平明百姓是ordinary people 还是common people字典的例句里都有,但是答案上是:ordinary到底哪个?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 07:29:39

平明百姓是ordinary people 还是common people字典的例句里都有,但是答案上是:ordinary到底哪个?
平明百姓是ordinary people 还是common people

平明百姓是ordinary people 还是common people字典的例句里都有,但是答案上是:ordinary到底哪个?
common 偏于全部,ordinary偏于个体.平明百姓,应该用 ordinary people ,用了common,个人感觉有些公众性

前取普通之意 后面的取一般 大众之意

因为有common sense(常识)啊

两个都是平民百姓的意思,ordinary people 着重于平凡,凡夫俗子的意思,和伟人神人对立。common people 着重于普通人的意思,和特殊人对立。

是common people,答案不一定是对的


平明百姓是ordinary people 还是common people字典的例句里都有,但是答案上是:ordinary到底哪个? 平明寻白羽,“平明”意思是 平明寻白羽什么,“平明”意思是 普通人 ORDINARY PEOPLE怎么样 中国达人秀这个节目关注百姓”这句话怎么翻译 China’s Got Talent has cared for the ordinary people这 Do the most ordinary people Asher Book - Ordinary People 歌词 Some view them no different than ordinary people主语是我,为什么用宾格? 英语翻译中:这三次房地产调控均没有解决百姓所关注的高访价问题.英:the three control initiatives have left unsolved the problem of high housing prices,a concern of ordinary people. 普通人是common people,ordinary people,还是average people?如果都可以表达,三者有何区别?为什么做题目的时候有时候选的是common,有时候又是ordinary或是average? ordinary it is no small challenge for a blog run by a group of ordinary young people .是很大的挑战? tilt the tables against ordinary other abusive practices used to tilt the tables against ordinary people regular,ordinary的区别在电影《happy feet快乐的大脚》中有一句台词是这样翻译的He's a regular penguin他是只普通的企鹅这里的regular能否换成ordinary?我知道普通人是ordinary people,能否换成regular people? How can ordinary people forecast weather用英语回答 How can ordinary people forest weather中文意思 We are not ordinary people,because we are the I cherish the life of ordinary people, tension Ge 是什么意思?