词汇和语法五个.就是选择填空.1、i am not used to speaking (in at on to ) public .2、(before at in between )the war of independence ,the united states was an english colony .3、mathematics (is are was were )study or science of numbers .

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 04:19:37

词汇和语法五个.就是选择填空.1、i am not used to speaking (in at on to ) public .2、(before at in between )the war of independence ,the united states was an english colony .3、mathematics (is are was were )study or science of numbers .
1、i am not used to speaking (in at on to ) public .
2、(before at in between )the war of independence ,the united states was an english colony .
3、mathematics (is are was were )study or science of numbers .
4、i have been looking forward to (hear /being heard / be heard /hearing )from my parents .
5、when the railway is completed .we (can /could /are able to /will be able to )get to town much easily .

词汇和语法五个.就是选择填空.1、i am not used to speaking (in at on to ) public .2、(before at in between )the war of independence ,the united states was an english colony .3、mathematics (is are was were )study or science of numbers .
will be able to

in, before,is, hearing, will be able to

词汇和语法五个.就是选择填空.1、i am not used to speaking (in at on to ) public .2、(before at in between )the war of independence ,the united states was an english colony .3、mathematics (is are was were )study or science of numbers . 跪求学英语八年级综合能力提升寒假专用2013-2014上 词汇专练7,8的选择填空 语法专练1的填空 综合测试题1,2,3,4,的填空 词汇和综合填空 请帮我找20篇初中英语缺词填空新华书店只有完形填空、阅读理解、语法、词汇,就是没有找到缺词填空, 英语翻译1 英译汉最常遇到的一个问题就是选择词义.如果一个词有不只一个词义,叫一词多义.英语词汇一词多义的现象比汉语突出.一词多义这种词汇现象又和一词多词类这种语法现象结合在 求大学英语三级词汇和语法. 2012四级词汇和语法 怎么样讲初中词汇和语法? 语法或词汇选择1:___any foreign language and having no special skills,he finds it hard to get a job in this very competitive worldA.knowing not B.knowing no C.not knowing D.having known no2:Up to know,he has taken part in five english contest,i 1-5五个填空 如何提高英语的完形填空,语法选择和听力和阅读理解 语法选择1道Have you seen the girl I .a.that i toldb.i told you ofc.whom i told you 什么才能准确的做好英语的语法选择和完形填空? 初中的完形填空和语法选择练习哪本比较好, How to write a high level essay?就是写不好,怎么办~除了语法词汇之外我还要注意什么? 帮忙改语法和词汇选择.To work in an insurance agency is interesting.Until I begin doing this job,I know how hard every kind of work is.I am working here since this January.The first two months,I worked as volunteer.I only went there one hour for,at,with,to,ing形式的用法,急就是语法问题,有时填空题考.一语中的的,易懂简便的.不要多,就说for,at,with,to,ing形式在填空题和词汇填空怎么判断用那个就行.最好一句话,不要太麻烦,我看不懂.给 英语概念性词汇就是湖南英语试卷上完形填空二和阅读填空以及阅读简答的