一道英语选择题:A:______ the woman with the baby come over?We have a seat here.B:Thank you,sir.Actually I do have my seat here.But my baby likes to look out of the window.选项:A.Would B.Shall C.Must D.May 答案为什么是would 而不是

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 10:48:56

一道英语选择题:A:______ the woman with the baby come over?We have a seat here.B:Thank you,sir.Actually I do have my seat here.But my baby likes to look out of the window.选项:A.Would B.Shall C.Must D.May 答案为什么是would 而不是
一道英语选择题:A:______ the woman with the baby come over?We have a seat here.
B:Thank you,sir.Actually I do have my seat here.But my baby likes to look out of the window.
选项:A.Would B.Shall C.Must D.May 答案为什么是would 而不是shall?

一道英语选择题:A:______ the woman with the baby come over?We have a seat here.B:Thank you,sir.Actually I do have my seat here.But my baby likes to look out of the window.选项:A.Would B.Shall C.Must D.May 答案为什么是would 而不是
题干是想说:“那位抱小孩的女士,要不来这边吧?这儿有个座位”.would 和would you like ...都是很客气的说法.
Shall提问一般只用于第一人称,我们常说Shall I.或者 Shall we .,你回忆一下,一定有印象的.



Would you like a drink?... 想喝一杯吗?
Would you like to stay?... 您愿意留下来吗?


Would you like a drink?... 想喝一杯吗?
Would you like to stay?... 您愿意留下来吗?
Would you do me a favour and get rid of this letter I've just received? 请帮个忙把我刚刚收到的这封信处理掉行吗?
Would you come in here a moment, please? 请进来一下好吗?
Would you excuse us for a minute, Cassandra? 卡桑德拉,我们出去一会儿你不介意吧?


What day ______ it the day before yesterday?A.is B.was一道英语选择题,帮下忙, 19,一道英语选择题的诱惑We must have an engineer ______ the workers build the house.A.to seeB.seeC.seeingD.seen 一道选择题8______ was the highest temperature yesterday?A.How muchB.How manyC.WhatD.How 小学六年级英语一道选择题Can you ______ what time the visitors will come? A. find out B. find C look D.look for 一道英语选择题.要理由哦Usually.The mid-autumn Festival ______ October.A drops inB drops onC falls inD falls on 一道英语选择题:The old man has __ beard.A.a B.an C.the D./ 一道英语选择题,选哪个,为什么?The speed ______ light travels is said to be the maximum in the universe.A.in which B.by which C.from which D.at which 一道英语选择题(答案不重要,You can change the size,shape or color of any part on the computer to see ______ thecar would look and then you can choose the best design.A:how B:ifC:what D:that Your story is the ______ funny of all.A.more B.very C.most这是一道选择题. 一道选择题26.5Jack ran ______ to catch the school bus.A.enough fastB.so fastC.fast enoughD.too fast 关于英语的一道语法选择题,The king commanded that enough money ______ to fund the project.A).be collected B).must be collected C) is collected D)can be collected为什么?为什么不选B? 一道英语选择题,我觉得B、C、D好像都对啊!The shoes don’t fit me.Would you please show me ______?A.the other one B.another pair C.others D.another 一道关于非谓语动词的英语选择题,The director had her assistant ______ some hot dogs for the meeting.A.picked up B.picks up C.pick up D.picking up 求英语学霸,一道选择题困扰了我好长时间I'm not used to the ______ the Canadian people speak.A.way B.pronunciation C.words D.step 高一的英语,一道英语选择题.If they go to see the football match this coming Sunday,______.A.so will we B.we also do C.we do,too D.we will as well 选择题一道.这倒选择题,为什么用 a? 怎么不用the?People know that ______ new overpass(高架桥) is being built along this road now. 英语倒装句练习中的一道选择题The air inside a house or office building often has higher concentrations of contaminants ______ heavily polluted outside air.A.than does B.more C.as more that are.D.like of 问一道的初三英语选择题(These great books are still ______ today.)These great books are still ______ today.A.readB.readsC.are readingD.to read