达人进1;-how did the accident happen?-As the driver___,he __ asleepA.drove;was fallingB.was driving;was fallingC.was driving;fellD.drives;falls2.when the owner ran out__ the street.the young man had already disappeared among the people.A.into B.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 18:01:05

达人进1;-how did the accident happen?-As the driver___,he __ asleepA.drove;was fallingB.was driving;was fallingC.was driving;fellD.drives;falls2.when the owner ran out__ the street.the young man had already disappeared among the people.A.into B.
1;-how did the accident happen?
-As the driver___,he __ asleep
A.drove;was falling
B.was driving;was falling
C.was driving;fell
2.when the owner ran out__ the street.
the young man had already disappeared among the people.
A.into B.of C.on D.in
3.Would you like to go __ a Disney Cruise with us?
Great.i 'd love to .i am a fan of Mickey Mouse
A.at B.out C.on D.with
4.The water in the river __ two feet.
because of the heavy rain.
A.has raised B.has risen C.has been raised D.has been risen
5.Is that museum __ we visited two years ago?
A.where B.which C.that D.the one
6.i really don't know ____
A.what to do the next
B.what to do it next
C.how to do the next
D.how to do it next
7.what will you __ when you go out for a picnic this weekend?
A.bring B.get C.carry D.take
8.The teacher asked the students to stop __ and___ to her
A.to talk..listened
D.to talk...listen
9.Sorry.but your address again.please.i __ catch it
A.didn't B.don't C.won't D.wouldn't
10.Tom said he had much homework to do and ___ immediately after lunch.
A.came in B.got off
C.left for D.got on
11.the ball hit the boy __
A.on the back
B.in the back
C.on his back
D.at his back
12.the cloth __ well
A.wash B.washes.C.is washed D,will be washed
13.why didn't you answer when you__
A.would by spoken
B.spoke to
C.were spoken
D.were spoken to
14.the experiment is not __ until everything is ready.
A.to be done
B.to do
15.Does this matter have anything to do __ you
16.The post office __ at 8:30 am
A.is opened
D.will be opened
17.__ he is very busy.__ he often comes to see us
18.Now plastics are used __ wood in many ways
A.in the place of
B.to instead of
C.instead of
D.to taking the place of
19.Where will they go __ the holiday
A.on B.for C.to D.at
20.please do the experiment and find answer __
A.by yourself
B.by yours
C.for yoursele
D.for yours
21.Timmy isn't the heaviest boy in our class.but he is heavier than __boys
A.any of the
B.some of other
C.any other
D.some of the
22.i have_____
A.something important for you to see
B.something important for you to look at
23.the town was about a three-hour train ride away
A.it took them three hours to go to town by train
B.it took one about three hours to go to town by train.
正确答案是:C A C B D C D B B C A B D A C C A C B D B B
麻烦吧为什么说下 9号期末考了
只是这个我要用法。像第一问。AS我懂意思 只是它前后用什么时态我就不懂了。主要说这些都

达人进1;-how did the accident happen?-As the driver___,he __ asleepA.drove;was fallingB.was driving;was fallingC.was driving;fellD.drives;falls2.when the owner ran out__ the street.the young man had already disappeared among the people.A.into B.
时态 怎么说呢...对偶来说从初一到初三,遇到时态问题,偶一般都是先凭语感(觉得哪个对就是哪个,结果成绩不错,你不妨跟着感觉走走,很有用处~),实在不行的话,就通过分析喽~偶补充了,请看下面(注意,偶的回答中有些已经解释了时态,所以只修改一部分):
As the driver was driving ,he fell asleep 当这个司机正在驾驶汽车的时候,他睡着了.“AS .”在这里解释为当什么什么的时候
补:问句"how did the accident happen",毫无疑问,用过去时态.
再进一步,这里的as和when、while用法差不多,一般情况下这一类此都用进行时,所以用“was driving”.下一步,fell asleep 的fell,你要清楚这是延续性动词还是非延续性动词,可见fell是后者,所以直接用fell就可以了~
3、C 用on
在这里是 “go on”表示乘上(迪斯尼航船)
这道题用排除法 A肯定错,过去分词错误 C与D 为现在完成被动语态,翻译在原句中不对,因该用主动语态(也可以解释为该句是一个陈述状态的句子,一般在陈述状态是不用被动语态)
这道题 应该先把一般疑问句改为陈述句,为“that museum is ---- we visited two years ago .因此,根据语法和语感,可以排除A B C ,故答案为D
what to do ; how to do it
因此排除A B .有因为C中的“the next ”表示接下来要做的事,代替了“it”,所以C 正确
bring 表示带来; get 表示得到; carry 表示搬运; take 表示带去
根据语境,A B C 排除 ,选D
stop doing sth 表示停止做某事;stop to do sth 表示停下某件事情去干另外的事,由语境得知,排除A D ;又因为 stop 前面的to 既管stop 又管listen,故,listen为原形.选B
9 B
这道题 C D 肯定排除,偶觉得A也是可以的,运用过去时.但是,此人现在还在做这件事,所以用一般现在时更好,选B
10 C
11 A
排除BD ,又因为 the ball hit the boy中,boy 已经是特指了,就不用在后面加上"his"了,故选A
12 B
13 D
又因为"speak to sb ",所以末尾有TO,选D
14 A
还是一样的,用被动语态 选A
15 C
大致翻译为 对于你来说,还有一些事情要做 故用for 选C
16 C
17 A
再英语中,有了因为 不用所以 有了虽然 不用但是,所以排除B; CD不通顺,A翻译得通,yet翻译为至今,选A
18 C
19 B
请看英语书,有这么一个单元 好象是where did you go for vacation
20 偶觉得是A ,可能你漏写一个答案吧,只有22个答案哦~
21 D
22 B
SEE是一时性动词 ,根据语境,不可能为一瞬间,选B
23 B