【九年级英语】The water washes the earth away _____ ( leave ) only sand.为什么用leaving而不是left呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:21:21

【九年级英语】The water washes the earth away _____ ( leave ) only sand.为什么用leaving而不是left呢?
【九年级英语】The water washes the earth away _____ ( leave ) only sand.

【九年级英语】The water washes the earth away _____ ( leave ) only sand.为什么用leaving而不是left呢?


【九年级英语】The water washes the earth away _____ ( leave ) only sand.为什么用leaving而不是left呢? water the flowers英语 英语there is 还是was still some water In the bottle?为什么? His head was above the water, the water was c___ and clear Water was flowing out of the river. 英语句子(新目标九年级Unit9)疑难句型1whom was the telephone invented by?The telephone_______ ____ ____ ___2___ the computer____ before TV?No,It wasn't.3._____ it____ for holding water?No,It _____ _____ for testing earthquakes.Wow,it' Finally,the water was boiling.(改为同义句) _____,the water was boiling. The water (was) filtered through charcoal.WAS要不要加 麻烦好心人帮我翻一段英语,The building was doubleplumbed to deliver potable water to all items needing apotable water supply such as sinks,drinking fountains,and dishwashers.The rainwater supply lines provide reclaimed water to the toilets 英语问题rise 和 raise 的区别The water of the river ___ by two feet last night.A .raised B.was raised C.rose D.was risen 求高手解答.~~~改正下列英语句子中的错误~A crow was thirst.He was looking for water everywhere . 1. ( ) . Finally he saw a bottle in that there was2. ( ) a little water.And the bottleneck was long and what was the world before the worldwater The water ride was the best.怎么翻译 the boat was pushed by the of water and wind 英语问题同义词转换The water is drinkableYou_______the water 英语:这句话加了个连接词是不是就不用现在分词了呢?waves move through the water [ leaving] the water about where it was改为waves move through the water [and leave] the water about where it was浪从水中移过,而水则留在 英语:in actually,waves move through the water leaving the water about where it was!in actually,waves move through the water leaving the water about where it was而实际上,浪从水中移过,而水则留在原处这里的about何解呢?那这里