
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 01:44:09


您好 兰月爱音很高兴为您解答
  My dog will be dead. She is very old. We have kept her for ten years. Now her hairs are falling. And she always lies on the ground. She can’t see very clearly. She eats a little. She becomes thin. She was very strong before. She is still guarding my family. She is one of my family member. Now we are all uneasy because she will die. I think you may know my thinking. Even if it is a dog, you can’t forget it. So these days, we feet her the best food.
  The night before the examination
  The clock struck eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light, I looked gloomily before me at a huge pile of that disgusting stuff they call“books”.
  I was going to have my examination the next day. “Whencan I go to bed ” I asked myself. I did not answer. In fact I dared not.
  The clock struck 12.“Oh, dear!”I cried. “Ten more books to read before I can go to bed!”We students are the most wretched creatures in the world.
  谢谢 祝您学习进步

谁有300词的英语作文啊?急用!最好是写春节的,我后天就要用的. 关于“拥抱亲情,孝心一生”的作文.800字以上.急用有谁会写啊?最好是议论文!小弟急用. 谁帮我写一篇写公园的作文?我有急用!最好是写庐江的公园哦!呵呵! 求英语往年四级作文,自己写的,最好有错误的那种.急用, 作文写一篇记叙文,最好是自己写的,越快越好,我有急用 谁有以“2038年:义乌和我”的作文啊!急用最好是初中生的,500字左右,我急用! 谁有英语作文写(我的家乡-北京)的啊?急用 亲情作文(最好是写父亲,奶奶的)急用! 英语作文 how to protect the environment(60字左右) 有急用 最好是60字左右的 写母亲优美的句子谁有?最好是短一点的!急用!急用! 新年趣事英语作文最好有中文翻译,一定要自己写的!最好是初中的作文 谁有关于我的爱好的英语作文 (爱好最好是写乒乓球的) 写一则新闻发生在我们身边的作文300字最好是最近的 急用啊 谁能帮我 关于介绍奥巴马的英语作文 最好是 连中文也带上 急用急用急用急用急用急用急用注意分段 我最喜欢的体育运动 英语作文 最好是用初中的知识点 用打羽毛球写 快,急用! 弘扬民族精神作文 林则徐 1000字 急用啊 最好是自己写的 五年级英语作文:Library rules (图书馆规矩)最好是范文 要写的好一点 急用 嗯我要写一个作文、要用排比句做开头、谁有关于背影的排比句告诉我吧~【最好是自己写的~急用~