英语缺词填空Then there is also a (F ) Day in the United States.这是一个有关母亲节的短文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 19:38:30

英语缺词填空Then there is also a (F ) Day in the United States.这是一个有关母亲节的短文
英语缺词填空Then there is also a (F ) Day in the United States.

英语缺词填空Then there is also a (F ) Day in the United States.这是一个有关母亲节的短文




英语缺词填空Then there is also a (F ) Day in the United States.这是一个有关母亲节的短文 英语缺词填空,急Mother duck is l 1 on her eggs and eagerly(焦急地) w _2_ for them to come out. A few minutes later, her b __3___come out. They stand up by themselves. There are 5 of them. They l 4__ so lovely, she thinks. Then mother duck an 英语填空The bottle is empty .There is n______in it 英语 根据所给词的适当形式填空.Is there ------(some) with my heary? 英语填空:There is something __everyone in my there is n___ library in my school 英语首字母填空 let is talk about the picture in ____.then tell it to other students.英语填空. 英语填空 --S_____ you then!--Bye! 英语填空:Then they b____ to talk 初三英语九年级1道填空题用单词的适当形式填空1.The Greens moved to Beijing ten years ago and ______ (live) there since then. 英语填空题:读一读,选一选,填一填 was.were wasn't ,weren't ,is,are ,isn't ,aren't ,am1.I_____fat then.I_______thin now2.We_______short then.We_______tall now3.The book_________new then.It________old now.4My grandparenrs________old then. 初二英语完形填空和阅读理解完形填空Look!The boy over there is Kangkang.He looks strong because he exercises every day.He is one of my best 16 .He 17 a new day with morning exercises.After morning exercises,he 18 English at home.Then i 用“have,has”“there is,there are”或者“is there,are th用“have,has”“there is,there are”或者“is there,are there”填空 英语 要对 谢谢 缺词填空 Shanghai is s____of Beijing.There are two s____up onto the bus. 英语阅读短文.完形填空.This is the life in the future .Now there ____(be)some free time for us.But in the near future,machines can help us _____(do)the dull jobs.Then we ______(work)three days a week and there _____(be) more free time.We ___ 英语的适当形式填空:is there anyone who can answer the question____(raise)英语的适当形式填空:is there anyone who can answer the question____(raise) Alice is there.Is this _____coat?填空 英语there is汉义