找出句子中的错误并改正:We see some bed in the room.Is this a alarm clock?Where is your grandparents?Can you take your pencil case to me?Oh,they aren,t know this English boy.根据汉语提示写出下面的句子:1.吉姆的电子游

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 23:45:47

找出句子中的错误并改正:We see some bed in the room.Is this a alarm clock?Where is your grandparents?Can you take your pencil case to me?Oh,they aren,t know this English boy.根据汉语提示写出下面的句子:1.吉姆的电子游
找出句子中的错误并改正:We see some bed in the room.Is this a alarm clock?
Where is your grandparents?
Can you take your pencil case to me?
Oh,they aren,t know this English boy.

找出句子中的错误并改正:We see some bed in the room.Is this a alarm clock?Where is your grandparents?Can you take your pencil case to me?Oh,they aren,t know this English boy.根据汉语提示写出下面的句子:1.吉姆的电子游
Is this a alarm clock. 囧!这个还真不好改.就把a改为an吧.
We see some bed(改为beds)in the room.
Where is(改为are) your grandparents(为复数形式,要用are)?
Can you take(我认为应该改这里,改成bring拿来,带来的意思.take ×× to ×× 是拿去的意思) your pencil case to me?
Oh,they aren't(改为do not) know this English boy.
1.Jim 's electronic games(注意是games.整个词组意为电子游戏机,好像有这个说法) is on the dressing table.
2.I don't know where my sister is.
3.Mum, where is my videotape?
4.Take these to your grandmother, please.
5.Mrs.Brown needs two chairs.