most of the __British and American people understand each other.time chance situation condition 这段是完形填空最后一句,这篇内容是将美国与英国的英语不同,导致一些交流之间的麻烦,答案是time,在大多数情况下,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 03:21:10

most of the __British and American people understand each other.time chance situation condition 这段是完形填空最后一句,这篇内容是将美国与英国的英语不同,导致一些交流之间的麻烦,答案是time,在大多数情况下,
most of the __British and American people understand each other.
time chance situation condition
为什么不能most of the situation 大多是情况下?

most of the __British and American people understand each other.time chance situation condition 这段是完形填空最后一句,这篇内容是将美国与英国的英语不同,导致一些交流之间的麻烦,答案是time,在大多数情况下,
1. most of the time 其实是副词短语,此处作状语.相当于in most of the time
2. 其它结构都是名词短语,不可以作状语.
3. 类似结构在:I have waited him a while.此处省略了for,还可以是in等
The rainy weather lasted(for) the whole time we were there.
Dr. Bethune worked (for) several hours without rest.
After we had been married(for) a year, a child was born but lived only (for) ten months.
He sopke (for) thirty minutes.
We have been here(for) two hours already.
You must have stayed here (for) a long time.
但是,当for ages, for days, for years等短语位于句首时,for不能省略.例如:
For two hours he had been waiting.(不能说:Two hours he had been waiting.)
For 600 years, Alexander Christman had applied his considerable skills economic resources to a single personal project.(不能说:600 years,……)
如果具有时间意义的名词如:morning,day,afternoon, night,week,month,year,century等之前有 any,every,next,first,last,this,that,following等词加以修饰时,在句中用作时间状语时,可以省去相应的介词.例如:
I shall start(in) this week and return(in) next week.(英语省略句P.57)
I am expecting him up here Sunday morning.(=on Sunday morning)(钱歌川,疑难详解,P.292)
It was quite light and (at) any moment now the sun would rise. (Heming way)
But(at the) same time, Ted, you know how advertisers exaggerate.(-S.Lewis)
I'll go any place (at) any time you wish.(Heming way)
I met him again (on)the floolwing day.
There were plenty of empty seats (on) that night I went.(现代英语研究)
I did not go to school(at) that day.
His novel will appeared(in) the follwing year.
He has been away from school(during) the last five weeks.
Rome was not built in a day.
I can't finish this work in a month.
还有一种所谓副词的属格(Adverbial Genitive),也是由于省略介词而来的.例如用nights取代at night.这种用法在现代英语中已普遍被采用.例如:
He wanted to work nights.(钱歌川:疑难详解)
I'd study nights and I'd work as a waitress in the daytime.(同上)
Daytimes we paddled all over the island in the canoe.(Mark Twain)
He gets mad, if you're ten minutes late, mornings.(-E. Rice)
介词in在“this way, that, one's own way”等前一般都把介词省去,这种省略是在表示“某种方法”时才省去.例如:
It's more interesting(in)that way.
(In) This way you are assured of impartiality. (英语省略句)
You will never manage it(in)that way.(同上)
Do it(in) your own way if you don't like my way.
The work must be finished(in) one way or another.
You do it(in) all your own way.(-Steinbeck)
It was going just(in) the way he thought it would.(-Hemingway)
They cooked(in)the American style.
He dances(in)the same way as she does.
Please drop in at my place whenever you come(in) this way.(英语省略句)
Such matters never come(in) my way.(同上)
It always pays to learn self-reliance(in) the hard way.(同上)
2、介词of与“age, colour,help,length,no use, shape, size,thickness,width”等名词连用,在句中作表语时,在大多数的情况下都省去介词of.例如:
When I was (of) your age, I was in the country.(英语省略句)
The autumn leaves are(of) a glorious red.
The door was(of) a dark brown.
I am afraid the book will not be(of) much help to you.
Who ever heard of canals(of) the same length?
The two buildings are(of) the same height.
This medicine is (of) no use to me.
It is(of)no use talking.
It's (of)no use crying over spilt milk.
My book is (of) the same shape as yours.
His shoes are just(of) the size of mine.
He has an album (of) the same thickness as mine.(英语省略句)
The plant is not (of) the right width.(同上)
These new socks are (of) good quality and a very smart design.
Solutions are not easy, but OPEC must beware (of) proving as greedy economic masters as the multinational oil companies were, before it assumed much of its role.
I make nothing of walking (for) twenty miles a day.(英语省略句)
On a clear day we can see (for) miles and miles from this hill-top.(英语省略句)
You are (by) a head taller than he.
The water rose (for) three feet.
Your field is (by) three acres larger than ours.
His brother weighs (at) 120 pounds.
This book is worth (for) three yuan.
4、介词of在on board和on this side之后经常省去.例如:
We went on board(of) the Dongfeng.
He passed the Fourth of July on board(of) the Quaker City, in mid-ocean.(Mark Twain)
Is there no force on this side(of) the creek? (钱歌川,疑难详解)
Is the school on this side (of) the river?
此外,现在在美国流行一种更加时髦的说法.如:a pair(of)trousers, one pack(age)(of)cigarettes, two cartons(of)cigarettes, one bottle(of) beer, a couple(of)years.这种说法是比较简洁,但又大部分地用于口语体中.
go(to) smash (ALD二版,P.947)→go smash(OALD三版,P.828),take(to)flight(WNWD大学版,P.554)→take flight(WNWD大学二版,P.534)
(at) full pelt (COD六版,P.815)
(at) full tilt (OALD三版,P.922)
(in) the least (COD六版,P.616)
(at) full length (OALD三版,P.490)
c、在full speed, full blast, full time等词组介词at省去.例如:
He was driving(at) full speed.
She has been changing (at)full blast most of her life.
To guard against counterfeiting, the government would prefer to print the coupons itself, but the presses at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing are already running(at) full time…….
She is prettier in profile than(at)full face.
1、介词的用法也并不是一成不变的,过去认为不可省略的介词在当代语法中已省去,这种省略往往有改变词性的趋向.例如在下列短语中介词就可以省去.表示“有……做某事时,即have+ 抽象名词(作宾语)+in+doing sth.”,中间的介词in就可以省去,此种情况不属于我们已知的“have+宾语+现在分词”的这种例子,而这种例子中的宾语绝大多数是有生命的名词或指可以运动的名词,如have a car waiting,当然在waiting前面是绝对不会有介词.但如果我们说I have a great difficulty in tackling this problem.这样的句子是通顺的,如省去in后也是行得通的,下面再举数例类似这样的句子:
He had difficulty (in) focussing on various objects in the saloon.(Tack Lynn. The Turn coat.)
Robin had been nervous working with the orchestra, had trouble (in) deciding on his key. (Thomous Tryon, Cr wned Heads)
She had great difficulty (in) understanding him.
(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, P.304)
Do you have any difficulty (in) understanding spoken English?(现代高级英汉双解辞典,P.299)
In Congress, Carter will have headaches (in) getting actions he wants.
I seem to have very little problem (in) finishing upthings now, as if the pattern were arased.
I'll have more fun (in) teaching a teenaged daughter how to dance.
Mr. wang had a hell of a bother (in) tracking you down this morning,…….
He couldn't waste any time (in) running from American security agencies because of her carelessness. (Walter Wager, Telefon)
Ted lost no time (in) redeeming the Long Beach fields, both his and his father's.
Kids couldn't careless, they end up (in) throwing the cake at each other and fighting over the toys…….
He and I nearly died (of) laughing.
If we take turns (at) driving, we won't get tired.
Most of our time is spent (in) searching for rattles…….
In 1976, some of ?635 million were earned (by) mining, processing and selling this strategic metal.
I lost no time(in) carrying out the plan.
The Saudis are also painfully aware that they lack experience (in)investing gigantic sums of money.
The train trip was long and tiring, but we killed time (by) playing cards.
He is late (in) coming.
She busied herself (in) tidying up her desk.
He started earning his pennies (by) selling newspapers.
He wasn't long(in) making up his mind.
There is no hurry (in) giving him an answer. (英语省略句)
His arms got tired (from) holding the rod in position all the time.
You ought to be ashamed (of) asking for more porridge, OLiver Twist.
Are you through (with) typing the letter?
What's the use(of) talking? (英语省略句)
I am through (with) asking questions. (英语省略句)
I'll go(to) any place you order me.
My brother and I used to go(to a lot of place together.(English 900)
Can't we go (to) come place where they would never find us?
5、以with表示伴随性行为作状语时,介词with也经常省略.这种省略经常出现在“noun+in+noun”,“noun+participle或noun+and all”的结构中,而且在句中表示行为时,介词with通常省略.例如:
He stood there, (with his) hat in (his) hand and (a) pipe in (his) mouth. (英语省略句)
Now they are coming (with his) hand in (her) hand. (同上)
(With my) head bowed, like a willing ox, I serve the children. (同上)
Away go the two vehicles, (with) horses galloping, (with) boys heering, (with) horns playing loud.
He jumped into the water, (with his) clothes and all.
The letter was sent(by) air mail.
Mr Green will send you the specimen page (by) special delivery. (英语省略句)
The store will send you order(by) parcel post.
The plane is flying(at) 900 miles an hour.
She complained to her mother and (to) her brother.
Nitrogen was discovered by Rutherford and (by) Prieslley, working independently, in 1772.
They are going to Beijing,(to) Shanghai, or (to) kwangchow.
8、当inside of 涉及到“在…之内”时,介词of必须省去.例如:
I shall be back inside an hour.
此时inside已起到一个介词的作用.还有几个词如like,opposite后省去了to之后,有人把它们看做Quasi- preposition(疑似介词),见钱歌川,疑难详解上册,P.302.对于这种说法是有一定道理的,省去介词之后这几个词也就变成近似介词的词性了,但不完全是准介词.例如:
I wish I could be more like(to) you. (-Mitchell)
Opposite (to)me sat a young woman. (-Bierce)
1、介词“about, for, of, up(on), to”等在名词从句中的省略,而省去的介词绝大多数都是在that引起的从句中.例如:
Say no more (about) that the thing has been passed.
He boasted (of) that he did it.
I insist (on) that you shall be present.
He insisted (upon) that he was innocent.
See (to) that the boys learn the lesson well.
Please see (to) that these letters are sent to the post.
He must have some idea (of) what happened last week. (英语惯用法词典,P.307)
I have no idea (of) whose house this is.(同上)
We have not the remotest idea (of) how they have done it. (同上)
Have you any idea (of) when he will come? (同上)
You can have no idea (of) what he said. (新英汉字典P.620)同样,假使把“idea”改作“notion”,也是这样.
You must have some notion (of) what has happened to us.
I am not aware (of) how long the meeting will be lasted.
We have not solved the problem (of) who was at fault. (英语省略句)
She is always careful (of) where to use a comma and where to use a semicolon.
I was at a lost (of) how to answer the question. (英语省略句)
He insisted (on)that I should go with him.
He gave himself little concern (about) what he had done.
It is outside my business to care (for) what people say.
We were glad (to) that we heard the news.
It depends (on) whether they come.
It all depends (on) how you tackle the problem.
Are you going to buy a new dictionary?
——It depends whether I can afford it.
——That depends on whether I can afford it.
He depends on his pen for a living.
The issue, (of) student grants, was slow because there were so many applicants.
One man, (of) around thirty years, was convicted of biaarny.
The end, (of) the world, is at hand.
A party, (of) children, entered the theatre.
作者单位:广西南宁地区教育学院 (南宁 530001)

time是指a limited period or interval, as between two successive events
situation是指the state of affairs


Most of the time....
In most situations....
Under most conditions....
In most cases.....