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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/26 05:23:00 字数作文


  My bedroom is very untidy today.There is a doll on the armchair.There are some dirty clothes in my bed.There are some shoes under the bed,they are mess.My mother into my bedroom and see them.Then she very angry.Mother wants me must put the doll in my bed.Then she told me must wish thoes dirty clothes and put them in the wordrobe.In the end,I must clean the windows and clean the floor.

  I am very busy and tired today.What about you?

篇一:8A 英语周练九(含答案)

八年级英语周练九 (8A U 7 p85-p91)

一、根据句意、首字母和括号中中文或英文提示填空,完成句子。( 20* 2 = 40 ) 1. We didn’t know why he made a ________________________ (突然) change. 2. The wind is ________________________(刮)hard.. I can’t hear you clearly. 3. In Dongtai, the t________________________ often stays above zero in winter. 4. Liu Ming’s bedroom is untidy. The clothes are ________________________(到处). 5. I don’t want to go out on _________________________(wind) days.

6. Can you see many farmers working to ____________________________(收获) crops? 7. Can you speak ___________________________(大声) please?

8. The__________________________ (云) become dark. It seems to rain soon. 9.They are making a ________________________(雪人) in the playground. 10. Most Grade 9 students need sleep. They are s___________________________. 11. Winter is the best season ____________________________(go) skiing. 12. I read an _____________________________(excited) book yesterday evening. 13. -----How many _________________________(阵雨) were there yesterday? -----Four. 14. What a ____________________(snow) day! The ground is covered with snow everywhere. 15. The street is full of _______________________________(foggy).

16. You are too fat and need to exercise to keep ___________________________(health). 17. It will be a _____________________________(beauty), hot day again today.

18. Maria’s parents will go to the airport by taxi because it is raining ________________(heavy). 19. It will be ______________________________(main) dry and sunny today.

20. It's hard______________________________ (move) this rock away because it's too heavy. 二、单项选择 ( 20* 2 = 40 )

( ) 1. Every year driving after drinking wine(酒) _______ a lot of traffic accidents. A. happens B. provides C. causes D. stops ( ) 2. We found our English teacher very interesting. Its structure(结构) is______.

A. S+V+P B. S+V+DO+OC C. S+V+IO+DO D. S+V+DO ( ) 3._____ there was a lot of fog in the morning ______ I was late for school.

A. Because, so B. Because, / C. Because, but D. So, because ( ) 4. ----- _______ today! ----Yes. Shall we have a picnic(野餐) in the open air? A. What fine weather it is B. How fine weather it is

C. What a fine weather it is D. How fine is the weather

( ) 5. The sentence structure of “ The trees turn green.” is _____________.


( ) 6. There is only ____________ juice in the glass.

A. a bit B. a little of C. a bit of D. a few

( ) 7. ------ ______ doesn’t Li Nan come to school today? ------ Because she is ill.

A. What B. Why C. When D. Where

( ) 8. This kind of pad looks_______ and sells_______ in the shop.

A. nice;

well B. good;

good C. nicely, well D. nicely;

good ( ) 9. Which is the right sentence structure of "The good news made me happy"? A;

S+V+DO B. S+V+P C. S+V+IO+DO D. S+V+DO+OC ( ) 10. Tom’s mother is busy ____________ breakfast for Tom .

A. cook B. to cook C. cooks D. cooking ( ) 11. __________ is the weather like today?

A. How B. Why C. When D. What ( ) 12. There ______ a sports meeting in our school next week.

A. is B. will be C. has D. will have

( ) 13. It’s time ______ the weather report.. Turn on the radio, please.

A. to B. in C. at D. for

( ) 14. ----When did the car accident happen? ----It happened ______ a rainy night. A. at B. on C. in D. for ( ) 15. My uncle arrived_______ Shanghai_______ a foggy morning of July.

A. at ;

in B. in ;

at C in;

on D. from ;

to ( ) 16. The ground is much_______ after the_______ rain. A. wet;

hard B wetter;

hard C. wet;

heavy D. wetter;

heavy ( ) 17. It’s very hot here. Why not______ your coat?

A. put on B. try on C. take off D. turn off ( ) 18. It's_______ today. You'd better_______ to the museum.

A. raining;

go B. rainy;

not go C. raining;

not to go D. rainy;

not to go ( ) 19. The weather was very_______ last night and it got even_______ this morning. A. bad;

bad B. worse;

worse C. worse;

bad D. bad;

worse ( ) 20. The sentence structure of “They talked for an hour.” is______.

A. S+V+O B. S+V+IO+DO C. S+V D. S+V+P 三、完成句子 ( 40*0.5 = 20 ) 1.今天的天气干燥了点,气温是零度以下了。

It is _______ ________ ________ today and the _____________ is _________ _________ . 2.明天的天气如何?

______________ _____________ the ______________ be _____________ tomorrow ? 3.昨天我妹妹发了高烧,而且咳嗽得厉害。

My sister had______________ ___________ ______________ yesterday and _______________ _______________ ______________. 4.看!天正在下大雨。它使我感到有点害怕。

Look ! It ____________ ___________ _____________. It makes __________ ___________ a ______________ _____________ .


He ____________ ___________ a book yesterday . = ___________ ______________ a book ______________ ________________ yesterday . 6.这月的剩余时间我将待在家里。

I will _________ at home for __________ _________ _________ _________ _________ . 7.来自北方的暴风雪将在下午晚些时候到达。

____________ ___________ the ____________ will __________ in the __________ afternoon .

八年级英语周练九 (8A U 7 )


一、根据句意、首字母和括号中中文或英文提示填空,完成句子。( 20* 2 = 40 )

1.sudden 2.blowing 3.temperarure 4.everywhere 5.windy 6.harvest 7.loud (loudly) 8.clouds 9.snowman 10.sleepy 11.to go 12.exciting 13.showers 14.snowy 15.fog 16.healthy 17.beautiful 18.heavily 19.mainly 20. to move

二、单项选择 ( 20* 2 = 40 )

1-5 CBBAD 6-10 CBADD 11-15DBDBC 16-20 DCBDC

三、完成句子 ( 40*0.5 = 20 )

1. a bit (little) dry temperature below zero 2. What will weather like

3. a high fever coughed a lot 4. is raining hard (heavily) me feel , little (bad) afraid 5. lent me I borrowed from him 6. stay the rest of the(this) month 7. Snowstorms from north arrive late


九年级上学期期中复习要点及练习 U 1

一、 考点分析:

1. 同意? 4. 炫耀 _____________;

2. 吃光 5. 想出,想起_____________ 3. 使某物保持井然有序

6. 既不??也不_____________ he ________I am patient 7. 一位天生艺术家

8. number_________;辨析:

the number of _______________;

a number of

________________ 9. 10. 11. 14.

要么……,要么…… 领先 落后

pay attention to ________________(do)

12. 连接A和B

13. 失之毫厘,谬以千里

15. 非常有条理 16. 高标准的工作

19. talk about his _______________(able) 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

17. 不但……而且……

18. devote …to __________(do)


We find _____ _____ to work with Liu Tao. be suitable for

无论怎样……也不为过 A kid can never have _____ many toys. 固定的顺序 27. 缺席_______________ 总共 28. 最合适的人 取决于 29. 推荐某人做我们的班 作演讲

home today.

11. I am confident and I can 二、练习:

1. __________(careless) will be a disaster express___________(I) well.

to patients. 12. I wouldn’t have ____________(联系) the

two things. 2. The notice ________(写着) “Keep out”

3. It’s terrible for me to work without 13. Our English teacher is p____________.

___________(speak) all day long. He always explains things to us many 4. Your bedroom is too untidy, you should times.

keep your things in good 14. He is g________. He often buys nice gifts o____________. to his friends. 5. N_______ of my parents is a teacher. 15. He is good at all his lessons, but he is m 6. My brother is so e_______ that he never __________.

feels tired. 16. My brother has ______(win) more prizes 7. Daniel is very c________ that he can than me.

work so many difficult problems. 17. Why are you always ________(argue)? 8. You shouldn’t worry about 18. ____________(luck), the Greens didn’t

_______________( not pass) the exam. get to the airport in time. 9. It’s nice of you _________________ 19. He touched my face _______(gentle) and

(carry) water for the old man. told me not to cry. 10. Neither Dad nor Mum ________(be) at 20. The old man gave up _________( smoke)

in the end.

21. I am ready ______(take) on any

challenge. 三、单选:

1.What’s Jack known _________? --His song, I am sure.

A. to B. / C. for D. as

2.The boy _____________ English every day. A. practice B. practice speaking

C. practices to speak D. practices speaking 3.Were they born __________ the same star sign?

A. in B. on C. about D. under

4.The sign ______ you can’t park your car here.

A. writes B. tells C. reads D. says 5.The teacher shouldn’t make students _______ so much homewok.

A. to do B. doing C. do D. did

Unit 2


1. 影响我们的心情 2. 事实上

3. relaxed/ relaxing ;

Listen to the


5. 6.

7. 8.

__________ music always makes me _____________.

sleep(反义词)___________/(睡着的)__________________/(困倦的)______________ 代表忧伤、快乐______________________

宁愿做某事 ____________;



使某人想起某物 dress连衣裙, 给……穿衣:be dressed in 穿……颜色的衣服;dress sb________ ;dress up (as) ________;

9. science____________(科学家);scientific


10. health_________(adj.)

________________(adv.) be in good ___________.He asked me to eat more ___________.

11. according to ________________ 12. 在他们的婚礼上

13. 在他们婚礼那天___________;

14. get into trouble

15. 对你有帮助

16. Europe_____________(adj./欧洲人); 欧洲国家_____________;

17. 电话号码

18. price价格,这个手机的价格是多少?_____________ 19. 帮助改变你的心情 20. 拿回你的钱

21. suggest +doing;

我的朋友建议去游泳。suggest_________(n.) 注意用法同于hope, 不能

用suggest sb to do;只可用 advise sb to do 22. 宁愿?而不愿……: 二、练习与提高:

1. He can’t decide w_________ he will go or not. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

This is a kind of plane we want to _________(创造)

When you feel r_____________, you are calm and not worried.

Sandy hasn’t made a d__________ whether to go to the party tonight. Thank you for joining us, we just r___________ some more people. Another colour that makes you feel calm and _______(peace) is white. –Why are you so_________(worry), Jenny? –My mother is sick. Running or swimming ______(be) good for you.

Sometimes it is not easy for us to make a correct _________(decide).

We p_________ to help you successful change your moods, or you will get your money

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.


This is an a_________ story about a clever girl. I know it from a book.

My teacher gave much a____________ on how to learn English well, but I can’t change my bad habit of learning.

Colours can a________ our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy. Have the scientists d_______ how colours change people’s moods. I tried many ways to help my son, but it didn’t w_______.

The teacher offers us some good s_______ to learn English well. I would r_____________ go home early. W_______ blue will make you feel calm.

The young people helped us ___________(success) hold a fashion show last week. __________(woman) main job was to look for food in the past.

All passengers ___________(require) to show their tickets before a plane takes off. A. live;

more B. to live;

less C. live;

less D. to live;


22. As parents should____________(信任) their children.

23. Which TV set should I choose? It’s hard for me to make a d__________. 24. You need more physical ___________(strong) after a long walk.

25. Your trousers don’t __________(般配) your shirt.

26. I am not sure __________(是否) blue looks good on you.

27. The dress looks good __________(穿) you.=you look good ______(穿) the dress. 28. Mary is used to _______(穿) a T-shirt and jeans. 二.单选:

1.The woman is carrying a bag______________money. A. full of B.is full of C. filled D. be filled with

2.The boy looks nice________ white and the red sweater looks good _______________ the girl. A. with;

on B. in ;on C. on;

in D. in;


3.Do you know how many colours __________ in a rainbow? A. there is B. there are C. are there D. is there 4.I don’t know what _________(wear).

_______ green or ______ in a light green room_________ good for us. A. Wear;

sleep ;

is B. Wear;

sleep ;

are C. Wearing;


is D. Wearing ;



5.People __________pale skin and blonde hair look good __________ yellow and pink. A. have ;

in B. with;

in C. have ;on D. with;in

6.-What did you suggest us_______? –I suggest _______ a meeting to discuss the problem. A. do;

hold B. to do;

holding C. to do;

to hold D. doing;


7. A present, a number of people would rather __________in the country because there is _______pollution in the city.

8.The task is too tough. And you will find ________ to finish it within two days. A.that possible B. it possible C. that impossible D. it impossible 9.Wearing red can make _______ easier to take action. A.it B. its C. it’s D. that

10.Simon is feeling ___________ because he didn’t pass the exam. A.blue B.red C. yellow D. green

11.Jim had difficulty _____________ the new school when he first went there. A. find B. to find C. finding D. found 12.My friend Tom prefers ________ to ________.

A. sing;

dance B. to sing;

dance C. singing;

dance D. singing;

dancing 13.They ___________ for 15 years.

A. married B. have married C. got married D. have been married

14.I don’t know ________ he will come tomorrow. _________ he comes, I’ll tell you. A. if;

Whether B. whether ;

Whether C. if ;

That D. if;

If 15.I don’t know ______ the day after tomorrow. A. when does he come B. how will he come C. whether he will come D. if he comes 16.Tom asked my friend___________

A. where was he from B. not to be so angry

C. when did he come back D. that the earth is bigger than the moon. 17.Could you please teach me _______ the computer?

A. how check B.to check C. how to check D. to how checking

18.–Mike wants to know if _________a picnic tomorrow. –Yes. But if it _______, we will visit the museum instead.

A. you have;

will rain B. you will have;

will rain C. you will have;

rains D. will you have;


19.I really don’t know if she _________it when she _________

A. finds;

arrives B. finds;

will arrive C. will find;

will arrive D. will find;

arrives 三、根据汉语完成句子:


Do you believe _____ _____ ________ _________ our ________. 吉姆认为浅色比深色好。

Jim thinks _______ light colours _________ better that dark ones.


My mun says blue _______ _________ ________ rooms. 我的姐姐不能决定是否应该买那条粉色的裙子。

My sister can’t decide _____ _______ ______buy that _______dress. 我们应当呆在家而不是去购物。

We should stay at home _________ __________ ________ shopping. 我想要一个由棉花制成的运动包

Unit 3


1. 做某事有个问题

2. I don’t know __________________(你的车怎么啦)。

3. 少吃多锻炼 8. 在考试中得低分 4. 得到足够的睡眠 9. 向某人寻求建议

10. do with/deal with: 5. 课堂上感到疲惫

11. have a lot of homework ______(do) 6. 使某发狂

7. 亲密的朋友 12. 别无选择,只能去做

13. 熬夜 14. 发现做某事困难

15. 辨析 hard/hardly: It rained _____________(hard) yesterday. We haven’t seen each other

for 10 years, so I __________ know you among people. David was so excited at the good news that he could _______ say a word.

16. imagine doing: I didn’t imagine_________(become) a singer one day.

17. 值得做某事_

18. so that/ so……that;他如此的小,以至于他不能去上学_______________________他跑得

飞快以便能赶上他的小狗。________________________________- 19. 给我提供一些建议

20. advice/ suggestion:多好的一条建议啊!

21. There is no ________( choose), you have to wait until the bus comes. 22. Don’t you want this ________(value) news?

23. She __________(suggestion) building a cinema here yesterday. 24. Do you think this film is worth_____________(see)? 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 50. 51. 52. 53.

对??痴迷/着迷_ 38. 叫她书虫 允许某人做某事 39. 写一篇关于……报告 对某人要求严 40. 告诉某人(不)做某事

41. take turns to do 得平衡

有价值的建议 42. 轮到某人做某事

43. make progress in 算出,解答出

44. go over_ 尽力做某事

收到他的答复 45. 把烦恼藏在心里

46. take a holiday 向某人介绍……

处理问题 47. 和我同龄的学生 找某人帮忙 48. 太在乎你的分数 在考试中得高分 49. 值得做某事 尽最大努力做某事

很难表达自己:have difficulty ________(express) myself

silence______________(adj.) : 当我学习时我需要安静。______________ keep silent 擅长做某事__________________;在……方面学得好____________ noise_____________(adj.)____________(adv.)


1. They are helpful and they often give me __________(use) advice. 2. Are you often feel ___________(stress)?

3. Do you get used to ______________(wear) big round glasses? 4. This book is very _________(value) to everyone. 5. My cousin Bill is of _________(I ) age.

6. I can’t do my homework because it is too ______(noise) at home. 7. If someone_____(laugh) you, you should pay no attention to him. 8. Thanks for r _________ to my letter.

9. If you study hard, you can make a big p_____________. 10. Read a____________ please and let others hear you.

11. How good your p___________ is! I can’t believe you aren’t English.



Lesson 55 and Lesson 56

一 根据句意填空(10分)

1. The Sawyers live ______ 87, King Street.

2. In the morning, Mr. Sawyer ______ to work.

3. Mr. Sawyer takes his ______ to school every day.

4. We are Finnish. We come from ______.

5. Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day and ______ the housework.

6. Mrs. Sawyer and her friends usually drink ______ in the afternoon.

7. The children come home from ______ in the evening.

8. She usually washes the ______ after supper.

9. Mr. Sawyer is a very busy man. He usually comes home ______ from work in the evening.

10. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night, but ______ he and his wife watch television.

二 英汉互译下列短语(10分)

1. The Greens ______

2. go to work ______

3. stay at home ______

4. at noon ______

5. see her friends ______

6. 放学回家______

7. 晚到家______

8. 做他们的家庭作业______

9. 去睡觉______

10. 听收音机______

三 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分)

1. The Sawyers ______ at 87 King Street. (live)

2. Mr. Sawyer ______ to work in the morning. (go)

3. We are from Germany, but Dimitri ______ from Greece. (come)

4. The father ______ his children to school now. (take)

5. Mrs. Smith ______ at home every day. (stay)

6. The girl can ______ the vase on this table. (put)

7. Mr. Sawyer usually ______ his newspaper at night. (read)

8. We are going ______ the flowers to the teacher. (send)

9. I can’t go now. I must ______ my homework. (do)

10. Look, they ______ (work) hard.

四 选择填空(20分)

( ) 1. We go to school ______ every day.

A. in five o’clock B. at five o’clock C. on five o’clock

( ) 2. The Sawyers live ______ 87 King Street.

A. in B. at C. on

( ) 3. The children’s father takes ______ to school every day.

A. their B. they C. them

( ) 4. Mrs. Sawyer often ______ the housework at night.

A. do B. doing C. does

( ) 5. I usually see my friends in the afternoon. We often drink tea ______.

A. together B. with us C. to them

( ) 6. In the evening, the children come ______ from school.

A. to home B. at home C. home

( ) 7. ______ they arrive home early or late?

A. Does B. Are C. Do

( ) 8. One of ______ looking out of the window.

A. the boys is B. boys is C. the boys are

( ) 9. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but ______ he and his wife watch television.

A. always B. often C. sometimes

( ) 10. What are the children doing? They ______ to bed.

A. go B. going C. are going

( ) 11. What ______ today?

A. does she put on B. is she wearing C. do she wear

( ) 12. Do you have a pen like this? No, but I’m going to buy ______.

A. it B. this C. one

( ) 13. I think the shop is ______.

A. opening B. opened C. open

( ) 14. Does your brother have a bike?

Yes, ______.

A. he have one B. he has one C. he does

( ) 15. Let’s ______ today.

A. go to the schools

B. go to the school

C. go to school

( ) 16. I ______ up but do not ______ any flowers.

A. look, see B. see, look C. look, look

( ) 17. My sister Kate ______ like flying kites ______ throwing a frisky.

A. don’t, or B. doesn’t, and C. doesn’t, or

( ) 18. Where is my bike? I can’t ______ it.

A. find B. look C. look for

( ) 19. That pen is mine, please give ______.

A. me it B. it me C. it to me

( ) 20. My mother ______ in a shop, but she ______ there these days.

A. works, isn’t working B. is working, works C. is work, doesn’t work

五 句型转换(10分) 就划线部分提问)

______ ______ the Sawyers live?

2. Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day.(变为否定句)

Mrs. Sawyer ______ ______ at home every day. (就划线部分提问)

What ______ she usually ______ in the afternoon?

4. It’s very cold in winter. (变为一般疑问句)

______ it very cold in winter? 就划线部分提问)

Which ______ ______ Jim ______ best? 就划线部分提问)

______ ______ they often drink tea? 就划线部分提问)

What ______ the boy ______? 就划线部分提问)

What ______ ______ George going to ______ the bookcase?

9. There is some milk in the bottle. (变为一般疑问句)

______ there ______ ______ in the bottle? 就划线部分提问)

What ______ she ______ for her mother?

六 补全对话(10分)

Mum: Jim! Where are you?

Jim: I’Jim: I’Mum: Could you help me, please? ’What are you making?

Mum: I’Jim: All right, Mum.

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______

6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______

七 完形填空(10分)

( ) 1. A. a B. an C. the D. /

( ) 2. A. class B. grade C. school D. row

( ) 3. A. in a B. on a C. in the D. on the

( ) 4. A. friend B. friends C. friend’s D. friends’

( ) 5. A. They B. Their C. Theirs D. The

( ) 6. A. different game B. different games C. same game D. same games

( ) 7. A. kites B. bikes C. plane D. bird

( ) 8. A. planes B. birds C. kites D. bikes

( ) 9. A. can’t B. aren’t C. can D. don’t

( ) 10. A. have B. like C. love D. are

八 阅读理解(20分)

Jim’s day

On weekdays, I get up at 6:30. I have breakfast at 7:00, and then I go to school. I usually go to school by bike. I arrive at school at 7:30 every day. I don’t like to be late. Our classes begin at 8:00.

I have lunch at noon. In the afternoon, classes are over at 3:30, and I arrive home at 4:00. But sometimes I don’t come home early because I play basketball at school. Then I come home at 5:40. I have dinner at 6:00 in the evening.

I do my homework in the evening. I often watch TV, but sometimes I like to do some reading. I go to bed at 10:00.


( ) 1. Jim gets up at ______ on weekdays.

A. 7:30 B. 6:30 C. 8:30 D.5:30

( ) 2. Jim has ______ at 7:00.

A. breakfast B. lunch C. a meal D. dinner

( ) 3. Jim ______ school at 7:30 every day.

A. arrive at B. comes back from C. is late for D. leaves

( ) 4. Jim doesn’t like to be ______.

A. early B. late C. in a hurry D. at school

( ) 5. Jim doesn’t come home early because ______.

A. he plays football

B. he stays in school with his teacher

C. he plays basketball

D. he plays games


Jim up at 6:30 on He breakfast at 7:30, and then he goes to school. He doesn’ home at 4:00. But sometimes he comes home from school because he basketball. Then he gets at 5:40. He has supper at 6:00 in the He often

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______

6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______

11. ______ 12. ______ 13. ______ 14. ______ 15. ______



1. 最近我校高一年级的200名学生接受了一次关于英语写作困难原因的问卷调查,请根据下表信息写一篇短文总结调查结果。


A survey about the writing difficulties in English has been carried out among the 200 students in Grade One in my school recently. The result is as follows:

The biggest problem with English writing is grammar, which frustrates 62% of us. 57% of the students don’t know what to write 56% feel they are in great need of a larger vocabulary. As Chinese students, we have difficulty in thinking in English, which causes 44% of us to write English articles in a Chinese style. Only 37% of the students have trouble in organizing the sentences and paragraphs, and they need help with the

structure of English articles.

2. 假如你叫王力, 你的朋友Rose 在得知自己在英语竞赛中以一分之差而未获奖后,神情沮丧,两天都没和人说话。请你就此写信安慰并鼓励她,适当地提出一些建议。(信的开头和结尾已经给出)

Dear Rose,

I am sorry to hear that you have failed in English contest. _______ Best wishes,


Wang Li


Dear Rose,

I am sorry to hear that you have failed in English contest. And I am very upset to hear that you are so depressed that you haven’t talked to anyone for two days.

I can understand what you are feeling now. It is rather disappointing to fail in an important contest just by one point. But one failure doesn’t mean you are not perfect. There are more contests to come in the future. He who laughs last laughs best.

It is time for you to turn sadness into strength. You can make use of this chance to improve your English. Look back, and you can learn a lot from your mistakes;

look forward, and you will find a bright tomorrow before you. I will be glad to help you and let’s study together!

Best wishes,


Wang Li

3. 暑假就要来临,你班将举行一次以社会实践为主题的班会,请你写一篇发言稿动员同学们利用假期参加社会实践,要点如下:

1. 接触社会,了解社会的发展;2. 结识不同的人,提高社交能力;3. 赚钱,培养独立能力。


3、参考词汇:社会实践 social practice;

参加 participate in;

犹豫 hesitate The summer holiday is approaching. We can make a plan for our holiday in advance. I suggest that we should take advantage of this opportunity to participate in social practice. Firstly, we can learn about how the society is going on by being a member of it. Secondly, our social abilities and communicating skills can be greatly improved in the process of contacting all kinds of people. Last but not least, we can earn some money on our own. We should learn to be independent instead of always depending on our parents. Don’t hesitate! Let’s get ready to enter the colorful society!

4. 据调查,在电脑普及的今天,中小学生打字速度很快,但其写字状况却令人堪忧。许多人认为,电脑能代替写字,所以字写的好不好无所谓。请你写一篇100字左右的短文描述这种现象并陈述自己的观点。

参考词汇:错别字 wrongly written character

With the widespread use of the computer, many middle school and primary school students can type very fast. However, their handwriting is

becoming worse than before. Wrongly written characters and untidy writing are the common problems. The bigger problem is that they don’t think it is necessary to practice handwriting any more since typing can take the place of it. To me, I always prefer handwriting to typing. Handwriting is a better way to express my feeling and character although it is slower and more tiring. What’s more, Chinese characters are the important and unique part of Chinese culture and we should never stop practicing writing them.

5. 假如你是刘宁,本学期刚转学到另一个城市,不适应新环境,想给好朋友宋薇写一封邮件,要点如下:


Dear Dong Wei,

How is everything going with you? I have been missing all of you since I got to this city. To be honest, I am not used to the food here and the weather always makes me feel uncomfortable. The new teachers are friendly but they speak so fast with a certain accent that I don’t quite understand. That often discourages me in class. What’s worse, I am always feeling lonely after school since I don’t’ have friends here. I really want to go back to the old school, studying together with you. Can you give me some help and advice?


Liu Ning

6. 大连的发现王国(Discoveryland)主题公园是中国最大的主题公园之一。假如你刚游览了发现王国,请写一篇游记。要点如下:




Today I visited one of the biggest theme parks in China --- Discoveryland in Dalian. It’s divided into six parts, each of which has a particular theme, like desert, rainforest and so on. It leads us to an adventure of a wonderful world. On entering the park, I was attracted by the colorful buildings with special shapes and decoration. The fountain and ancient castle brought me to the fairyland. What excited me most was the roller coaster. It was running so fast that I could only feel strong wind weeping my face and hear the screams of other people. The float parade and performances were really a feast for my eyes. This visit brought me great excitement and new experience and I had lots of fun here.

7. “幽默感”被认为是人类最重要的品质之一。请你用英语写一篇短文陈述幽默的好处,要点、如下:1、促进学习;2、有益健康;3、缓解压力;4、增进友谊。


A sense of humor is considered to be one of the most important human qualities which improves our life in different ways. Firstly, a humorous teacher can help students focus their attention very easily, and the students

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