英语翻译Once a great boxer,Tom Brown,goes to a restaurant for dinner.He puts his bag near the door,but he is afraid that someone will take it.So he gets out a pen ande apiece of paper and writes on it:"The greatboxer,Tom Brown,leaves his bag here

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 00:23:12

英语翻译Once a great boxer,Tom Brown,goes to a restaurant for dinner.He puts his bag near the door,but he is afraid that someone will take it.So he gets out a pen ande apiece of paper and writes on it:"The greatboxer,Tom Brown,leaves his bag here
Once a great boxer,Tom Brown,goes to a restaurant for dinner.He puts his bag near the door,but he is afraid that someone will take it.So he gets out a pen ande apiece of paper and writes on it:"The greatboxer,Tom Brown,leaves his bag here.He will come back in a few minutes."He puts the paper on his bag and goes to paper on the ground.It says:'A greatrunner takes away your bag,and he will not come back.
1.Tom Brown goes to the restaurant( )
A.for his bag B.to see the runner C.to have his meal D.for his pen
2.Mr Brown is afraid( )
A.to put down his bag near the door B.he can't find his penC.thieves will take his bag away D.he can'tget enouh food from the restaurant.
3.Mr Brown writes the words on the paper because he ( )
A.thinks the thief will not steal his bag when he readsthe words B.is a boxer C.wants to catch the thief D.wants to get to know the thief
4.When Me Brown comes back he ( )
A.finds another piece of paper on the ground B.finds his bag wasn" there C.both A and B D.sees the runner running afer him
5Whichis NOT right?
A.Mr Brown is foolish B.The runner is a thief C.The runner makes a joke on Mr Brown D.The boxer knows the runner well
He puts the paper on his bag and goes to hace his dinner.But he finds a piece of paper on the ground.Is says...........后面的一样、这里抄错了、

英语翻译Once a great boxer,Tom Brown,goes to a restaurant for dinner.He puts his bag near the door,but he is afraid that someone will take it.So he gets out a pen ande apiece of paper and writes on it:"The greatboxer,Tom Brown,leaves his bag here
汤姆布朗先生去餐馆( )
A.为了他的包 B.为了见长跑运动员 C.为了用餐 D.为了他的笔
布朗先生害怕( )
A.把包放在门旁边 B.他找不到自己的笔
C.会有贼偷他的包 D.他在餐馆吃不饱
布朗先生在纸上写下那些字是因为他( )
A.认为贼看见那些字后就不会偷他的包 B.是一个拳击手
C.想抓住小偷 D.想知道小偷是谁
当布朗先生回来时,他( )
A.发现地板上有另一张纸条 B.发现他的包不见了
C.AB都选 D.看见长跑运动员追着他跑
A.布朗先生很愚蠢 B.那个长跑运动员其实是个贼
C.长跑运动员跟布朗先生开了个玩笑 D.布朗先生对那个长跑运动员很了解

从前,一个厉害的拳击手Tom Brown去餐馆吃饭,他把包放在了门附近,可他又担心被别人拿走,所以他拿出笔和一张纸并写上“厉害的拳击手Tom Brown把包放在这,他一会儿就回来”,他把这张纸放在了包上后走了,回来时发现另一张纸在地上,上面写着“一个跑步健将拿走了你的包,但他不会回来了”。


从前,一个厉害的拳击手Tom Brown去餐馆吃饭,他把包放在了门附近,可他又担心被别人拿走,所以他拿出笔和一张纸并写上“厉害的拳击手Tom Brown把包放在这,他一会儿就回来”,他把这张纸放在了包上后走了,回来时发现另一张纸在地上,上面写着“一个跑步健将拿走了你的包,但他不会回来了”。


从前有个伟大的拳击手Tom Brown,到餐馆吃晚饭。他把他的包放在靠近门的地方,但他怕有人会拿走它。所以他拿出笔和一张纸在上面写道:“伟大的拳击手, Tom Brown,把包放在这里。几分钟后他会回来取走。”他把这张纸放在包上,然后(PS:这儿你是不是少抄了一点?)走向地上的一张纸,上面写着:“一个伟大的跑手拿走了你的包,而且他再也不会回来。”
1. C


从前有个伟大的拳击手Tom Brown,到餐馆吃晚饭。他把他的包放在靠近门的地方,但他怕有人会拿走它。所以他拿出笔和一张纸在上面写道:“伟大的拳击手, Tom Brown,把包放在这里。几分钟后他会回来取走。”他把这张纸放在包上,然后(PS:这儿你是不是少抄了一点?)走向地上的一张纸,上面写着:“一个伟大的跑手拿走了你的包,而且他再也不会回来。”
1. C
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. D


一旦一个伟大的拳击手,汤姆布朗,到一间餐厅吃晚餐.他放在靠近门口的袋子,但他怕有人会it.So他得到了笔安德纸apiece,并就此事写道:“ greatboxer,汤姆布朗,离开他的袋子here.他会在几分钟后回来。“他把他的包的文件和ground.It去白皮书说:'阿greatrunner带走您的行李,他将不会回来。


一旦一个伟大的拳击手,汤姆布朗,到一间餐厅吃晚餐.他放在靠近门口的袋子,但他怕有人会it.So他得到了笔安德纸apiece,并就此事写道:“ greatboxer,汤姆布朗,离开他的袋子here.他会在几分钟后回来。“他把他的包的文件和ground.It去白皮书说:'阿greatrunner带走您的行李,他将不会回来。
A.to放下近门B.he袋找不到他的penC.thieves会从他的行李离开餐厅D.he can'tget enouh食物。


句子不完整,该是:He puts the paper on his bag and goes to have his meal.After he had his meal and began to take his bag.He found the bag was gone.A piece of paper on the ground.It says:"A great runner. . .

once a great A GREAT BEAUTY 英语翻译 i visit the great wall once a year翻译 英语翻译Which is the house the great man once lived An unusual one with a big round roof on the hillside over there . 英语翻译Behind a great experience 英语翻译Once a farmer,forever a farmer. Let's try once more ___the box.A.to open B.opening C.open Dopened 英语翻译用once upon a time 英语翻译once 1、We need to think outside of box ______ we are to come up with something really new.A.so that B.as long as C.once D.if2/ The financial crisis and the suffering ______ has caused have a great influence on the whole world.A.they B.which C.it D.what3 英语翻译Do you like chocolate?Maybe most people do.A box of it can be a great gift.Buy one for a friend and give it as a surprise.See how happy that person gets.Say you just got a box of chocolate.Which piece do you pick first?A man has studied p 英语翻译.Please put in a plan box PLAN box 是指由规划的盒子?还是 the Great American Desert was once assumed as a sterile region.assume as 翻译成什么 英语翻译Feminine ForceThe mere idea of becoming a successful career woman was once unheard of in Asia.Parents made great effort to send their sons to university,but considered the thought of educating their daughters extremely foolish and a waste 英语翻译Being a volunteer is great! 英语翻译怎么翻译?(It comes in a box) 英语翻译地址:301 A station street,box hill south,vic 英语翻译Hope you are doing great?Thanks for your mail,Like I said before Iam a manager of security company here in my country,I am writing toask for your help to get a box of money in your country on my behalf,The above fums box belongs to our cu