一个 史上极难 解释的英语句子结构-----务必高手解答---在线等(1)Computers are seen by most young people as 【little more than】game machines.(2)Computers are seen by most young people as【a little more than】game mach

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 18:56:21

一个 史上极难 解释的英语句子结构-----务必高手解答---在线等(1)Computers are seen by most young people as 【little more than】game machines.(2)Computers are seen by most young people as【a little more than】game mach
一个 史上极难 解释的英语句子结构-----务必高手解答---在线等
(1)Computers are seen by most young people as 【little more than】game machines.
(2)Computers are seen by most young people as【a little more than】game machines.
The results show that computer use is quite high among 14 -18 years old.They also show quite clearly that computers are seen by most young people as【a little more than】game machines.The only other great uses are for word-processing and keeping address lists.It seems to us that,though computers are common in the homes of young people,they have not yet become useful in everyday life.

一个 史上极难 解释的英语句子结构-----务必高手解答---在线等(1)Computers are seen by most young people as 【little more than】game machines.(2)Computers are seen by most young people as【a little more than】game mach
little more than是“并不比……多”,有“相同”之意;a little more than是“稍胜出于……”.

这两句话你不能这么看,这么看就很难看明白。你要知道little和a little是完全相反的意思。little是负,而a little是正,上面一个就是说A不比B多,而下面一句就是A比B多。

little more than的意思是“和什么什么一样,就是什么什么”
a little more than的意思是“聊胜于什么什么,稍多于/超出什么什么”




little more than的意思是“和什么什么一样,就是什么什么”
a little more than的意思是“聊胜于什么什么,稍多于/超出什么什么”




一个 史上极难 解释的英语句子结构-----务必高手解答---在线等(1)Computers are seen by most young people as 【little more than】game machines.(2)Computers are seen by most young people as【a little more than】game mach 一个 史上极难 解释的英语句子结构-----务必高手解答---在线等(1)Computers are seen by most young people as 【little more than】game machines.(2)Computers are seen by most young people as【a little more than】game mach 史上极难解释的一个英语句子------务必高手进I was in too much of a hurry to find out about hotels before I left home,这个句子很混乱,有人说in a hurry短语,much of a 是短语.我想知道的是,如果他们都是短语,为 一个 极难 解释的英语句子结构-----在线等They also show quite clearly that computersare seen by most young people as a little more than game machines.重点解释1、句中的see --- as --- 是不是短语?2、a little more than game m 求解释一个英语句子Please find enclosed the application information you requested.能帮我解释一下句子的结构和意思吗? 真真是极难的 怎样快速地判断出一个英语句子的结构? 一个极难解释的高考英语单选题24、I didn’t think I’d like the movie,but actually it _____ pretty good.A:has been B:was 请解释A为什么不对,我觉得也对,甚至比B答案更好.如果不能解释清楚,请不要作答, 英语句子的一般结构 英语的句子结构有哪几种? 分析一个初二英语句子His films and performances started interest among Westerners.①翻译②解释interest的词性及此句结构 一个英语句子结构的分析---高手进Hey!How are you guys doing?请分析这个句子的结构, 一道极难的简便计算 一道极难的简便计算 英语的句子结构,怎样去讲一个句子,如宾语宾部这类的 一个句子中的谓语结构指的是那部分?请举例说明.英语当中的谓语结构。一个句子中的谓语和谓语结构是什么关系? 一个极难的英语单选题--------务必高手进It is none of your business _____ other people think about you.A:how B:what C:which D:when但我觉得从句中不缺主语,也不缺宾语,怎么就能选B呢?重点分析这个句子结 史上极难数学题已知(根号x)-(1/根号x)=3,求根号下(x平方)+(1/x平方)+25的值