小弟英语不好,就要考试了,请大家帮帮我.谢谢了.Directions:For thispart you are required to write a composition On Making Frends in 3 paragraphs.Your part of the composition should not beless than 100 words.points that should be cover

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 03:28:43

小弟英语不好,就要考试了,请大家帮帮我.谢谢了.Directions:For thispart you are required to write a composition On Making Frends in 3 paragraphs.Your part of the composition should not beless than 100 words.points that should be cover
Directions:For thispart you are required to write a composition On Making Frends in 3 paragraphs.Your part of the composition should not beless than 100 words.
points that should be covered:

小弟英语不好,就要考试了,请大家帮帮我.谢谢了.Directions:For thispart you are required to write a composition On Making Frends in 3 paragraphs.Your part of the composition should not beless than 100 words.points that should be cover
As a human being ,one can hardly do without a friend .Living in the society ,only when a person has friends can he live a happy and colorful life .What is more,in this modern society where communication becomes so important ,one"s ability to form and maintain lasting friendship has been regarded as a necessity for a successful career.
As to what true friendship means,my opinion is as follows.First of all ,true friendship originates from sincerity of both parts ,and only sincere friends will give us a hand when we are in need of help. Second ,no matter whether they are similiar or different ,genuine friends should be able to get along ,share experiences and exchange ideas with each other .Last but by no means the least ,since no one is perfect ,we should learn tolerance and forgiveness ,which are essential to an enduring friendship .
my principle in making friends is to ignore things like what work they do and what their social backgrounds are ,but ,instead ,to observe carefully the little things that reveal their characters.Only in this way can i be sure that these friends will never let me down ,and that we will always be ready to help each other no matter what problems crop up .

小弟英语不好,就要考试了,请大家帮帮我.谢谢了.Directions:For thispart you are required to write a composition On Making Frends in 3 paragraphs.Your part of the composition should not beless than 100 words.points that should be cover 初一上学期历史总结提纲(北师大版)请大家注意,是北师大版的!快帮帮我呀!明天就要考试了!急! 英语作文,语言和文化哪个更重要!明天就要考试了,牛X的大侠们小弟在此求助了,大学作文,请大侠看到务必帮帮小弟,小弟感恩不尽,千言万语都是废话,在此小弟祝愿大侠您好人一生平安. 我英语不好帮帮 英语不好帮帮我 我英语不好帮帮我 急求:的意大利文拼音读发.~谢谢.请大家帮帮我...明天我就要上课了..~~~~THANKS~ 九个有标题,分段的英语作文.明天就要报名了,各位帮帮小弟吧. 高一英语 完形填空 会的就来啊 拜托大家了、、、、今晚就要答案、、、很急!、、 帮帮我啦 如何炒糖色炒糖色的窍门是什么啊,总是炒不好,放进肉后不上色啊,糖就锭上了,粘在铲子上,不好弄了.请大家帮帮我吧 敬业的名言警句有哪些求求大家帮帮小弟我我先谢谢了 高中马上就要开始了,我的英语一点都不会,请各位朋友帮帮我 一下 谢谢了~~ 我想知道一些关于润滑油的基础知识我现在想应聘一份工作,是关于润滑油方面的.请大家帮帮小弟这个忙吧!小弟在这里谢过大家了! 化学的差量法怎么用?我的化学计算中还不能掌握用差量法来计算的窍门?请大家帮帮小弟了````````-_-!`` 用英语描写圣诞节?请大家帮帮我. 明天就要考英语了,我英语不好,怎么办? 大学英语演讲比赛演讲稿求大家如果可能的话,尽量帮小弟一把.这是的首次参加大学英语演讲比赛,我英语不好,所以请大家鼎力支持,我真的想通过这样的方式,锻炼一下自己.真的是谢谢大家了 前台接待简单英语口语我是前台接待,第一次这样的工作,而且英语不好.请大家帮帮我学几句前台接待英语口语 感激!