isn’t that popular as her another name-----Lady Gaga.These two words are so popular in recent years and I guess all of you know her more or less.The song made GAGA
如果我提起Stefani Germanotta,你知道她是谁吗?是的,这个名字没有她的另一个名字有名气—-Lady Gaga.这两个词在近些年非常火,我想你们或多或少都了解她一些.
《Poker Face 》让GAGA 一夜成名,带给她无限荣誉和光明的未来.《Bad romance》这首歌曲将其事业推向一个全新的顶峰.也许你会说她是个幸运儿,但实际上她没有你想象的那样幸运.成名前,她在许多地方工作过,比如在酒吧跳舞唱歌和叫喊.她有个伟大的梦想但却无法实现.更严重的是,父亲的不理解使她陷入两难的境地.同时,她的外婆告诉她:“我可以给你几个小时去哭泣,但是在那之后你再也不可以哭,你必须振作起来,必须返回纽约,你必须与它抗争!" 时间飞逝,她终于做到了!是的,她成功了!她让每一个人对其无所不知,她站在格莱美的舞台上,引领流行音乐的潮流.她站在白宫里,保护缺乏关爱的人们.她带着自己闪耀的梦想,站在世界音乐的顶端.是的,她有着这世界上最伟大的雄心.是的,她生来就是为了震撼世界.是的,她就是LADY GAGA.你可能会认为”天哪,她真怪异!看她的头发!看她的鞋子她的衣服她的脸!“ .等等.但是事实上,那只是她表达自己,展示自己态度和观点的方式.我打赌你一定不是非常了解她.她是一个很善良的女孩,她爱自己的粉丝,她的粉丝都爱称呼她为怪兽.我是他们中的一员,我打赌她是一个好歌手,好的女孩和超级女主角.我想要以GAGA在温哥华音乐会上的话来结束这次介绍”大家都认为我有病,看起来像同性恋或者其他可能.但是我不在乎.因为我有足够多的勇气去面对谣言.是的,真实世界是残酷的,但是现在请睁开你们的双眼,1.5000人今夜在温哥华为你尖叫!“

如果我谈论斯蒂芬尼,杰尔马诺塔,你知道她是谁吗?是的,这个名字是不是受欢迎的她另一个名字----- Lady Gaga。这两个词在最近几年非常受欢迎,我想你们都知道她更多或更少。


如果我谈论斯蒂芬尼,杰尔马诺塔,你知道她是谁吗?是的,这个名字是不是受欢迎的她另一个名字----- Lady Gaga。这两个词在最近几年非常受欢迎,我想你们都知道她更多或更少。
那些缺乏爱的。她站在音乐的世界上,她的梦想闪耀。是的,她有世界上最大的野心。是的,她是天生的震撼世界。是的,她是lady gaga。
我想结束这个演讲Lady Gaga的话在她在温哥华的演唱会:


如果我谈论史蒂芬妮杰尔马诺塔,你知不知道她是谁?是的,这个名字是不是受欢迎,因为她的另一个名字----- Lady Gaga的。这两个词是如此受欢迎,在最近几年,我想你们都知道她或多或少。的的歌曲的GAGA上升到一夜成名,这给她带来了很多的东西,如名声,和一个光明的未来。然后,的歌曲她的企业推到了一个新的高峰。你可能会说她是一个幸运的人,但实际上她...


如果我谈论史蒂芬妮杰尔马诺塔,你知不知道她是谁?是的,这个名字是不是受欢迎,因为她的另一个名字----- Lady Gaga的。这两个词是如此受欢迎,在最近几年,我想你们都知道她或多或少。的的歌曲的GAGA上升到一夜成名,这给她带来了很多的东西,如名声,和一个光明的未来。然后,的歌曲她的企业推到了一个新的高峰。你可能会说她是一个幸运的人,但实际上她是不是很幸运如你想象。之前,她出名,她曾在许多地方,如酒吧,跳舞,唱歌,哭了。她有如此之大的一个梦想,但她没有意识到这一点。什么“,她的父亲根本不理解她,她就陷入了两难的境地。当时,她的祖母告诉她:“我给你哭了几个小时,但之后,你不能哭了,你一定要振作起来,你必须返回到纽约,你必须打!”随着时间的飞行,她做到了!是的,她做到了!她让每个人都知道她的名字,她站在格莱美的舞台上,引领流行音乐的趋势。她站在白宫,保护人,缺乏爱心的人。她表示在顶部的音乐世界,与她的梦想闪耀。是的,她已经在世界上最大的目标。是的,她的诞生让世人震惊。是的,她是LADY GAGA.You可能会想:“哦,她是奇怪!看她的头发!看她的鞋子,她的衣服她的脸!“......等等。但事实上,这只是一种方式来表达自己,以表明她的态度,她的意见。我求求你不知道她的好,她是一个很善良的女孩,她喜欢她的歌迷们称为“小怪物”。我就是其中之一,我求她是一个很好的歌手,一个好女孩,一个超级小天后。我想结束这次演示Gaga的话,她在温哥华的演唱会:“每个人都以为我是一个怪胎,我看起来像一个同性恋,我是不是。但我不在乎。因为,我有足够的勇气面对所有这些谣言。是的,现实世界是如此的残酷,但现在打开你的眼睛,15000人在温哥华为你尖叫今晚!”希望对你有帮助,求采纳


If I talk about Stefani Germanotta, do you know who she is? Yes, this name isn’t that popular as her another name-----Lady Gaga. These two words are so popular in recent years and I guess all of you k...


If I talk about Stefani Germanotta, do you know who she is? Yes, this name isn’t that popular as her another name-----Lady Gaga. These two words are so popular in recent years and I guess all of you know her more or less.
如果我谈起 Stefani Germanotta,你知道她是谁吗?
是的,这个名称并没有像她的另一个名称一样出名 --- Lady Gaga。


英语翻译Sometimes I don’t answer because I don’t how to talk about something that I don’t want to talk about,meanwhile I don’t know how to answer the others if I don’t want to talk. WHAT I TALK ABOUT WHEN I TALK ABOUT RUNNING怎么样 if i have free time,i_________(talk) with you about our future plans 是加will 英语翻译Mika - My Interpretation专辑《Life In Cartoon Motion》演唱/MikaYou talk about lifeyou talk about deathAnd everything in betweenLike it's nothingand the words are easyYou talk about meand you talk about youAnd everything I doLike it' 英语翻译..I don’t want to talk about it,because I’m in love with you If only you knew how much I think of you and I want talk about with you 英语翻译:I left meeting when they began to talk about politics and headed for the exit. 英语翻译下,I promise to you talk about a love never 什么意思呢 英语翻译She asked if she could call me later as she didn't want to talk about it then. What ( ) you ( ) (talk) about?I am talkingWhat ( ) you ( ) (talk) about?I am talking about my book. I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT I just want to talk about a i don't wanna talk about I don't talk about it 是什么意思 I 'll talk about my data 英语翻译I can tell by your eyes that you've prob'bly been cryin' forever,and the stars in the sky don't mean nothin' to you,they're a mirror.I don't want to talk about it,how you broke my heart.If I stay here just a little bit longer,If I stay he 英语翻译i wonder what will happen if i meet with a native speaker.the english corner is the place where i can practice my spoken english.in afairly real situation,i can talk to others about whatever i want to.in this way,i an sure i will speak en talk about