美国和中国有多么不同 英语RT感叹句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 07:45:20

美国和中国有多么不同 英语RT感叹句
美国和中国有多么不同 英语

美国和中国有多么不同 英语RT感叹句
How many differences there are between America and China!
或What a big difference between America and China !
或How big the difference between America and China is !

You know, the question you ask have a lot of answers.Cos there a different parts.So just use education for an example.
Chinese education pays attention to students basic knowledge while The US edu...


You know, the question you ask have a lot of answers.Cos there a different parts.So just use education for an example.
Chinese education pays attention to students basic knowledge while The US education pays attention to practical ability.And you know,Chinese classroom is big with almost 45 students,and for the US,maybe only 25.That's a big difference.and teachers in the US will not be so strict like Chinese teachers do.
kao...why you don't speak clearly...spent me a lot of time to write down.
Who big the difference between the U.S and China!


How many differences between the USA and China.