Should college students do part-time jobs?这是我们辩题,希望能给点理由,我们是正方,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 23:43:36

Should college students do part-time jobs?这是我们辩题,希望能给点理由,我们是正方,
Should college students do part-time jobs?

Should college students do part-time jobs?这是我们辩题,希望能给点理由,我们是正方,
Society becomes more and more developed which that brings many more jobs for people.College students also make use of this opportunity to do some job in their spare time.
Lots of students begin to do part-time job.They think they can study that they never know at school,and they can improve their ability of during the job.They also think the part-time jobs can lighten the burden economy of the family.So taking part-time job is a popular choice for many college students.
Some people don’t think this behavior is right.They think that college students must put priority on learning,and the job will affect them.Moreover,caucus on learning while part-time job will distract their energy for learning is not fine enough for working so early.
In my opinion,I agree on the part-time job is useful for the college students.On the condition,the precondition is not affecting the study.
