
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 06:45:43


1,we know the relevant letter of credit of above-mentioned goods and will soon open.Please trust,on receiving your square letter of credit,we will as early as possible arrange the first can order the steamer of the cabin shipment.
2,invite you a square an attention,the item of letter of credit has to completely agree with with the item of our sales confirmation,in order to prevent modify in the days to come.
3,our method of payment,generally with confirm of,can't cancel of,take my company as a beneficiary of,press the invoice amount of money the witness namely pays of the letter of credit pay and that letter of credit should open through the bank that we approve.
4,square to you No.1156 order,we can accept what you lift to use the suggestion that the usance bill pay.After goods pack,we will open the bank draft that expects for 60 days toward your square,please expire to namely pay.
5,notify now,your square opens through a Liverpudlian Mecca benefit bank of relevant we No.187 results confirmation of letter of credit the numbers H-15s just received.Through reviewing among them item,we sorrily discover that the item that some places rule with contract not agree with,it not agree with of place as follows:
1.Commission in response to is 3%,not 6%.
2.The goods should transport between October 11,isn't on October 30 or before transport on the 30th.
3.The goods press 110% of invoice value to insure insurance,isn't 150%
6,please expect your square No.4761 the shipment of the letter of credit and term of validity to distinguish an exhibition to the 19 XX a year November 30 and December 15,and notice a modification notification to want to arrive my place before October 30 at the 19 XX year,otherwise we definitely transport in November impossibly.
7,the carton be a kind of packing container already extensive usage in the international trade,therefore,to their proper sail,you need not worry.
8,we the packing of male shirt's ising each set be one plastics bag,5 dozens per cardboard box.The inner pad defend damp,the outside dozen hoop iron is 2.
9,pleased watch for the above-mentioned goods to please to take to transport ago on June 15,and press 150% of invoice amount of money to insure comprehensive insurance.We know according to the general management,you press the invoice amount of money 110% to insure,so additional the premium will be bear by us.
10,the claim concerning insurance the case should hand over insurance company or its business agent as soon as possible so that they have the enough time direction result in fault of the parties concerned carry on making track for Chang.
11,invoice we sorrily notify you,row the 8th,inside pack 10 typewriters,when the goods arrive,8 among those sets severity is damaged.Enclose with merchandise in Shanghai to quarantine the written report of inspection certificate and ship company agent that the bureau countersign now,think necessarily your square will not have a difficulty in the aspects of solving our bove-mentioned claim of USD 3000.
12,press the No.318 contract item,the goods should transport by January 20.We need in January 31 money to get hold of bill of lading at the latest,believe your square according to the date will deliver to deliver cargo a thing,so any cause disruption certanly will give us result in biggest inconvenient lose with economy.
13,notify its goods have already packed to go directly to the ship"popular actor" round on November 30 under the No.1234 order,the relevant sample has already started on journey ex- aviation to send in that square to you.
14,is late to hand over one matter on July 8 concerning the tractor order,very sorry,we have to complain.Although,Mo devil promises in mid- September to deliver goods,until this week we just receive to order,your square knows that we are on your square assuring foundation just order ° from you.
15,square because of you the objection put forward with we test a result inconformity,so request you the square has another check,for the purpose of certificate whether has reason to put forward claim

1、我们得悉上述货物的有关信用证即将开出.请放心,一收到你方信用证,我方将尽早安排第一艘可以订得舱位的轮船装运.2、请你方注意,信用证的条款必须与我方售货确认书的条款完全相符, 帮忙写篇关于外贸英语函电的作文robert先生你方2007.5.1日开出的xxx号信用证已收到.经过对信用证的审核,我方发现你方开出的信用证中正确的金额应为3000美元.目的港为liverpool鉴于上述情况,请 英语翻译请翻译以下文字:我们遗憾地告诉你方,直到今天我方才收到你 方有关上述售货确认书的信用证.在所述确认 书上清楚地规定有关信用证应不迟于8月底到 达我处.虽然你方信用证到达 英语翻译1.我们付款时保兑的,不可撤销的,以我方为受益人的欠票即付的银行信用证.该信用证应在装船期前一个月抵达我方.货物装出后,我们将向你开出30天到期的汇票.2.请报最低CIF伦敦,包含 英语翻译1.我们产品的这种新包装深受顾客喜爱.2.由于没有收到有关的信用证,我方无法在所规定的时间内装运.3 坚固的包装可以确保货物在运输中不受损坏. 英语翻译1请注意做到你方信用证在下月初开出,并且准许分批装运和转船.2我们想要强调一下,信用证规定识相必须完全以合约条款一致3我们通常要求用不可撤销的即期信用证付款 因此我们不 英语翻译肯特公司提供给中信的信用证即将到期失效. 1、在C.F.R术语下,单据条件包含了保险单据并要求注明“Frieght Prepaid”字样.判断:理由:2、信用证上规定禁止转运,提单上显示货物装于集装箱,并注明“货物即将发生转运”是允许的.判断: 英语翻译我的工作包括信用证申请书的填写以及跟踪银行开出,而后公司委派我去往日照港从事了国内货物的销售工作. 英语翻译8.我们认识到价格是维持、拓展市场的一个重要因素.9.直到此刻我们还没有得到你方有关装运合约名下的货物信息.10在此情况下,我们显然不能将到期的信用证再次展期,而且我们认为 信用证的有效期是开证行收到单据的时间还是我们这边的银行交出去的时间啊?我得货物大约得4.26号走船到奥兰,信用证的有效期是5.2号的,交单能来的及吗? 外贸函电的写作(中译英)先生:兹收到你方第4845号销售合同一式两份,按照你方要求,我们已经会签,随函退回一份.有关信用证已通过中国银行纽约分行开出,收到后请即安排装运并电告船名 我们的假期是从1月25日至1月31日!信用证可以在2月1日办理.到时会发给你信用证号. 帮忙翻译几个有关商务英语的句子,谢谢了~~1.最近他们一直在催促我们开立有关2000打铅笔的信用证(urge,open)2.交货日期日益临近,请你方尽快申请开立信用证(apply for)3.请注意有关信用证已通 急求有关信用证欺诈的英文文献 信用证中关于PORT OF DISCHARGE本来即将交付单据给银行,但是有一点现在搞得我头疼,信用证中目的港要求是:ANY PORT IN DUBAI,然后我们公司的出口代理在确定船公司的时候,估计忘记提出这点了,现 Credit available with ABOCCNBT340 bank--->Credit available with any bank早上好,有谁能帮我翻译一下这两个信用证条款的意思吗?另外我还想问的是:Credit available with ABOCCNBT340 bank]这是我们客户给我们开出的 英语翻译1.今寄去我们X135号订单一式两份,以FOB深圳价格订购800台目录PC62手提电脑2.我们决定在中国银行上海分行开具即期信用证,相信该信用证很快就到你们手中.3.由于市场急需这样的货物,