
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 15:19:30


Old-time, miao people espousals, the bridegroom bride three late different lodge. Girl married date, the neighbors sisters gather, sing songs, to express absence miao sentiment. The man, the woman "when yingqin high kiss" (men and women of all family members) send girl has to the man, from a side door into the bridal chamber. Within three days NvGao kin "by" seize the phase accompany, never leave bridal chamber, are in a room of appreciating. After three days, the bride and groom GuSao worship parents, both to the home, say "HuiMen". "HuiMen" return, please seedlings teacher Ann "home first", and in this "Pope table" in the name of write thumbelina, says the bride is already this clan. That night, the bride and groom FangKeTong lodge.
Korean has a special wedding, called "to the wedding," if a couple married 60th anniversary is still alive, and children die, and also have no grandchildren, can be carried out on to the wedding.
Weddings, the two must be put on wedding dress, its grand as young adults, this day, degree of children, relatives distance, age size according to the generational and bow down to the old couple in a toast to a blessing. Subsequently, the two old men sit on happiness around the village, one car car week, neighbors, men, women and children came to in blessing, their health and longevity.
Tatar race's wedding, distinctive features, tatar race's wedding is not like other people that man held in home, but held in the woman's house. In a few days before the wedding, the man for the bride the clothes I make, furniture, display and wedding edible items all send to woman's house. Wedding day, the bride clothing in the groom on the groomsman and accompanied by relatives and friends, sit a wagon and young people took the accordion, cheerfully sang popular "a few er" (happy tatar pop songs, fixed, word impromptu tunes Ed singing), some whistle, some cry, cry all singing voice, piano constantly, in order to not christmas-to add happy atmosphere.

英语翻译旧时,苗族人婚娶,新郎新娘三晚不同宿.姑娘出嫁之日,四邻姐妹相聚一堂,高唱苗歌,抒发离别之情.男方迎亲时,由女方“高亲”(男女各一直系亲属)送姑娘到男方,从侧门进入洞房.三日 英语翻译苗族语里微也木是不是也是我爱你的意思呢? 给新郎新娘铺床怎么说 英语翻译:在这里请容许我代表新郎新娘对各位的光临表示衷心的感谢,急 英语翻译当我参加婚礼的时候我发现和我想象的完全不一样.新郎新娘的家人和朋友都坐在一个很大的礼堂里,婚礼现场会有支持人主持婚礼,新郎新娘要交换戒指和亲吻对方.最后,新郎新娘要 苗族介绍 英语翻译如苗族,满族另外,某个民族的人用英语怎么说?如 汉人,回民 英语翻译还有关于西式婚礼中神甫的经典台词(就是询问新郎新娘愿不愿意与对方在一起那个)用英语如何表达最好?最好有深度一点的 英语翻译龙仔湾是2007年首届世界海底水下婚礼节的举办地,当时共有33对新郎新娘一起参加,被列入了吉尼斯世界纪录. 旧时王谢堂前下一句 旧时王谢堂前燕下一句 旧时 近义词 英语翻译天上星河转,人间帘幕垂.凉生枕簟泪痕滋.起解罗衣聊问夜何其.翠贴莲蓬小,金销藉叶稀.旧时天气旧时衣,只有情怀不似旧家时! 用英语翻译句子“闻一闻茶的香气,哼一段旧时旋律,要是你一定欢天喜地. 苗族的风俗 苗族的风俗习惯简介 我要祝福新郎新娘的话怎么说 苗族的风俗作文 苗族语我爱你怎么说