作业帮 > 高中作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/11 16:24:20 高中作文


  Do you understand the feeling of being rejected and turned down by someone who don"t understand you? It"s so upset that kills all your mind to keep up.

  Other people just like to focus on your success. They don"t care about the process and the way of how you succeed, but only care about the result that you have made. If you do make it a great success, of course that"s great as other people will cheer up for you and you will put a big smile on their face, since they all have high expectations on you. But what if you fail and you can"t make any meaningful products out, most people just don"t care and bet you haven"t make your full effort on this matter. Only you, yourself can say firmly that “I have already tried my best!" , and I fail just because I don"t have the ability to do so! But the others just won"t listen and all they concentrate on is your final result!

  The feeling of being neglected and rejected is really bad. I tell myself that even though I could have a second chance to do all these again, I wouldn"t be able to get any higher results because I have already paid full effort in it already! So what? Compared to others, you just like a small dust in the audience"s eyes. The final result is the only comparable point between you and other competitors!

  Undeniably, I feel totally depressed by this fact. The only thing that I can do is to deal with all my negative emotions and try to think more positively. I always tell myself that how other people think about you is totally unimportant, however, if you reject yourself in the first place, then, you are really a loser. So I believe that if I didn"t give up and I can tell myself that I have already done the best that I could, I wouldn"t feel regret at all cause my ability is just that little. By then, you are already a winner, in your own"s heart. A lyrics from one English song has been my motto: What does kill you makes you stronger! Be brave and keep it up! You will beat other people"s down some day!


1. 以“如何考高分”为中心,写一篇80词左右的短文。内容




Everyone hopes to get high marks in the exam. How to do

well in the exam is not easy. I think you should work hard at the lessons, and then you’ll be able to learn well. You should read over the whole paper before you write. When you feel nervous, you’d better put down the pen, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Don’t spend too much time on the problem which is hard to you. Just leave it until you have finished the easy problems. Remember to check the answers

before you hand it.

2. 请根据上面的短语写一篇作文描述你经历过的一件助人为乐的事情。题目自拟。

内容包括:1.事情发生的人物、时间和地点; 2.事情的经过; 3.这件事情给你的启示。

A Tried but Happy Day

Our school encouraged us to learn from Lie Feng in March. So we set up a group to help

people in trouble. On Saturday morning we decided to go to the Old People’s Home, because we knew the old there needed our help. As soon as we got there, we started to clean the yard and rooms. Boys were sweeping the floor, while

Girls were fetching water and washing clothes. The old there were so moved that an old

grandma even cried. About two hours later, we finished the work and left

the Old People’s Home. All of us were very tired, but we felt very happy. Helping

others can make you happier even if you are tired.

3.假如你是Mike, 你的朋友Jim将要到你们学校,请你根据下面要求和提示词语,写封信告诉他你们学校的校规。词数80左右。



提示词语:study, uniforms, group, talk, snacks

Dear Jim,

I’m really happy that you will study in our school. There are a lot of rules in our school ,and now let me tell you about the rules.

On schooldays, we have to wear uniforms. If you don’t do that, you will annoy(惹怒) the

teachers. We have to study with a group in class, and we are not

allowed to talk loudly in class. We are not allowed to eat any snacks at school, either.

Best wishes to you.





Low-carbon life is good for everyone and every one of us can do it. For example, we should

go to work or go to school by bike or by bus instead of taking a car. Besides, we had better take a bag with us instead of the plastic bags when we

Go shopping. We should reuse books, bottles, paper in our daily life. I think it is not

difficult to live a low-carbon life. I believe if everyone lives a low-carbon life, our world will

become more and more beautiful.


2.同学们最喜欢的活动…… 3.体育活动的好处……

After the program of “One-hour Sunshine Sports” has been carried nationwide,

all of us go to the playground every day. We have different kinds of sports that we

like for one hour. Some take part in running, some play basketball and football, and

some do other exercise. The boys like playing basketball most and the girls like rope skipping.

But playing table tennis is my favorite. We always enjoyed sports so

much that we all forgot the time. We really have a good time while we are having


Besides, doing sports makes us healthy and look strong. We are happy when we

are playing sports. Again, our brain can have a good rest after doing sports. So we

can learn better with our study.

I will keep on doing it, I hope more and more people can join us in sports activities. Do sports an hour every day, you can have a happier and better life.


参考词汇: 1.East Beach东方海滩 2.fine (沙)细的 3.be suitable for适合?? 4.dressing

room更衣室 5.beach volleyball 沙滩排球

June 20th, 2011

Dear Annie,

I’m very happy to get your letter. Now I’d like to tell you something about East Beach.

East Beach lies in the east of my city. It is ten kilometers away from the city. It is one of the

best beaches in the world. Here sand is fine. The water of the sea is clear. The waves are small. It is suitable for swimming in the sea and playing beach volleyball.

There are some washrooms, dressing rooms, shops and hotels. There are also many buses

to reach there. You can take a taxi at any time.

I believe you’ll have a good time when you come here during the summer holiday.


Liu Fang

7.中国自古就有尊师重教的优良传统,“程门立雪”就是一个典型例子。请根据以下提示写一篇短文,讲述这个故事,并简单谈论你的看法。词数60-80之间。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇: respect 尊敬

they went to visit their teacher Cheng Yi. It was snowing heavily. Cheng Yi was sleeping then, so they waited beside him. They kept waiting until their teacher woke up. Then they found that the ground outside was already covered with thick snow!

We should learn from Yang Shi and You Zuo and respect our teachers. A good education

makes a country strong!

8.造纸术不仅是中国古代的伟大发明,同时也促进了世界文明的发展。请根据下面表格里所提示的内容,以One of the Most Helpful Inventions为题写一篇短文。词数60-80之间。

As we all know, paper is one of the four most important inventions in ancient China. It was

invented in the Western Han dynasty by Cai Lun. After he had done many experiments, Cai Lun made paper with bark, ropes, rags and so on. It is a great contribution to the world.

Nowadays, paper is very useful in our work, study and daily life. We can use it to write,

paint, print books and so on.

Thanks for the invention of paper. It has made our life more colorful.



2.给楚王(King Chu)提了很多建议,反而被投入监狱(prison)。



Qu Yuan was a famous poet who wrote many good poems. He gave the King Chu much

good advice, but was put into prison. He was so disappointed that he threw himself into the river. In memory of Qu Yuan, people have the Dragon Boat Festival every year.


况(80个单词左右) 1.位置(华南,紧邻广东省)。


3.回归(take over)(1997.7.1),是香港人民及全国人民的愿望。

4.国际大都市(international city),

被誉为东方之珠(the Oriental Pearl)和购物天堂(Shopping Heaven),海洋公园(the Ocean Park)不容错过。

Hong Kong lies in the south of China. It is next to Guangdong Province. Hong Kong has a

population of over 6,300,000. Most people there are Chinese. In building new Hong Kong, the Chinese people play a very important part. Hong Kong was taken over by China on July 1st, 1997. It is the wish of all Chinese people, including the people of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is known as the Oriental Pearl and Shopping Heaven. It is a beautiful international

city. If you have a chance to go there, you should have a good visit to the Ocean Park. This is

Hong Kong, an important part of China.


Television has become one of the most important parts of our life. Some programs on TV are very

important and useful. We learn much knowledge on TV. For example, the news tells us what happened all over the world;

the ads tell us what things are good and cheap. The movies make our life colorful. But some programs are unhealthy for teenagers, and some ads are misleading. Watching TV too much is bad for our eyes, too. We can’t change what is on TV, but we can choose what we watch.


Journey to the West is my favorite novel. I have read it several times. The Monkey King is my favorite

character. He is not only clever and brave but also funny. He often makes us laugh. He can fly quickly. He is good at hiding. Sometimes he hides by changing himself into a small living thing such as a bee. Sandy and Piggy are his good friends, and they help him win every battle. I think all of them are famous heroes.


Ladies and gentlemen, in front of us is the Great Wall. It has a history of over 2,000 years, and it is 6,000 kilometers long and 7 meters high. We can stay here for two hours and leave at 9 o’clock. Please take your things with you and close the window before you get off. We will wait for you at the entrance, please remember the number of the car and take care when you travel on the Great Wall. Wish you a good time.



What are friends? We often talk about the topic with others. I think friends are those people who can help you when you are in trouble. Don’t forget the saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Friends can tell you your mistakes, though what they say is hard for you to listen to. You can share your happiness, trouble and worry with friends. Someone also says, “You can’t walk any step without a friend.” So I think friends are very important to us. I would like to make as many friends as possible.

以“I Love My Motherland”为题写一篇短文。

1. Why do you love your motherland?(You may introduce its history and culture to us.)

2. What can you do for your motherland?


I Love My Motherland

China is a big country that has many places of interest. There are so many beautiful mountains and rivers. Its wonderful scenery attracts many tourists all over the world every year. China also has a long history that has influenced the world. The Four Great Inventions of ancient China changed the world a lot.

I am proud of its history and culture. I love my motherland very much. As a Chinese, I want to make contributions to our motherland. So I must study hard now. Maybe someday I’ll do much for our country.

一.1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.D

7. A 8. C 9. C 10. D 11. C 12. A 13.

B 14.C 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.B


二.21.B 22. B 23 C 24.B 25. A

26. B 27. C 28.A 29. B 30. D

三.31.B 32.C 33. B 34.A 35.D



a brief description简要描述 基础技能学习的重要性


account说明 impact影响

不给信息提示 如何审题


一 负面现象类模板

Common as it at first glance, this picture is brimming with illumination after your serious pondering. The drawer aims to reveal that sb are devoid(缺失) of sth(寓意)



可持续性发展(个人、经济、社会):sustainable development of...

社会风气:general mood of society /social harmony and stability

身心健康:mental and physical health

个人成长:personal growth/sound growth


2 “Life without +核心词 is like a sailing without wind.”


人/公司(同位语),is a case in point, which/who is an excellent embodiment of 主题词. But for this notion/virtue/quality, he /it could never be what he/it is now and enjoy the present glory.


If the significance of +核心词 cannot be realized properly and promptly.

危害一:individuals (as well as the whole society) 可替换+will suffer a great deal. 危害二:What's more ,lack of it may pose a potential and looming menace to sth.





altogether from the Gaokao – a claim which has since been denied by the Beijing education authority – but not the central government. It is also said that the students'

learning interests on Chinese language might be further aroused.

Moral Building on Campus 1. 校园道德建设十分重要

2. 因此,学校可以?-?-

3. 我们自己应当?-?-

Moral Building on Campus

Recently, if you search the internet or other media, you would see reports on demoralization now and then. Universities are no exception. These demoralization shows in the following aspects: theft, lack of credibility, cheating in examinations, plagiarism in papers, improper interaction with the opposite sex etc. In sum, moral building on campus is of critical importance in students’ all-round development. On one hand, this requires the universities to attach great importance to natural environment planning and building. A good campus environment plays an active role in cultivating students’ ideology and moral education. On the other hand, the staff in the university should find the best in both Chinese and Western culture to educate the students. Students can learn important lessons from Western cultures, adding to our profound morality.

We, as students in the university, should be aware of the importance of moral building. We should do something to support the moral building work, starting from little things around us. Students Union should organize some activities for students to take part in, highlighting the importance of moral building.

Dishonesty in Tourism

1. 近年来旅游行业中不诚信现象比较普遍

2. 出现这一现象的原-因

3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议

Dishonesty in Tourism

Since 1980s, the economy of China has developed greatly. With more money in their pockets, people are spending more money on travelling, which has brought prosperity to tourism. Nevertheless, many travel agencies or agents are reported to cheat their customers and make money in a dishonest way.

The reason for dishonesty in tourism is various. First and for most, money is the spur. Some travel agencies use all means to cheat their customers in order to get more money. Secondly, to survive in the fierce competition, travel agencies have to make enough profits. To realize profit maximization, they cheat. Last but not least, their victims seem to have little sense of defending their rights.

To regulate travel agencies and protect the rights of tourists, the government has issued various laws. However, I think tourists can take the following tips to avoid travel scams. First, choose a trustworthy travel agency for your trip. Secondly, use your common sense and keep alert while travelling. Finally, defend yourself if

your rights are violated.

2014年6月英语四六级作文如何写?四级作文模板如何运用?下面为考生提供新东方名师王兆飞出品四六级写作分类范文,希望能够帮助大家在最后阶段备考四级写作。下面是应用写作型范文(四):A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus。

四级作文题目:A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus

January 12th, 2002

Dear Mr. President,

I am a sophomore from Department 3 and I am writing to you about the food and service in the canteen on campus.

To be frank, I am rather disappointed at the food quality, price and service in the canteen. First, the dishes are scarcely well cooked and most of them taste the same. Secondly, most of the dishes there are priced so high that some students cannot even afford them. Thirdly, the service in the canteen is far from satisfying and the inside of the canteen always seem untidy.

To solve the problem, I suggest that another canteen be built and a mechanism of competition be introduced between the old and the new. Besides, both the canteens should be subject to the students'


Dining is an everyday issue for students. It may affect their academic

performance. Therefore, I sincerely hope this letter can draw your attention to the matter and I hope the problems mentioned above can be solved as soon as possible. Best regards.

Yours sincerely Li Ming

2014年6月英语四六级作文如何写?四级作文模板如何运用?下面为考生提供新东方名师王兆飞出品四六级写作分类范文,希望能够帮助大家在最后阶段备考四级写作。下面是应用写作型范文(四):A Letter Declining a Job Offer

四级作文题目:A Letter Declining a Job Offer

December 24, 2005

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am responding to your job offer on December 20, 2005. I was informed that I would be offered the position as an interpreter for your company. I cordially appreciate your trust and I am much obliged to you for providing me with this valuable opportunity.

However, I have to tell you that I cannot accept it. The major reason is that

I don't think I am the most appropriate candidate for this post. As a non-English major, though my written and spoken English are outstanding than most of my peers, I am not well trained in translation, not to mention interpretation, which, I believe is highly demanding. Maybe my performance in the oral examination has misled you. Actually, I am more interested and more competent in my own major, that is, program designing. Last but not least, I happened to have been offered such a position with another company.

Nonetheless, I, again, want to express my sincere gratefulness and I earnestly apologize for any inconvenience hereby caused. Finally, I hope you can find the ideal candidate as soon as possible.

Best regards.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming

2014年6月英语四六级作文如何写?四级作文模板如何运用?下面为考生提供新东方名师王兆飞出品四六级写作分类范文,希望能够帮助大家在最后阶段备考四级写作。下面是应用写作型范文(三):A Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper。


A Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper

June 20th, 2004

Dear Mr. / Miss Editor,

I am a student from Tsinghua University and I am writing to you about my experience of buying a dictionary and my complaint about the service of a bookstore. It was about a month ago. I went to a bookstore nearby the university to buy an English dictionary. It was only after I paid for the dictionary and returned to school that I found some pages were missing. But when I went back to the bookstore to tell them about the matter, they said that I should have checked the dictionary before I left the store. According to them, it was my fault and they hold no responsibility for the whole matter.

What I want to say is that sincerity and enthusiasm are vital to the survival of service industries in such a market economy featured by fierce competition. It was quite easy for them to change the dictionary for me but they refused to do so. They will lose all customers if they persist in doing so. I hope that this letter can draw the attention of the whole society and that the problem can be solved as soon as possible.

Best regards.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming

2014年6月英语四六级作文如何写?四级作文模板如何运用?下面为考生提供新东方名师王兆飞出品四六级写作分类范文,希望能够帮助大家在最后阶段备考四级写作。下面是应用写作型范文(二):Your Help Needed

四级作文题目:Your Help Needed

Dear friends,

I am writing to you, on behalf of the Student Union, to ask for your help for Li Ming, a schoolmate of ours from the Department of Computer Science. He is seriously ill now and has to have a heart transplant at once. To make things worse, he comes from the west of our country and his family is quite poor.

Li Ming is now confronted with the following difficulties. To begin with, he can't afford the medical expenses. His family doesn't have a good financial background. Moreover, his parents have already been deep in debt in order to send him to university. In addition, his family is far away and he needs someone to take care of him day and night. Only with intense care can our friend recover from his disease.

On no account can we see our friend suffer or die. He is in desperate need of your help, especially financial donations to help him pay for his expenses. Let's all give him our hands. Anyone who wants to offer help can contact us at 88588858 or you can email us by love@sina.com. Please act without delay.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Hua

Chairman of the Student Union

2014年6月英语四六级作文如何写?四级作文模板如何运用?下面为考生提供新东方名师王兆飞出品四六级写作分类范文,希望能够帮助大家在最后阶段备考四级写作。下面是图表图画型范文(七):Film Is Giving Way to TV

四级作文题目:Film Is Giving Way to TV

It can be seen from the graph that the rate of car accidents in Walton City experienced rises and falls in 1990. From January to March last year it increased by 45%. From March to June it dropped by about half the previous rate. From June to August there was a steep rise of 50%. After that, however, there was a steady decrease.

There are several reasons for this improvement, but the following are the most critical ones. First, new traffic regulations have made drivers more careful. Second, more people are using bicycles for transportation. Finally, in the later part of the year good weather made the roads safer to drive on.

I am confident that there will be even fewer car accidents in Walton in the future. First, major roads have been repaired and the number of public buses has been increased in the past few months. Moreover, a traffic safety campaign has made all the local people more aware of the dangers of unsafe driving.

2014年6月英语四六级作文如何写?四级作文模板如何运用?下面为考生提供新东方名师王兆飞出品四六级写作分类范文,希望能够帮助大家在最后阶段备考四级写作。下面是图表图画型范文(一):Traveling Abroad

四级作文题目:Traveling Abroad

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Writing 1 年中考英语最有可能考的书面表达30

假设你拥有三到四天的假期,你可以选择去你想去的任何一个地方,请以“My dream holiday”为题写一篇英语短文,描述你梦想的假期。要求:】

My dream holiday

Everyone has a dream holiday. I hope I can go on a trip to France, because it is a romantic country full of love, flowers and wine.

On the first day, I would go to Paris to visit the famous Eiffel Tower. I want to get to the top of it and have a bird’s-eye view of this modern city. When enjoying the beautiful scenery on the top of the tower, I would be very excited to scream “France! I love you!” The next day, I’d like to enjoy the local French food. I think it will be the most delicious food I have ever eaten. On the last day, I would buy a lot of presents for my friends. Then I would come back by plane.

The trip to France would be one of the most meaningful experiences and I think I would never forget it.Writing 2

规划人生,成就未来。请以“My dream”为题写一篇英语短文,描述你梦想的工作。

My dream

Everyone has his or her dream. My dream is to be an English teacher.

There are three reasons for this. First, I want to teach English because I like English very much. I think teaching English is very interesting. If I became a teacher, I would be friendly to my students. Second, I’d like to be around students and watch them grow and improve. Third, teachers have two long vacations in a year and these two vacations would offer me the chance to keep on learning and traveling.

But teaching is no easy job at all. I must study hard to get more knowledge so that I can help my students learn well and make my dream come true.

Writing 3

生活中充满了爱,有父母的爱,有兄弟姐妹的爱,有朋友的爱,有老师的爱??以“Love” Love

Mother’s Love is the most important thing in my life. It made me know what kind of person I should be.

When I was 8 years old, I was very naughty. And one day I broke my neighbor’s window. At that time I was too afraid to tell anyone except my mother. She wasn’t angry with me but talked to me kindly. She told me that I should try to be an honest person and I should be brave to face my fault. Then she took me to the neighbor’s and I said sorry for what I had done. To my surprise, my mother also said sorry to my neighbor.After that I know how important it is to be an honest person. I also understand what real love is.

Writing 4 My Best Friend

My best friend is my classmate, Li Mei. She is a beautiful girl with big eyes and long hair. She is neither tall nor short. She likes dancing very much. She started dancing when she was six years old.

Li Mei is a warm-hearted girl. She is keen on helping other people. Both teachers and our classmates like her.

I showed no interest in learning in the past. After learning why, Li Mei helped me with my studies. With her help, I became interested in learning and made great progress. And we became good friends after that.

Writing 5


My first experience in English corner

It was a beautiful Sunday. Our teacher told us that there would be an English corner after class. I set off soon after the last class in the afternoon.

To my joy, the English corner had just been on for a few minutes. I joined them in their talk. At first, I was afraid that my English was so poor and limited that I couldn’t follow them or make myself understood. I was also afraid that someone might laugh at me. But a smiling face here and an encouraging nod there soon put me at ease. I became bolder and came to speak English with them freely.

The day was unforgettable. I learned a lot of knowledge and made a lot of friends. Through practice, we all improved our English. Though we spoke only in simple English, we all believe that tomorrow we will make greater progress

Writing 6

学校生活有时让你开心,有时让你烦恼,作为学生的你一定有不少感想吧。请你以“My feelings to the school life”为题写一篇短文,简要谈谈你自己的感受。词数:80左右。

My feelings to the school life

My feelings to the school life are changeable.

When I do well in the exams, I feel excited and happy. But I often feel sad when I do badly in exams. If I spend lots of time doing my homework, I will feel bored and unhappy. My parents are always strict with me. But if they don’t understand me, I will be very disappointed. I like playing with my friends and it makes me relax.

In short, my feelings to the school life are a very important part of my life. I love my colorful and interesting school life.

Writing 7



I will enter senior high school in September. I therefore plan to do something useful during the summer vacation in order to help me adapt to my new school life.

First of all, I will spend almost a month reviewing what the teachers taught me in junior high school. In addition, I am going to take more exercise, which will help keep me physically strong. Most importantly, I will make myself well prepared by previewing the lessons in senior high school so that I can have a better understanding of them.

I do hope that I will live a wonderful life after implementing the above plans.

Writing 8

英语课堂上,老师要求学生就"与人相处"的话题展开讨论。请根据以下你所在小组的讨论结,以"How to get on well with others"为题,写一篇英语短文。

As we all know, good relationship can make us happy and comfortable. But how do we get on well with others?

First of all, we should respect others. Everybody has their own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it's important for us to communicate with each other. We can share happiness and sadness with our friends. What's more, we should be kind to others and try to offer necessary help to those who are in trouble.

In my opinion, treating others in an honest way is also a good way to get on well with others. I am sure these suggestions will help us to get along well with others.

Writing 9


Hi, Jing,

My problem is my parents. All of my classmates have mobile phones. They phone each other, surf the Internet and play games. I’m always asking my parents for it. But they refuse again and again. None of my friends have got such terrible parents. For this reason, I can’t study hard. Do you think I’m right? What shall I do?HelenHi! Helen,

If you have more questions, please ask me.

Yours, Jing

Hi! Helen,

Glad to hear from you, but I'm afraid you are wrong.

In my opinion, we students should pay attention to study. Mobile phones are not necessary for us. They're not like books and pens. You should understand your parents and do what they ask you to do first. Now public phones can be found everywhere. If you have to make a phone call, you may use them. You'd better have a talk with your parents and tell them you won't ask them for it any longer. Besides, work hard on your lessons and read more interesting books. Last but not least, you may also tell your problem to your teachers and friends if necessary. I'm sure they'll help you. If you have more questions, please ask me.

Yours, Jing

Writing 10



How to protect myself

As a student, I think it important for us to protect ourselves from dangerous situations. For example, if I am in a fire, first of all, I must calm down as soon as possible, for panicking is of no

help. Then, I’ll call 119 immediately because it is the most effective way to save myself. As well as that, it is best to take the stairs instead of elevators. I think, with positive attitude and careful preparations, I will be able to protect myself from fires.

Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?

More and more middle school students are going to all kinds of training classes or having family teachers at the weekend. There are two different viewpoints about it.

Some thinks it necessary. Firstly, it’s more effective to study with a teacher than by themselves. Secondly, it can strengthen what is learnt in class. Besides, they can learn a lot more. Others think it unnecessary. For one thing, students can easily form the habit of dependence. For another, students need time to relax from time to time. What’s more, the purpose of many training classes and teachers is to make money.

In my opinion, whether a training class or family teacher is needed just depends. If you are really very weak at or interested in a certain subject, maybe it’s OK for you. But be sure to choose a good and suitable class or teacher, otherwise it would be a waste of time and money.

Writing 12

How To Keep Healthy


How to Keep Healthy

As we all know, it is very important to keep healthy. But do you know how to keep healthy? Firstly, I think we must have enough food to keep us healthy. Breakfast is necessary. It gives us energy for morning. We must also have the right kind of food. Remember to eat more fruit and vegetables, but less junk food. Don’t forget to wash your hands before meals. Secondly, it’s necessary for us to take exercise. Exercise will keep us active and strong. Thirdly, I think staying up is bad for our health. If we can’t get enough sleep. We may have a headache. We should go to bed early and get up early. Lastly, listen to music or chatting can also make us feel relaxed. Writing 13

著名作家Francis Bacon曾说过:“ Reading makes a full man.”可见,阅读对于每个人的成长都有着举足轻重的作用。

Reading Makes a Full Man

Reading is very important in our life. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds but also make us more intelligent. Besides, reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English.

Textbooks, newspapers, magazines and other kinds of reading materials can help us know more about the outside world and help us grow into an excellent person.

I’m planning to read at least 5 books in the coming holiday. And I’ll spend more time reading every day in my senior high school life. Reading makes a full man! Let’s start reading now. Writing 14


1. What would this holiday celebrate?

2. How would you celebrate it?

3. Would there be any special food or symbols for your holiday?

Reading Day

I love reading, and I often read in my spare time. So if I were able to invent a new holiday, I would invent a Reading Day.

In my opinion, reading should be an important part of our lives. It can help people become knowledgeable. When one is upset, it can help him or her calm down and feel more comfortable. If all the people in our country read from now on, the quality of the citizen will improve. As a result, our country will become stronger and stronger.

But to my disappointment, nowadays, adults in China hardly ever have time to read. Instead, people always look at their mobile phones or computers in public. Reports also show that people in China read fewer books than those in other countries.

So I strongly suggest that we should have a Reading Day in China. What a big day!

Writing 15

随着空气质量的恶化,阴霾天气现象出现增多,危害加重。近期我国不少地区雾霾天气日渐增多。人们出行戴上了口罩,有的学校还取消了户外活动。为了提高同学们的环保意识,你们班将要举行“环保从身边做起”的主题班会, 参考范文

Hello, everyone. It’s nice to speak about what we can do to protect the environment. First, to reduce air pollution, we should walk or ride a bike instead of taking a taxi or a private car, and take a bus when travelling a long distance. Second, we should reduce the waste we produce. For example, both sides of the paper must be used. Then, try to chew less gum, and rubbish should be sorted and recycled or reused. Last, we must plant as many trees and flowers as possible around our houses. Thus, we can not only make our environment beautiful but also can make our air clean and fresh.

That’s all, thank you.


Learn to express thanks

Good morning, boys and girls!

The topic of my speech today is “Learn to express thanks”. We find most Middle School students don’t show any sense of “Thanks”. They think that they are certain of eating well and wearing fashionable clothes.

As Middle School students, we should learn to express thanks. We should thank our parents for supporting us to go to school. And we should express thanks to our hardworking teachers who teach us much knowledge. Besides, our friends always give us encouragement and help.

In a word, we are lucky in everything. But we should learn to express thanks. In the future, I should study harder to repay our parents and teachers. I should go to my friends to share their happiness and sadness.

Thank you for your listening!

Writing 17

“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”,帮助别人的快乐会让我们的生活变得更美好。你曾经帮助过别人吗?请以 I enjoy helping others为题写一篇短文。

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