用同义句写出下面的句子1.Dinosaurs all died out suddenly2.Mickey Mouse was based on a mouse3.After leaving school ,be became asoldier4.Beijing is famous for many atractions5.Finally ,we won the game6.He is more than 50 years old7.What do yo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:34:41

用同义句写出下面的句子1.Dinosaurs all died out suddenly2.Mickey Mouse was based on a mouse3.After leaving school ,be became asoldier4.Beijing is famous for many atractions5.Finally ,we won the game6.He is more than 50 years old7.What do yo
1.Dinosaurs all died out suddenly
2.Mickey Mouse was based on a mouse
3.After leaving school ,be became asoldier
4.Beijing is famous for many atractions
5.Finally ,we won the game
6.He is more than 50 years old
7.What do you learn about dinours
8.His unde bought him an cell phone
9.You're as old Lucy
10.There is rubbish everywhere

用同义句写出下面的句子1.Dinosaurs all died out suddenly2.Mickey Mouse was based on a mouse3.After leaving school ,be became asoldier4.Beijing is famous for many atractions5.Finally ,we won the game6.He is more than 50 years old7.What do yo
1.Dinosaurs all died out all of a sudden.
2.Mickey Mouse was on the base of a mouse.
3.After finishing school,he became a soldier.
After he left school,he became a soldier.
4.Beijing is well-known for many attractions.
Beijing is famous as an attractive place.
5.Finally ,we got the first place in the game.
6.He is over 50 years old.
7.What do you know about dinours?
8.His uncle bought an cell phone for him.
9.(You're as old as Lucy.)原句有错误
You're the same age as Lucy.
10.There is rubbish here and there.

写出下面句子同义句 写出下面英语句子的同义句Predicting the future is difficult.(写出同义句) 请写出下面句子的同义句.I don't know.的同义句. 写出下面句子的同义句I'm in Grade 7.I'm( ) ( ) ( ). 写出下面句子的同义句They're watching a football game on TV at four o'clock in the afternoon.写出同义句并且讲解为什么 写出下面句子的同义句 I'm in the school Reading Club.I'm( ) ( ) ( ) the school Reading Club. 写出下面句子的同义句,每空一词.Let's watch TV now._____ _____ watching TV now? 写出下列句子的同义句!π_π 写出下列句子的同义句,前面还有三题 初一英语之写出下列句子的同义句 写出下列句子的同义句每空一词,缩写算一词 写出下列句子的同义句.Is that your box? 写出下列句子的同义句每空一词. 写出下面句子的同义句. 1.Look! The man isn’t there. He is_写出下面句子的同义句. 1.Look! The man isn’t there. He is_. 2.Thank you very much. _ a lot. 3.This blackboard(黑板)isn’t black. It’s_. 4.David is from Chi 将下面的句子转换成同义句.1.He gives it milk and good food. 用英语描述恐龙!Dinosau~Dinosaur is...... 一个英语问题,写出下面句子的同义句.Tom has a book.改为同义句.Tom ( )( )( ) book.懂得告诉一下.还有一个问题 ice cream在什么时候是可数的,什么时候是不可数的? 写出下面句子的同义句 1.He left two days ago.1.He left two days ago.He ___________for____________.He___________since___________.It is ____________since he left .Two days___________________since he.