英语翻译The case of Commerce One Inc.(CMRC),a business-to-business software company,is all too typical.The company used its rising stock value –which soared above $140 in early 2000 – to find five acquisitions that quickly catapulted its reve

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 19:05:03

英语翻译The case of Commerce One Inc.(CMRC),a business-to-business software company,is all too typical.The company used its rising stock value –which soared above $140 in early 2000 – to find five acquisitions that quickly catapulted its reve
The case of Commerce One Inc.(CMRC),a business-to-business software company,is all too typical.The company used its rising stock value –which soared above $140 in early 2000 – to find five acquisitions that quickly catapulted its revenues to nearly $400 million.With its stock currently below $2 a share,Commerce One Chairman and CEO Mark B.Hoffman admits the days of acquiring growth on the cheap are over.”It’s changed from what we were doing before,which was grow,grow,grow the company as quickly as you can,gain market share.” Now,he sighs,“it’s going to be much more like old,historical growth.”
But for other companies,the pressures are more intense.Particularly vulnerable are those that spent freely when times were fat but are weighed down with stiff interest payments and heavy debt loads now that their growth has slowed.After spending a hefty $17 billion to acquire other pulp and paper makers in recent years,Atlanta-based Georgia-Pacific Group (GP) is struggling with $12 billion in debt in the middle of a sharp downturn in many of its core markets,Georgia-Pacific executives insist that the company is not facing a liquidity squeeze.Still,analysts think that Georgia-Pacific will likely have to sell or spin off some assets to remain in compliance with its lending covenants.
For other companies,the problems stem from acquisitions that haven’t worked,Among them is Conseco Inc.,the Indianapolis-based financial-service firm that,under then-Chief Executive Steven C.Hilbert,swung dozens of deals during the 1990s.But its biggest deal,the 1998 purchase of Green Tree Financial Corp.for $7.6 billion,hasn’t panned out And Conseco is struggling to service its debt.Given Conseco’s deteriorating cash position,”it’s going to be difficult for them ” to make good on the $1.1 billion in debt payments due later in 2002,says Salomon Smith Barney analyst Colin W.Devine.
Conseco executives clearly disagree.They insist that they have already taken aggressive action to bring down debt,and they say the company plans to raise an additional $750 million through the sale of portions of its insurance business and other assets.The company has also repurchased $266 million in bonds at a 30% discount in the secondary market.“Liquidity is not an issue,” says Conseco’s current chief executive,Gary C .Wendt.But having already sold $1.6 billion in assets –and with an additional $6 billion in debt still on the books—some investors and analysts wonder whether Wendt will ultimately run out of things to sell.“There’re hardly any assets left there,” notes Devine.
It’s too early to tell how many other companies will fall as hard or as fast as the Tycos,WorldComs,and Consecos.Still,as the corporate heroes of the deal-crazed 1990s fade away,there’s no doubt that they’ll be taking with them their now-repudiated business model.No more deals for deal’s sake alone.At least,not for some time to come.
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英语翻译The case of Commerce One Inc.(CMRC),a business-to-business software company,is all too typical.The company used its rising stock value –which soared above $140 in early 2000 – to find five acquisitions that quickly catapulted its reve
商务部One公司(微带谐振单元),一个业务案例,对企业软件公司,是非常典型的.该公司利用其不断上涨的股票价值超过$ 140的在2000年年初上涨-找到五,迅速跃居其收入近4亿美元收购.凭借其目前都低于2美元每股,Commerce One公司董事长兼首席执行官马克二霍夫曼承认,获取股票的廉价增长的日子已经结束了.“这改变了我们从以前做的,这是成长,成长,尽快成长,您可以,抢占市场份额的公司.”现在,他叹了口气,“这将是更像老,历史的增长.”

商务部One公司(微带谐振单元),一个业务案例,对企业软件公司,是非常典型的。该公司利用其不断上涨的股票价值超过$ 140的在2000年年初上涨-找到五,迅速跃居其收入近4亿美元收购。凭借其目前都低于2美元每股,Commerce One公司董事长兼首席执行官马克乙股票
霍夫曼承认获取的廉价增长的日子已经结束了。 “这改变了我们从以前做的,这是成长,成长,尽快成长,您可以,抢占市场份额的公司...


商务部One公司(微带谐振单元),一个业务案例,对企业软件公司,是非常典型的。该公司利用其不断上涨的股票价值超过$ 140的在2000年年初上涨-找到五,迅速跃居其收入近4亿美元收购。凭借其目前都低于2美元每股,Commerce One公司董事长兼首席执行官马克乙股票
霍夫曼承认获取的廉价增长的日子已经结束了。 “这改变了我们从以前做的,这是成长,成长,尽快成长,您可以,抢占市场份额的公司。”现在,他叹了口气,“这将是更像老,历史的增长。”
Conseco的管理人员显然不同意。他们声称,他们已经采取积极的行动以降低债务,他们说,该公司计划通过提高其保险业务和其他资产出售部分额外拨款7.5亿美元。该公司还回购了在二级市场30%的折扣美元的债券2.66亿美元。 “流动性不是问题,




其他公司的问题来自于收购,到现在还没有工作,其中之一是Conseco股份有限公司的Indianapolis-based financial-service公司,在then-Chief执行官史蒂文c希尔伯特,数十名交易在20世纪90年代。但是它最大的交易,1998年金融公司购买青翠树为七百六十万美元亿美元,还没有过挣扎出来,Conseco还债。给Conseco恶化的现金的位置,”那将会是非常困难,"取得良好的11亿美元的债务款项后在2002年萨洛蒙·史密斯·巴尼分析师称,柯林·用。
Conseco高管明确意见。他们坚持认为,他们已经采取更强硬的措施来降低债务,他们说,公司计划增加额外的7.5亿美元的部分通过出售其保险业务和其他资产。该公司也已卖出回购$ 266亿在30%折扣在二级市场流动性。”不是一个问题Conseco说:“目前的首席执行官加里·C .Wendt。但是已经售出1.6亿美元的资产——用额外的60亿美元的债务仍在books-some投资者和分析师是否最终会跑出来的许多东西卖。”几乎任何资产离开那里,"音符用。
为时过早有多少其他公司将为硬或不及,WorldComs Tycos,Consecos。但是,随着公司的英雄在20世纪90年代deal-crazed退色,毫无疑问,他们将带着他们的now-repudiated商业模式。没有更多的交易合同的缘故。至少,一段时间。


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