急需啊 谁能帮我翻译一下 中文翻译为英文古往今来,历代文人对梅花不知倾注了多少情.然而,梅必竟有“花”.而竹呢?她既具有梅花笑迎风霜雪雨的坚强品格,更以文静、高雅、虚心进取、

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:07:47

急需啊 谁能帮我翻译一下 中文翻译为英文古往今来,历代文人对梅花不知倾注了多少情.然而,梅必竟有“花”.而竹呢?她既具有梅花笑迎风霜雪雨的坚强品格,更以文静、高雅、虚心进取、
急需啊 谁能帮我翻译一下 中文翻译为英文
急需啊 !~~各位大大 !~~会翻译的就别藏着了 我后悔我英语没学好啊!!

急需啊 谁能帮我翻译一下 中文翻译为英文古往今来,历代文人对梅花不知倾注了多少情.然而,梅必竟有“花”.而竹呢?她既具有梅花笑迎风霜雪雨的坚强品格,更以文静、高雅、虚心进取、
And the literati for their clubs decant don't know how much feeling. however, may be a "flower". while bamboo? she is at the club to welcome the strength of character may rain, even in a quiet, tasteful and open-minded and ready to offer initiative and of noble character of virtue and makes perfect. i love bamboo and bamboo is not only because of the deeds of the culture of the art of beauty, but because of nature, love bamboo and unique character gave me continued flashes of wisdom and strength of character.So i'm with bamboo to design philosophy, not only natural pollution-free and worth collecting. "we have a drink but a spirit!"

Since ancient times, ancient scholars devoted to the plum do not know how much the situation. However, the plum After all, the "flower." The bamboo then? She has weathered rain and snow storms with st...


Since ancient times, ancient scholars devoted to the plum do not know how much the situation. However, the plum After all, the "flower." The bamboo then? She has weathered rain and snow storms with strong plum Xiaoying character, even with quiet, elegant, open-minded progressive, ethical, willing to sacrifice the United States and Germany and left people with the perfect image. I love bamboo, not only because of bamboo's worth of style gives an artistic beauty, but because of bamboo's natural day conditions and unique character to my philosophy of inspiration and strength of character. So my concept for the design of bamboo, not only natural but also worthy of collection of pollution! "We drink wine but not a spirit!"
