改写句子,使改后的句子和原句的意思相近.1.Mr Lee is a policeman.Mr Luo is a policeman,too.Mr Lee and_____ _____ _____ both policemen.2 Please read the words on the blackboard.Read_____ _____on the______,______.3 The room has forty cha

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 17:07:49

改写句子,使改后的句子和原句的意思相近.1.Mr Lee is a policeman.Mr Luo is a policeman,too.Mr Lee and_____ _____ _____ both policemen.2 Please read the words on the blackboard.Read_____ _____on the______,______.3 The room has forty cha
1.Mr Lee is a policeman.Mr Luo is a policeman,too.
Mr Lee and_____ _____ _____ both policemen.
2 Please read the words on the blackboard.
Read_____ _____on the______,______.
3 The room has forty chairs.
______ ______ forty chairs in the ______.
4 I"d like to be a teacher.
I ____ to _____ a _____.

改写句子,使改后的句子和原句的意思相近.1.Mr Lee is a policeman.Mr Luo is a policeman,too.Mr Lee and_____ _____ _____ both policemen.2 Please read the words on the blackboard.Read_____ _____on the______,______.3 The room has forty cha
1.Mr Lee is a policeman.Mr Luo is a policeman,too.
Mr Lee and Mr Luo are both policemen.
2 Please read the words on the blackboard.
Read the words on the blackboard ,please.
3 The room has forty chairs.
There are forty chairs in the room.
4 I"d like to be a teacher.
I want to be a teacher.

1 Mr Luo ,are
3 there are,room
4 want ,be ,teacher

Mr Luo are
the words ;blackboard please
there are;room

1.Mr Lee is a policeman.Mr Luo is a policeman,too.
Mr Lee and____Mr Luo are____ both policemen.
2 Please read the words on the blackboard.
Read____the words ____on the__blackboard____,_...


1.Mr Lee is a policeman.Mr Luo is a policeman,too.
Mr Lee and____Mr Luo are____ both policemen.
2 Please read the words on the blackboard.
Read____the words ____on the__blackboard____,_please_____.
3 The room has forty chairs.
___There___ ___are___ forty chairs in the ___room___.
4 I"d like to be a teacher.
I _want___ to ___be__ a _teacher____.


改写句子,使改后的句子与原句的意思相近.Mr Lee is a policemen.Mr Luo is a policeman,too. 改写句子,使改后的句子与原句的意思相近.A:Howmany people are there in you family?B:there are ()people in my family.是的,写错了。 改写句子,使改后的句子与原句意思相近.1.The room has forty chairs._____ _____ forty chairs in the _____.2.I'd like to be a teacher.I _____ to _____ a ______. 改写句子要和原句意思相符每空一词 they have finished the work改写意思相近的句子 改写句子,使改后的句子和原句的意思相近.1.Mr Lee is a policeman.Mr Luo is a policeman,too.Mr Lee and_____ _____ _____ both policemen.2 Please read the words on the blackboard.Read_____ _____on the______,______.3 The room has forty cha 和绳锯木断水滴石穿意思相近的句子 和“人无完人”意思相近的句子 在改写后的句子中填入适当的单词,使其与原句意思相同或相近It 's best to go swimming in Qingdao in summer.Summer is the____ ____ ____ go swimming in Qingdao . 改成意思相近的句子 春华秋实意思相近的句子 一句改写句子的题目Teachers are kind to us.(保持原句意思)Teachers_____ _____ to us. 用适当的词补全句子使意思与原句相近 There are three big windows in用适当的词补全句子使意思与原句相近There are three big windows in our classroom.______classroom_______three big windows. I.改写句子 在改写后的句中空白处填入一个适当的词,使该句意思与原句意思相同或相近.1.Jack is the tallest boy in our class.Jack is taller than _____ other _____ in our class.2.Mrs Smith is busy now.She is doing her hou 几道初中英语改写句子和完成句子题一、改写句子,使其与原句意思相同或相近(每个括号一词)1.Please turn left at the third crossing.Please ( )the third ( )( ) the left.2.What was wrong with your mother?What ( ) ( ) y 和“凤凰涅盘”表达的意思相近的句子 和胜不骄,败不馁的意思相近的句子有 和一石激起千层浪意思相同或相近的句子,在线等