英语翻译Trading is a business,and as such we must treat it like one.To the novice,the words patience,discipline,hard work,and determination may sound simple and trite.Many novices believe that there must be some other more complicated (or easier)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 09:36:48

英语翻译Trading is a business,and as such we must treat it like one.To the novice,the words patience,discipline,hard work,and determination may sound simple and trite.Many novices believe that there must be some other more complicated (or easier)
Trading is a business,and as such we must treat it like one.To the novice,the words patience,discipline,hard work,and determination may sound simple and trite.Many novices believe that there must be some other more complicated (or easier) way to excel,but unfortunately there isn’t.Trading is like any other business with its ups and downs.It is not all romance,nor is it all drudgery.Because trading is a business,we must separate it from what is personal.There is very little room for emotions in trading,only room to make calculated and well-planned decisions.Our emotions have a strong tendency to skew the decision making-process.Emotions must be kept in check,while clear thinking,experience,instinct,and skill are of essential importance.Your experience and skills must also lie upon a good foundation of risk-management,an ability to intelligently forecast price action,and a willingness to take appropriate risk.
Trading is the study of mass behavior.The stock market is a measurable representation of optimism and fear as a result of collective human behavior.Regardless of whether a stock’s fundamentals may lead one to believe that the current price is over or undervalued,a trader must face the reality that a stocks most recent trade is a reflection of its true value.One must accept the current price as fact,not as unrealistic or the result of ‘manipulation’; failure to do so will cloud the decision making process.
"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war,while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." - Sun Tzu
Don’t Fight the Market,Go With It…
Learn to identify short-term trends and profit from them by acting without hesitation.The professional trader is constantly looking for movements in prices,and transfers capital into stock prices that are already on the move,whether up or down.A trader is in tune with short and intermediate-term price swings and uses quick reaction,and tight risk-management,in order to achieve a significant return on capital.At the same time,the trader is minimizing risk based on planning,proper order execution,and solid trade management.
Trading requires continued education.In order to excel at trading you must continue to study and learn.Especially as a novice,it is important for you to familiarize yourself with the way the market moves.You will discover in many cases stock price movements are remarkably simple.You will recognize patterns that repeat themselves,and learn to quickly act in order to profit from them.You will also learn that patterns can fail to follow through.How traders react to failed patterns is one of the key measures of trading excellence.In any case,experience will ultimately be the teacher.
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英语翻译Trading is a business,and as such we must treat it like one.To the novice,the words patience,discipline,hard work,and determination may sound simple and trite.Many novices believe that there must be some other more complicated (or easier)





贸易是事务和,因为这样我们必须对待它喜欢一。 对新手,词耐心、学科、坚苦工作和决心也许听起来简单和陈腐。 许多新手相信必须有某一其他更加复杂(或更加容易的)方式擅长,但不是不幸地那里.贸易是象与它的其他业务高潮和低谷。 它不所有言情,亦不是它所有苦工。 由于贸易是事务,我们必须从什么分离它是个人的。 有情感的很少室在换,只有室做出故意的和计划好的决定。 我们的情感有一个强的倾向歪曲决定-做-过程。...


贸易是事务和,因为这样我们必须对待它喜欢一。 对新手,词耐心、学科、坚苦工作和决心也许听起来简单和陈腐。 许多新手相信必须有某一其他更加复杂(或更加容易的)方式擅长,但不是不幸地那里.贸易是象与它的其他业务高潮和低谷。 它不所有言情,亦不是它所有苦工。 由于贸易是事务,我们必须从什么分离它是个人的。 有情感的很少室在换,只有室做出故意的和计划好的决定。 我们的情感有一个强的倾向歪曲决定-做-过程。 必须控制情感,当清楚的思维,经验,天性时,并且技巧是根本重要。 您的经验和技能必须也说谎在风险管理的一个好基础,能力聪明展望价格举动和自愿冒适当的险。
Trading是许多行为的研究。 由于集体人类行为,股市是乐观和恐惧的一个可测量的表示法。 不管stock’s根本性是否也许带领一相信现价是结束或低估,贸易商必须面对现实股票最近贸易是它的真实值的反射。 一必须接受现价作为事实,不作为不切实际或‘manipulation’的结果; 失败将覆盖决策过程。 而被击败的战士首先打仗然后寻求赢取, "战胜战士首先赢取然后打仗。“-太阳Tzu
不要战斗市场,同行陪它辨认短期趋向和赢利的学习从他们通过毫不犹豫地行动。 专业贸易商经常寻找在价格的运动,并且转移资本入已经在活动中,是否上上下下的股票价格。 贸易商是与短和学期中价格摇摆一致并且使用快的反应和紧的风险管理,为了达到的重大返回资金。 同时,贸易商使根据计划、适当的命令施行和固体商业管理的风险减到最小。
贸易要求持续的教育。 为了擅长在换您必须继续学习和学会。 特别是作为新手,使自己熟悉市场移动的方式您是重要的。 您发现在许多情况下股票价格运动是卓越地简单的。 您将认可重复自己的样式,并且学会迅速行动为了从他们赢利。 您也获悉样式可以不进行到底。 贸易商怎么起反应对不合格的样式是其中一项贸易的优秀关键措施。 无论如何,经验终将是老师。




做生意是一种生意,和以这样的身份,我们必须处理像一它.对新手,耐心,纪律,努力工作和决定可以听起来像是简单和陈腐的.很多新手相信那里一定是一些胜过他人另一的更复杂(更的或者的更容易)但是不幸那里isn’t.交换像任何另一的具有它的来来往往和的业务存在.它是并非所有罗曼史,也不它是所有的苦活.因为贸易是一种生意,我们必须把它和什么是个人分离.有非常小的在做生意方面情感可用的空间,仅有的做出精心设计和顺利-计划的决定的空间.我们情感有一强烈的趋势要使决策过程偏斜.与此同时清楚思考,经验,本能和技能重要重要,情感一定是控制住.你的经验和技能必须也位于在一个风险管理-管理的好基础,一种有才智地预言价格行动的才能和一愿意冒适合危险上. 做生意是研究主体行为.股票市场由于集体人的行为是一乐观情绪和恐惧的可测量的代表.不管怎样的是否a stock’s基础知识可以使得一相信当前价格结束或者对一商人估价过低必须面临现实a储存最的近的贸易存在一它的真实价值影象.人们必须接受不是非现实的当前价格阿斯事实或者‘manipulation’的结果;未能做那样将使决策过程变得模糊. 与此同时被打败的战士去首先交战然后寻求获胜,获胜战士打第一然后尝试向胜仗.太阳Tzu Don’t和市场战 斗,It…学习辨认出短期的倾向伴随和从他们在附近演戏使外面犹豫获益.不管沿着金色挫折与否,职业商人 正不断寻找在价格中动作和把已经是的在活动中的重要变为股票价格价格转移.为了取得一重要回报,一有短小的 东西和中间的-术语价格的商人存在在朝派曲调转变和使用很快反作用和紧风险管理。






A Greek trading ship is making ___ the Panama Canal. 英语翻译或者Trading Co.,Ltd. 英语翻译No trading when it is uncertain.或者语法错误.希望简洁一点..... trading My uncle is a bus Emissions trading system is a market-based mechanisms of environmental economic policies.Article on the emissions trading system,the origin,characteristics and advantages of the analysis,evaluation shows that emissions trading system is to solve a pr 英语翻译1after trading for a number of years without maintaining proper accounting records.2 journal entries 3 sb is considering changing to a new bank but is uncertain as to the meaning of certain banking terms4reducing balance TRADING FOR A LIVING怎么样 It is a bus(对a bus提问) 英语翻译In Chongqing,the ___ ___ ways of ___ ___school is taking a bus. 英语翻译用there be句型 there is _________ a bus stop right there 英语翻译China to be biggest US trading partner(标题)(正文):It is probable that China will take over Canada this year to be the largest trading partner of the United States,said former US Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky at a tra 英语翻译1.Shortly after Soviet Russia made peace with Germany,1919 saw the founding of the Finnish Republic.2.Finland is an excellent gateway to trading with Russia and the Baltic States because of a long history of trading with these markets.3.T 英语翻译SalesLink™ includes a desktop application that is loaded onto a supplier or buyer’s PC and connects back to our server platform—the backbone of the product.The desktop application provides trading interfaces,inventory management 英语翻译Advanced Tip:“Working with Series Arrays”As a memory optimization,EasyLanguage automatically determines if a prior valueof any element of an array is accessed at any point in the trading strategy,analysistechnique,or function,and then 英语翻译This analysis is particularly applicable to mutual funds.The SEC's requirement for a supermajority of independent directors on the boards of mutual funds was a response to the late-trading scandals that were exposed in 2003.These scandals 英语翻译besides the computing related costs,a legal cost may be required since theEDI involves co-operation with other computing,it is always advisable to insureboth parties are protected under a certainkind of contract.An EDI Trading Partner Agr 英语翻译My position size,often called a “trading unit” was modest enough so that even at 20% loss had a relatively muted impact on my bottom line.That “ante” is quite simply the cost to play.