The Youth Olympic Games(YOG) will be held in ( ) in ( ).It is one of the world's most important competitions.There are a lot of famous people in the world.President Bush is in( ).YaoMing,but he plays basketball in( ).Detectlve Conan is a character of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 06:27:34

The Youth Olympic Games(YOG) will be held in ( ) in ( ).It is one of the world's most important competitions.There are a lot of famous people in the world.President Bush is in( ).YaoMing,but he plays basketball in( ).Detectlve Conan is a character of
The Youth Olympic Games(YOG) will be held in ( ) in ( ).It is one of the world's most important competitions.
There are a lot of famous people in the world.President Bush is in( ).YaoMing,but he plays basketball in( ).Detectlve Conan is a character of a popular cartoon from( ).
The king of pop,supert star Michael Jackson is an ( ),he was ong of the most famous
singer in the world.

The Youth Olympic Games(YOG) will be held in ( ) in ( ).It is one of the world's most important competitions.There are a lot of famous people in the world.President Bush is in( ).YaoMing,but he plays basketball in( ).Detectlve Conan is a character of
The Youth Olympic Games will be held in( Nanjing) in (2014).It is one of the world’s most important compertitions.青年奥运会将于2014年在南京举行.它是世界上最重要的体育竞赛之一.
There are a lot of famous people in the world.世界上有很多名人.
President Bush is in( America ).布什总统身在美国.
YaoMing,but he plays basketball in( China ).而姚明在中国打篮球.
Detectlve Conan is a character of a popular cartoon from ( Japan ).侦探柯南是来自日本的一个很受欢迎的卡通人物.
The king of pop,supert star Michael Jackson is an ( singer ),he was ong of the most famous
singer in the world.流行音乐巨星迈克尔杰克逊是一位歌手,他的歌曾是世界上最著名的音乐作品.


The Youth Olympic Games(YOG) will be held in (Nanjing) in (2014).It is one of the world's most important competitions.
There are a lot of famous people in the world.President Bush is in (America)....


The Youth Olympic Games(YOG) will be held in (Nanjing) in (2014).It is one of the world's most important competitions.
There are a lot of famous people in the world.President Bush is in (America).YaoMing,but he plays basketball in (China).Detectlve Conan is a character of a popular cartoon from (Japan).
The king of pop,supert star Michael Jackson is an (American), he was one of the most famous
singer in the world.


The Youth Olympic Games的意思 voluntary work for the youth olympic in nanjing 什么意思 youth olympic games是啥? 求音标My topic is the Youth Olympic Games with me to grow,the Youth Olympic sporting events.My topic is theYouth Olympic Games with me to grow,the Youth Olympic sporting events are setup to give young people,knead and sports,education and cultural The Youth Olympic Games will be held in Nanjing in 2014.It is one of the world’s most The second Youth Olympic Games ()in Nanjing this going to be heldB.are going to be heldReason,please the Olympic 英语翻译The Olympic Games are the celebration of the values of Olympics and of sporting ideals by the youth of the world. 青年 THE YOUTH怎么样 谁知道The Youth Olympic Games主题曲叫什么名啊?我听了几个版本的Everyone 都不是,如果是叫Everyone 那是哪几个人唱的? It is said that many( )(America) teenagers will come to watch the 2014Youth Olympic games in 南京括号内用正确的词填 The winning of hosting ____ __ 2014 Youth Olympic Games isThe winning of hosting _______ 2014 Youth Olympic Games is _______ victory not only for Nanjing residents,but for ___________ people of the whole Chinese nation. A. the; a; the B. a; the 英语高手麻烦来检查一下这篇文章有木有错误!I'm the little host of Youth Olympic GamesNanjing will host the Youth Olympic Games in 2014.Nanjing is located in the east of China,the bank of Yangteze River,the capital of Jiangsu.It has The Olympic games.还有The Olympic flame. The Olympic games were the XXIX Olympic Games C·the Olympic host the olympic