新概念英语同步测试卷Book1 Test25和Test26的答案写清题号,最好把题抄上,正确无误再加50分!

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新概念英语同步测试卷Book1 Test25和Test26的答案写清题号,最好把题抄上,正确无误再加50分!
新概念英语同步测试卷Book1 Test25和Test26的答案

新概念英语同步测试卷Book1 Test25和Test26的答案写清题号,最好把题抄上,正确无误再加50分!
一aeicoaeetpeerrioowta 三asleep glasses toilet coins swallowed mouth story parrot torch thieves 四asleep more for Both already on yet away as up 五ABDCABDCCB 六everywhere--anywhere Every one--Everyone have--has droped--dropped is--was rang got--was getting thiefs--thieves opened--turned on yet--alreary 七1There were policemen everywhere the day before yesterday. 2 Tommy had already swallowed them before they arrived home. 3She telephoned me again later that morning. 4He cut himself when he was shaving. 5It happened to a friend of mine a year ago.6窃贼扔掉手电筒,飞快地逃走了. 7她考完试后去度假了.8 我的眼镜一定是放在什么地方了.9汤米今天上午已经上了三次厕所,我还没发现任何硬币呢.10我正要出门的时候,邮递员来了. 八1Is not there anyone at home? 2There is nothing left in the box. 3Tommy had already swallowed them. 4I have not had any change yet. 5We both tried to get the coins out. 6Someone knocked at the door while I was cooking in the kitchen yesterday. 7Two thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as possible. 8Nothing happened and let us go back to sleep. 9I ask the price of the car but it had already been sold. 10They had had dinner before we arrived yesterday. 至于第二题音标题嘛,有的音标不会打.其他的保证全对 希望我的回答能对你有所帮助,楼主快点采纳啊!