有must have been的用法么?虚拟语气里面?Do you still remember when we went to the Great Wall?I can't remember it well,but ____ sometime last autumn.A it must have beenB it could have been这题不能选A么,是没有这种用法还是意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 18:30:17

有must have been的用法么?虚拟语气里面?Do you still remember when we went to the Great Wall?I can't remember it well,but ____ sometime last autumn.A it must have beenB it could have been这题不能选A么,是没有这种用法还是意思
有must have been的用法么?虚拟语气里面?
Do you still remember when we went to the Great Wall?
I can't remember it well,but ____ sometime last autumn.
A it must have been
B it could have been
我看到语法书里有 主语+ would(could might should) +动词原型...没看到有must

有must have been的用法么?虚拟语气里面?Do you still remember when we went to the Great Wall?I can't remember it well,but ____ sometime last autumn.A it must have beenB it could have been这题不能选A么,是没有这种用法还是意思

虚拟语气里面有must have been的用法。
一、 动词wish后宾语从句中的虚拟语气
1. 用wish表示现在的祝愿和报歉。


虚拟语气里面有must have been的用法。
一、 动词wish后宾语从句中的虚拟语气
1. 用wish表示现在的祝愿和报歉。
其句子结构为:宾语从句的谓语be和were(was),实义动词用过去式。例:I wish the were at home this time.
2. 用wish表示对过去事情的遗憾。其句子结构为:宾语从句的谓语用过去完成时,或could+现在完成时。例:I wish I hadn' t hurt him so much。
3. 用wish表示对将来事情的愿望。其句子结构为宾语从句的谓语为would/could/might+动词原形。例:I wish I might be able to come tomorrow 。
二、 用在一般虚拟条件句中的虚拟语气
(一) 表示与现在、过去、将来事实相反的假设
1. 与现在事实相反的假设。
主句:主语+would(should, could, might)+动词原形+其他
例:If I were you, I would go with him.
2. 与过去事实相反的假设。
主句:主语+should(would, could, might)+现在完成时+其他。例:If you had studied harder last term, you could have passed exam.
从句:If+主语+should (were to )+动词原形+其他
主句:主语+would (could, should, might)+动词原形
例:If he were to go tomorrow. He might tell you.
(二) 从句和主句要根据各自发所生的时间选用符合具体时间的虚拟语气形式
1. 从句表示过去,主句表示现在。
If they had stared the early morning yesterday, they would be here now.
2. 从句表示将来,主句表示过去。
If I were not to make a preparation for my experiment this afternoon, I would have gone to see the film with you last night。
3. 从句表示过去,主句表示将来。
If we hadn' t made adequate preparations, we shouldn' t dare to do the experiment next week。
If we shouldn' t have an exam this afternoon. I would go
shopping now.
三、 可以引起与事实相反的方式状语从句,用虚拟语气 由as if、as though引起的与事实相反的句子,不论主句的谓语是现在时或者说过去时,其谓语表示的时间概念和句子结构,都基本上与wish后的宾语从句相同。例:
John pretends as if he didn' t know the thing at all, but in fact he knows it very well.(用过去式表示与现在事实相反的假设)
The old man looked at the picture, he felt as though he had gone back to time 20 years ago.(用过去完成式表示与过去相反的事实)
They talked and talked as if they would never meet again (would+动词原形,表示与将来事实相反)
表示“要求”的:ask, desire, request, demand, require, beg
表示“提议、劝告、建议”的:move, prpose, suggest, recommend, advise, vote
表示“决定、命令”的:decide, order
表示“主张”的:maintain, urge
表示“同意、坚持”的:consent, insist
例:The doctor suggested that he (should) try to lose his weight.
He insisted that we (should ) tell him the news.
上述动词的名词形式,demand, desire, requirment, advice, order,decision, recommendation, suggestion, 以及necessity, preference, plan, motion, idea等名词,其后的表语从句或同位语从句,也用“should+动词原形“表示虚拟语气。现代英语,特别是美国英语,常省去“should”,例:
The advice is that we (should) leave at once.
He idea that we (should)visit Great Wall was warmly
五、在“It is (was)+形容词(或过去分词)+that……”结构中,主语从句的谓语也用“should+原形动词“表虚拟语气
美国英语中省去should, 常用的形容词和过去分词有:
表示“要求”的:required, demanded, requested, desired, desirabl。
表示“建议”的:suggested, recommended,
表示“迫切、紧近、重要”的:imperative, urgent, necessary, essential, important, vital
表示“适当、较好”的:appropriate, advisable, better, preferable
表示“可能”的:probable, possible
例:It was necessary that we (should) make everything ready ahead of time.
It is required that nobody (should)smoke here.
1.“Iest 以免、惟恐”引导的从句用“shuld+动词原形”。
He took a map with him lest he (should ) lose his wag there.
All things, whether you know or don' t know, exist in the world.
3.用“would rather/had rather' would just as soon"表示“宁愿、但愿”,后面的宾语从句谓语用过去式或动词原形表示对将来的要求,用过去时表示对现在的愿望,用过去完成时表示对过去做的事的懊悔。
Don' t live in the world, I would rather( I would just as
soon) you die.
I would rather you go tomorrow.
I would rather everything hadn' t happened in the past.
4.用“had hoped”表示原来希望做到而实际上未能实现的事情,其宾语从句的谓语用“would+动词原形”。
I had hoped that she would go to the U.S. and study there,
but she said she liked to stay in China.
5.在“It is(high/about)time+that”引导的定语从句中,定语从句的主谓语用一般过去时,偶尔也可以用would(或should)+动词原形,或had rather (would rather)+动词原形。
It is hihg (about)time that we left/should leave/ had better leave/had rather leave/ were leaving.(注意与“This is the first/second…time”后从句中用现在完成时的区别。
6.用“without/but for/in the absence of ”表示“要不是”,“如果没有”(相当于if it were not for…)表示条件时,句中一般用虚拟语气。(也可用陈述语气)
Without your help, I couldn' t finish my work on time.
In the absence of water and air, nothing could live
7.由“providing (that)/ provided (that)/on condition that/ in order that”引导的条件从句或目的从句,根据情况,可用虚拟语气。(有时也可用陈述语气)
They are willing surrender provided they are given free
8.在if引导的虚拟条件句中,若有were, had, should, 在书面语中可省去if ,将were等提到主语前,形成倒装。
Should there be a good film tomorrow. I would go to the
theatre with you.
Were it not for your help. I wouldn' t be succeed.


MUST have been donemust have been doing must have been +名词must have done以上的区别还有是否有must have been done 的用法 和区别EG1 I must have been sleeping 2 your dress must have been expensive.3 I didn't hear the phone,I must have must have donemust have done 的用法详细说明.可以归结为虚拟语气里面的么?must have been down 是must have down 的被动语态么 must be的用法和must have been的用法是什么? can't have been和must have been每一个的用法 He must have been的用法.He must have been它的后面可以跟哪几种类型的词语?如果我想要表达“那时他一定在家里”。He must have been at home.must have been 有must had been 这种说法吗?如果有表达的又是什么 have to和must的用法有区别么? must have/ must have been的区别 have been 的用法? 关于must have been的用法must have been用法是作对过去的事情猜测,例如she must have been a singer但是如果有一句话是这样,he must have noticed me,我应该翻译成“他曾一定是注意到我了”还是翻译成“你本 有must have been的用法么?虚拟语气里面?Do you still remember when we went to the Great Wall?I can't remember it well,but ____ sometime last autumn.A it must have beenB it could have been这题不能选A么,是没有这种用法还是意思 have ever been和have been有什么用法上的区别么?他们在翻译上有什么区别? have done 和gave been done的用法last night it must have been rained为什么错 雨是被下的,所以我觉得应该用have been done. have to与must的用法有何不同 have been+adj的用法 have ever been 的用法? have been on的用法 请过路高人谈一下must be doing 与 must have been doing 的用法.这是在新概念第九课出现的.这里的 must 换成 shall 、could 、can 等意义上有什么变化吗? must 作为情态动词的用法问题?试比较以下的句子有何不同:句一:He must have been in his office last night.句二:You must hand in the report immediately.