请求这句英文语法对吗?My mom will go bananas when she finds out I crashed her car.这是口语英语,我老师说写作时一个句子只能用一个时态,但这句是3个时态,是不是口语的就没所为?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 19:46:21

请求这句英文语法对吗?My mom will go bananas when she finds out I crashed her car.这是口语英语,我老师说写作时一个句子只能用一个时态,但这句是3个时态,是不是口语的就没所为?
My mom will go bananas when she finds out I crashed her car.这是口语英语,我老师说写作时一个句子只能用一个时态,但这句是3个时态,是不是口语的就没所为?

请求这句英文语法对吗?My mom will go bananas when she finds out I crashed her car.这是口语英语,我老师说写作时一个句子只能用一个时态,但这句是3个时态,是不是口语的就没所为?
1. My mom will go bananas 妈妈会情绪失控 (将来时态, 预期的事情还未发生)
2. when she finds out (that) 当她发现 (动词原型第三人称 - 固定语态)
3. I crashed her car 我毁了她的车 (过去时态 - 事情已发生了)

请求这句英文语法对吗?My mom will go bananas when she finds out I crashed her car.这是口语英语,我老师说写作时一个句子只能用一个时态,但这句是3个时态,是不是口语的就没所为? My feet are smaller.这句语法对吗 though my mom could have made enough somehow 请求翻译 这句英文语法对吗 I think you have gone over our website. 请问“i should be home”这句英文的语法对吗? naughty of boy这句语法对吗 tour the world 这句语法对吗? naughty of boy这句语法对吗 两个英文句子的语法问题,1.She writes back saying that we have to talk and to come to the kitchen.这句,and 后面的 to come to 2.I texted my mom saying how thankful I was that she was trusting me.这句how thankful I was 是什么用法 thank you for helping my family语法对吗?用英语有几种说法?请例举出来.thanks for your help to my fmily 这句语法正确吗? But my mom does.是什么句? my mom is fine的同义句 Tell your mom my story?同义句 their opinion will not affect my decision.这句语法对吗?为什么不是opinions?不是可数的吗? 看看这句句子语法对吗?i do my homework begin 3o‘clock不对的话,正确的写出来 Smile,though my heart is aching .微笑,尽管我内心伤痛.这句英文语法对么? 这句英文语法对吗But we do the mechanical engineering including reverse engineering and inspection by ourself. 这句英文语法对吗?but I grow up in a family who speaks German,English and Chinese.