请各位精英帮小弟、写出下列句子的一般现在时被动语态的否定句.谢谢1、Water is carried to Grandma Li every Sunday .2、Ten yuan is paid when the book is bought .3、The door is usually shut at night .4、Goods are sometime

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:35:25

请各位精英帮小弟、写出下列句子的一般现在时被动语态的否定句.谢谢1、Water is carried to Grandma Li every Sunday .2、Ten yuan is paid when the book is bought .3、The door is usually shut at night .4、Goods are sometime
1、Water is carried to Grandma Li every Sunday .
2、Ten yuan is paid when the book is bought .
3、The door is usually shut at night .
4、Goods are sometimes stolen in the shop .
5、Houses are built by workers .

请各位精英帮小弟、写出下列句子的一般现在时被动语态的否定句.谢谢1、Water is carried to Grandma Li every Sunday .2、Ten yuan is paid when the book is bought .3、The door is usually shut at night .4、Goods are sometime
1、Water isn't carried to Grandma Li every Sunday .
2、Ten yuan isn't paid when the book is bought .
3、The door isn't usually shut at night .
4、Goods aren't sometimes stolen in the shop .
5、Houses aren't built by workers .



请各位精英帮小弟、写出下列句子的一般现在时被动语态的否定句.谢谢1、Water is carried to Grandma Li every Sunday .2、Ten yuan is paid when the book is bought .3、The door is usually shut at night .4、Goods are sometime 请各位大侠帮小弟分析下这个句子的用法,貌似不同于一般祈使句.Don't be deliberating again! 请各位大神帮小弟认识一下下列AV女友名字. 3.5通的遥控飞机怎么转弯的?我现在再用遥控飞机改装遥控船,船舵没法转弯也就是没法控制船的行驶方向请个位高手,精英进来帮小弟解答,小弟万分感激.顺便再告诉小弟怎么控制船舵转向.嘻 各位英语豪侠,请帮小弟一把! 请各位大哥帮小弟想一想 请各位数学高手帮小弟算下下列三题 请各位IT精英帮帮忙! 请写出下列句子的汉语意思 英语翻译请各位精英帮我把:snowwave Gongsnowbillow Gongshuer-Tankung翻译成英文, 10句一般现在时态的句子拜托各位大神 请各位帮小弟解释一下高中化学上的酸酐是怎么定义的? 抱怨的故事请各位帅哥美女帮小弟搜集一些有关“抱怨”的小故事. 我叫周振球 请各位高手帮小弟起个英文名,跟我的名同音的 各位大神,请帮小弟分析一下这个波形变换电路的原理吗?谢谢 难忘的一次批评作文450字请各位大神帮小弟解决这个难题 请各位高手帮小弟做几道概率题希望能有一定的过程, 请各位独数高手帮小弟搞定它564001000000009806000034000700040083050000090120080005000470000802500000000200537