is that fair?该怎么理解?是不是除了公平还有别的意思呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 23:19:42

is that fair?该怎么理解?是不是除了公平还有别的意思呢?
is that fair?该怎么理解?

is that fair?该怎么理解?是不是除了公平还有别的意思呢?

fair 可以作名词,意思为:集市。



这里面应该就是 公正 公平的意思~
比如 a fair complexion 白皙的肤色
a fair maiden 美丽的姑娘……



is that fair?该怎么理解?是不是除了公平还有别的意思呢? 英语life is never fair and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it ir not怎...英语life is never fair and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it ir not怎么理解!我想问的不是翻译是这句话为什么这样说! believe that god is fair. Believe that god is fair! 英语翻译Other people disgree and think that successful sports stars make more than is fair.more than is fair 按照上下文的意思这里应该是不公平 怎么是fair呢? I Believe that god is fair. fair is fair翻译 句子分析.It's true that all that is done out of kindness.这是一篇英语作文中的一句.这句中的第一个that作什么成分?all that英该怎么理解? I believe that what I said (fair).I believe that what I said(fair).I don't regret saying it.请问这里的fair怎么理解呢?谢谢,相同用法有例句最好了~~~的确少了wasI believe that what I said was(fair).I don't regret saying it. advance Australia fair该如何解释前进,美丽的澳大利亚这是澳大利亚国歌歌名,也是歌词的一句这个FAIR怎么解释 That is about as fair as it will ever Hubble is the little telescope that could.我该怎么理解这句话,谁能帮我分析下吗? Is that policewoman tall?该怎么改写? Fair is foul,and foul is fair. true love is acceptance of all that is.of all that is怎么理解 treat you like that,that is not fair翻译成中文谢谢 No so-called fair is not fair. 排列组合 Flipping a fair coinFlipping a fair coin.Assume that the coin is flipped 7 times.What is the probability that both heads and tails occur?Thank you~