英语语法,高手HELP HELP~!1 He is ____much of a gentleman to fight.A so B as C very D too(为什么这里不选A,要选D呢?翻译为如此多,不可以吗?) 2 How long ____?A you suppose did it last B do you suppose it lastedC did yo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 20:37:43

英语语法,高手HELP HELP~!1 He is ____much of a gentleman to fight.A so B as C very D too(为什么这里不选A,要选D呢?翻译为如此多,不可以吗?) 2 How long ____?A you suppose did it last B do you suppose it lastedC did yo
英语语法,高手HELP HELP~!
1 He is ____much of a gentleman to fight.
A so B as C very D too

2 How long ____?
A you suppose did it last B do you suppose it lasted
C did you suppose it last D you suppose it lasted

3 Smith had some trouble ____the man's accent
A to understand B understanding
C for understanding D with understanding
(不是have trouble with sth 吗?为什么题目选B了?)

4 She turned,_____instinct,to her father for protection.
A by B in C on D for

5 He likes _____
A writing and to be written B to and to be written
C to write and being written D writing and written

6 Many a person ____that kind of experience
A have B has C having D are having
(many a 不是许多的意思吗?那不是复数吗?为什么选B 不选A呢?)

7 You can make some modifications to the plan ____you find anything impractical.
A even though B unless C now that D in case

8 I certainly appreciate ______us about the delay in receiving the materials because we had planned to begin work tomorrow.
A he telling B he tell C his telling D him telling
9 At the age of eleven,Sophia was already something ____ a poet.
A of B for C like D as

10 What he said just now had little to do with the question _____discussion.
A on B in C under D at

11 Although not an economist himself, Dr.Smith has long been a severe critic of the government's ______ policies.
A economical B economic C economy D economics

12 My gloves are ____,I must buy a new pair
A worn out B broken through C at hand D out of order

13 When Mr.Jones gers old ,he will____over his business to his son.
A take B think C hand D get

14 My uncle from the company because he was made to undertake dangerous assignments.
A removed B emerged C resigned D shifted

15 They set off by car and ____the nearest town.
A made for B made after C made out D made to

16 She had heard strange footstepsin the house several times , so she hired a private detective to ____the matter.
A go into B put into C look into D take into

17 I don not know about him,____comment on him behind his back.
A let alone B let go C leave alone D take leave

18 The youth often get _____strange thoughts and dreams.
A familiar to B engaged with C concerned about D caught up in


英语语法,高手HELP HELP~!1 He is ____much of a gentleman to fight.A so B as C very D too(为什么这里不选A,要选D呢?翻译为如此多,不可以吗?) 2 How long ____?A you suppose did it last B do you suppose it lastedC did yo
1 (为什么这里不选A,要选D呢?翻译为如此多,不可以吗?)
因为 too ... to ... 表示“太 ... 而不肯 ...”.这句话的意思是“他是个十足君子,绝不肯动手”.类似的句子还有 He is too afraid to move (他吓得不能动了) .这样的句型,关键是后面的动词是被否定的(他不会fight,而不是他要fight).如果说 so much of a gentleman, 后面再加 to fight 就语义不通了,好像是说他要打,可是gentleman 是不能随便动手的.

2 How long ____?
A you suppose did it last B do you suppose it lasted
C did you suppose it last D you suppose it lasted
不能选C,因为时态和单复数都不对.如果问did you suppose,那就是“你那时认为”,是过去的事件,那么it 也只能是过去事件,否则“你”就必须预测未来才行.即使是用现在时,也不能说 it last, 要说 it lasts, 所以C肯定不对.
B正确,因为说do you suppose, 是问“你”现在的意见,现在是可以对过去的事件发表意见的,所以it lasted 用过去时是可以的.

3 Smith had some trouble ____the man's accent
A to understand B understanding
C for understanding D with understanding
(不是have trouble with sth 吗?为什么题目选B了?)
可以说 have trouble with the man's accent (with 后面跟名词词组),或者说 have trouble understanding the man's accent (understanding xxx 是现在分词,作定语,修饰 trouble, 解释是什么样的trouble).

4 She turned,_____instinct,to her father for protection.
A by B in C on D for
By instinct 是惯常用法,不一定有什么深刻道理,很多介词都是这样,只凭规律是很难用准的,只有多读原著,就有感觉了,
for 只有在用作连词的时候才有“因为,由于”的意思,比如“Sad were my heart in seeing her go, for I loved her" . 你的题目里for 是用作介词,没有这个意思.

5 He likes _____
A writing and to be written B to and to be written
C to write and being written D writing and written
B应该是“to write and to be written" 吧?选B是因为两个并列的结构 to write 和 to be written要一致.A 错是因为不一致,如果写成 He likes writing and being written (about), 也可以.
6 Many a person ____that kind of experience
A have B has C having D are having
(many a 不是许多的意思吗?那不是复数吗?为什么选B 不选A呢?)
Many 是许多,many a就不是许多了,是“群体中的一个”之意,是单数.注意 person 是用的单数,其实是个线索,考试时一看就很明显后面动词要用单数.

7 You can make some modifications to the plan ____you find anything impractical.
A even though B unless C now that D in case
选B的话,语法也是对的,但是句子的意思就不通了,变成了“你可以修改计划,除非你看到计划中有不切实际的部分”,也就是说,如果看到不合理之处,反而不能修改了!从语义上说,只有C和D是正确的,都是说“如果找到不合理的地方,就修改”,但是如果选C,后面的句子需要改写(now that you found something impractical),所以只能选D.

8 I certainly appreciate ______us about the delay in receiving the materials because we had planned to begin work tomorrow.
A he telling B he tell C his telling D him telling
appreciate 后面是宾语,必须是名词词组,telling the delay 是分词作名词,所以前面只能跟 his (his something),说 he something 语法上没有道理.
9 At the age of eleven,Sophia was already something ____ a poet.
A of B for C like D as
这个只是因为 something of a xxx 是固定用法,表示“有点xxx 的样子”,记住了就行了.

10 What he said just now had little to do with the question _____discussion.
A on B in C under D at

11 Although not an economist himself, Dr.Smith has long been a severe critic of the government's ______ policies.
A economical B economic C economy D economics
选B.A表示“省钱的”,修饰policy不通;D 是“经济学”,也不通,B 和C语义都对,但是C语法不对(名词修饰名词,不好).只剩下B语义语法都对.
12 My gloves are ____,I must buy a new pair
A worn out B broken through C at hand D out of order
选A.说手套坏了用worn out.
13 When Mr.Jones gers old ,he will____over his business to his son.
A take B think C hand D get
C正确,hand over 是“交给”的意思,老爷子准备把生意交给儿子.take over 表示“接手”,那样意思就反了.如果用take over,要说 he will ask his son to take over his business.
14 My uncle from the company because he was made to undertake dangerous assignments.
A removed B emerged C resigned D shifted
A 是及物动词,需要说明remove 了什么(removed xxx from the company),所以肯定不对.B,C,D 语法上都对,词义上只有 C (辞职)是对的,其他两个不通.

15 They set off by car and ____the nearest town.
A made for B made after C made out D made to
make for xxx 是“奔xxx 而去”的意思,其他的语义都不通.

16 She had heard strange footstepsin the house several times , so she hired a private detective to ____the matter.
A go into B put into C look into D take into
选C.look into是“看看怎么回事”的意思.

17 I don not know about him,____comment on him behind his back.
A let alone B let go C leave alone D take leave
选A.句子意思是“我根本不认识他,更谈不上背后议论他了”.let alone 是“更不要说,更谈不上”的意思.B,C,D 都是动词词组,根本不是连词,语法和词义上都不对.

18 The youth often get _____strange thoughts and dreams.
A familiar to B engaged with C concerned about D caught up in
get caught up in 就是“沉湎于”的意思,选D在词义上最准确.