情态动词的怎么变反义疑问句we must finish our homework today . 后面如何变反义疑问句请说出具体原因,然后加10分

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 23:54:53

情态动词的怎么变反义疑问句we must finish our homework today . 后面如何变反义疑问句请说出具体原因,然后加10分
we must finish our homework today . 后面如何变反义疑问句

情态动词的怎么变反义疑问句we must finish our homework today . 后面如何变反义疑问句请说出具体原因,然后加10分
We must finish our homework today,mustn't we?我们必须今天完成作业,是不是啊?
--Yes,you must.
--No,you needn't.

We must finish our homework today, mustn't we?
通俗而不严格的说法也可以用..., don't we?

shall we ?

We must finish our homework today,mustn't we?

we must finish our homework today . don't you?

反意疑问句 1) 陈述部分的主语是I,疑问部分要用 aren't I。例如: I'm as tall as your sister, aren't I? 我跟你姐一样高,对吗? 2) 陈述部分的谓语是wish,疑问部分要用may +主语。例如: I wish to have a word with you, may I? 我想与你说句话,行吗? 3) 陈述部...


反意疑问句 1) 陈述部分的主语是I,疑问部分要用 aren't I。例如: I'm as tall as your sister, aren't I? 我跟你姐一样高,对吗? 2) 陈述部分的谓语是wish,疑问部分要用may +主语。例如: I wish to have a word with you, may I? 我想与你说句话,行吗? 3) 陈述部分用 no, nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, rarely, little等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。例如: Some plants never blown (开花), do they ? 有些植物从不开花,对吗? 4) 含有ought to 的反意疑问句,陈述部分是肯定的,疑问部分用shouldn't / oughtn't +主语。例如: He ought to know what to do, oughtn't he? / shouldn't he? 他应该知道该做什么,对吗? 5) 陈述部分有have to +v. (had to + v.),疑问部分常用don't +主语(didn't +主语)。例如: We have to get there at eight tomorrow, don't we? 我们要在明天早上八点到达那儿,是吗? 6) 陈述部分的谓语是used to 时,疑问部分用didn't +主语或 usedn't +主语。例如: He used to take pictures there, didn't he? / usedn't he? 他以前常在那儿拍照,是吗? 7) 陈述部分有had better + v. 疑问句部分用hadn't you? 例如: You'd better read it by yourself, hadn't you? 你最好自己去读,好吗? 8) 陈述部分有would rather +v.,疑问部分多用 wouldn't +主语。例如: He would rather read it ten times than recite it, wouldn't he? 他宁可读十遍也不愿意背诵,是吗? 9) 陈述部分有You'd like to +v. 疑问部分用wouldn't +主语。例如: You'd like to go with me, wouldn't you? 你想和我们一块去,对吗? 10) 陈述部分有must 的疑问句,疑问部分根据实际情况而定。例如: He must be a doctor, isn't he? 他肯定是医生,是吗? You must have studied English for three years, haven't you? / didn't you? 你一定读过三年英语,对吗? He must have finished it yesterday, didn't he? 他肯定是在昨天完成任务的,是吗? 11) 感叹句中,疑问部分用be +主语。例如: What colors, aren't they? 多漂亮的颜色,是吗? 12) 陈述部分由neither… nor, either… or 连接的并列主语时,疑问部分根据其实际逻辑意义而定。 Neither you nor I am engineer, are we? 你不是工程师,我也不是,对吗? 13) 陈述部分主语是指示代词或不定代词everything, that, nothing, this, 疑问部分主语用it。例如: Everything is ready, isn't it? 一切就绪,是吗? 14) 陈述部分为主语从句或并列复合句,疑问部分有三种情况: a. 并列复合句疑问部分,谓语动词根据邻近从句的谓语而定。例如: Mr. Smith had been to Beijing for several times, he should have been in China now, shouldn't he? 史密斯先生曾几次去过北京,按理说他现在应该在中国,是吗? b. 带有定语从句,宾语从句的主从复合句,疑问部分谓语根据主句的谓语而定。例如: He said he wanted to visit Japan, didn't he? 他说他想去日本看看,他是那样说的吗? c. 陈述部分主句为第一人称,谓语是think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine等引导的定语从句,疑问部分与宾语从句相对应构成反意疑问句。例如: I don't think he is bright, is he? 我认为他并不聪明,是吗? We believe she can do it better, can't she? 我们相信她能做得更好,她能吗? 15) 陈述部分主语是不定代词everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one等,疑问部分常用复数they,有时也用单数he。例如: Everyone knows the answer, don't they? (does he?) 人人都知道答案,是这样吧? Nobody knows about it, do they? (does he?) 没人知道这件事,是吧? 16) 带情态动词dare或need的反意疑问句,疑问部分常用 need (dare ) +主语。例如: We need not do it again, need we ? 我们不必重做一遍,是吗? He dare not say so, dare he? 他不敢这样说,是吗? 当dare, need 为实义动词时,疑问部分用助动词do + 主语。例如: She doesn't dare to go home alone, does she? 她不敢独自回家,是吗? 17) 省去主语的祈使句的反意疑问句,疑问部分用will you。例如: Don't do that again, will you? 别再这样做,好吗? Go with me, will you / won't you ? 跟我走吧,好吗? 注意:Let's 开头的祈使句,后用shall we? Let us 开头的祈使句,后用will you? 例如: Let's go and listen to the music, shall we? 一起去听音乐,好吗? Let us wait for you in the reading-room, will you ? 你让我们在阅览室等你,好吗? 18) 陈述部分是"there be"结构的,疑问部分用there省略主语代词。例如: There is something wrong with your watch, isn't there? 你的表有问题,对不对? There will not be any trouble, will there? 不会有麻烦吧,是吗? 19) 否定前缀不能视为否定词,其反意疑问句仍用否定形式。例如: It is impossible, isn't it? 这不可能,是吗? He is not unkind to his classmates, is he? 他不会对他同学使坏,是吗? 20) must在表"推测"时,根据其推测的情况来确定反意疑问句。例如: He must be there now, isn't he? 他现在肯定在那儿,是吧? It must be going to rain tomorrow, won't it? 明天肯定要下雨,是吗?
