
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:06:58


Qi Men Dun Jia days after the gossip,Luo Shu,24 solar terms,the air.Match the number to form the basic structure and framework.The pattern and structure is multidimensional.Accounted for when measuring the specific time put into this pattern,determine to a certain point as the center of the universe in the specific location of the specific time and form of all things good and bad rheological law environment,thus providing people with choice behavior trends and time basis.奇门遁甲以后天八卦,洛书,二十四节气时,空.数相配以构成基本格局和构架.这个格局和构架是多维的.占测时把具体时日置于这个格局之中,判断以某一点为中心,宇宙中具体时间具体方位万物的流变规律并构成的吉凶环境,从而给人们提供抉择行为的动向和时间的依据.