把下面的问句和答句用线连起来what does he do?they are mocky's where is the library?yes,l dodo you know him?lt's five yuanwhose cds are these?he is a teacherhow much is the book lt's next to the bank

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:25:49

把下面的问句和答句用线连起来what does he do?they are mocky's where is the library?yes,l dodo you know him?lt's five yuanwhose cds are these?he is a teacherhow much is the book lt's next to the bank
what does he do?they are mocky's
where is the library?yes,l do
do you know him?lt's five yuan
whose cds are these?he is a teacher
how much is the book lt's next to the bank

把下面的问句和答句用线连起来what does he do?they are mocky's where is the library?yes,l dodo you know him?lt's five yuanwhose cds are these?he is a teacherhow much is the book lt's next to the bank
what does he do? he is a teacher
where is the library? lt's next to the bank
do you know him? yes,l do
whose cds are these? they are mocky's
how much is the book lt's five yuan

what does he do? → he is a teacher
where is the library? → lt's next to the bank
do you know him? → yes,l do
whose cds are these? → they are mocky's
how much is the book → ...


what does he do? → he is a teacher
where is the library? → lt's next to the bank
do you know him? → yes,l do
whose cds are these? → they are mocky's
how much is the book → lt's five yuan



求英语问答题高手! 把下面问句和它对应的答句用线连起来.1.What will you do next Sunday? A.She is a teacher.2.What did you do yesterday? B.I watched a film.3.What's 把下面的问句和答句用线连起来what does he do?they are mocky's where is the library?yes,l dodo you know him?lt's five yuanwhose cds are these?he is a teacherhow much is the book lt's next to the bank 把下面的问句和答句用线连起来,What does he do?They are Mocky's.Where is the library Yes,I do.Do you know him?It's five yuanWhose CDs ars these?He is a teacher.How much is the book?It's next to the bank. 把下列问句和它对应的答句用线连起来What will you do next Sunday?She is a teacher.What did you do yesterday?I watched a film.What's your height,peter?I'll go to the zoo.Who is the cleverest boy in your class?By bike.What's she?It's thr 把下面相等的分数和小数用线连起来. 在求知的过程中,我们还要善于把勤学好问和观察思考结合起来(改为反问句)改为反问句 英语问句句子Sean drives a red Ferrari.的问句下面那个正确what does Sean drive?what drives Sean? 如图,AB=AC=AD,且AD垂直BC,猜想角C和角D的关系图就是打个叉,上面两个分别是A和D,下面分别是B和C,把AB连起来,AC连起来,AD连起来还要说明理由滴 还有还有 BC是连起来滴 把下面的数按从小到大的顺序排列起来8分之3和20分之9 把下面词语中的“啊”和正确的读音连起来 把反问句改成陈述句,把陈述句改成反问句的步骤和方法? itis D的问句为什么是what is it而不是what is this 把问句修改成陈述句,提供了问句和答案问句 what offers are you promoting?.insurance,loan,education麻烦改成陈述句, 把下面句子的前后两部分用关联词语连起来.(连成三种)善于把精读和泛读结合起来,能取得最佳的读书效果. 我可以把地球举起来~我可以去地球的下面把它举起来, 用恰当的关联词把下面的句子连起来. 把下面的分数从小到大的顺序排列起来 设问句与反问句的区别把风格和复合