英语翻译当眼泪流下来才知道爱着你的心已容不下任何人 这句话简单翻译成英文是什么?还有没有好的忧伤的英文句子,关与真爱去不能在一起..之类的英文句子?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 04:12:57

英语翻译当眼泪流下来才知道爱着你的心已容不下任何人 这句话简单翻译成英文是什么?还有没有好的忧伤的英文句子,关与真爱去不能在一起..之类的英文句子?
当眼泪流下来才知道爱着你的心已容不下任何人 这句话简单翻译成英文是什么?还有没有好的忧伤的英文句子,关与真爱去不能在一起..之类的英文句子?

英语翻译当眼泪流下来才知道爱着你的心已容不下任何人 这句话简单翻译成英文是什么?还有没有好的忧伤的英文句子,关与真爱去不能在一起..之类的英文句子?
When the tears streaming down only know love your heart can not tolerate any person who has

After tears flowed,I came to know that my loving heart can not tolerate anyone

Just know my heart is unable to let down anyone else when the tears streaming down.

I (suddenly) realize there has been no room left in my heart for anyone else when the tears ran down my cheeks for your love.
Other sample for your reference:
Although we've fallen in love with each other in this world, God has pre-arranged the wedding for us in Paradise.

it was not until my tears fell down that i realized my heart is only for you.

I only understand you are the only one in my heart when the tears fall.
Tears tell me there is no place for someone else in my heart except my true love -- you.

When the tears.at love you know already hold anyone.

By the time the tears streamed dowm, I had already realized that the heart love you can not contain any person.

I knew one thing while my tears were falling down,my heart that loves you deeply can not accept anyone anymore.

When the tears flow down to just know a love you of the heart have already canned not endure anyone

my heart is only for you when flowing tears on my face。

Flow down facing the tears know the love and touch your heart has held and don't go to anyone

When the tear is falling down,I come to realise that there is no room to contain anyone except you ...
还有的句子下面给你列出来:Forgive me now
For all the times I wasn't there
For all your doubts


When the tear is falling down,I come to realise that there is no room to contain anyone except you ...
还有的句子下面给你列出来:Forgive me now
For all the times I wasn't there
For all your doubts
When you were think I didn't care
But no matter what I do
No matter what they say
It's true
I'm still crazy in love with you
意思是请原谅我为我一直不曾在你的身旁 为对与一切的流言 你以为我跟本不在意 但是无论我做了什么 无论他们说了什么 我爱不变 我仍然爱着你


what i know the instance i indulge myself in tear,there is no room for others in my heart ,but you```(翻译的)
from that day forward ,you,my beautiful virgin,swell my heart every second.the forcible d...


what i know the instance i indulge myself in tear,there is no room for others in my heart ,but you```(翻译的)
from that day forward ,you,my beautiful virgin,swell my heart every second.the forcible departure insnares me into the ten thousand calamities.i know,you will be blended with the god's carpet forever,and i will ponder and ponder to poise my heart into the bearable sobriety.death hast right to the haughty to the ambitions,but ,why to thou.i imbibe remorse everday that nearly smathers me in sorrow's embraces. don't bewail on me,soon ,i could be with you.


英语翻译当眼泪流下来才知道爱着你的心已容不下任何人 这句话简单翻译成英文是什么?还有没有好的忧伤的英文句子,关与真爱去不能在一起..之类的英文句子? 多谢你的绝情,让我学死心,当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白.等待…也许并不容易,伤害…却轻而易举. 当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白怎样用英文翻译? 英语翻译当我为你流下了第一颗泪的时候,我才知道自己喜欢了你;当我为你流下了第二颗泪的时候,我才知道自己深爱着你用英语怎么翻译? 英语翻译即使知道爱已经远去,即使知道以后不会再有,我的心还是如同刀割般难受.当熟悉的感觉渐渐变淡,我的眼泪就不禁流下来.如上几句话,麻烦翻译成英文.不要用翻译器.TvT 我的眼泪,你可以不流下来吗?翻译成英文 英语翻译翻译这,好的话继续加分.:也许陌生到了解让我来当你的谁我不让爱掉眼泪不让你掉眼泪现在永远你就是我就是我的美 英语翻译我一直在等待直到眼泪流下来就算如今分开你还是那么可爱我不要直接用翻译器翻出来的 眼泪纷纷流下来的样子用成语怎么说? 没用的眼泪还是流下来了英文怎么说RT 怎么样不让眼泪流下来当很心痛,很难受的时候,怎么样可以不让眼泪流下来.我是个很爱哭的人,所以一点都不能忍的.除了去跑步,还有其他办法吗? 原来,我需要仰起头,才不会让眼泪流下来 英文翻译 如何才能快速的流下眼泪 心灵相通的灵是指什么?从眼睛里能看出心里所想,这算不算心灵相通,当人伤心时,无论你怎么忍,眼泪还是会流下来,这又算不算是心灵相通呢? wo keyi 我可以流泪吗?寂寞的我坐在网吧的角落里,安安静静的听着,眼泪不自觉的流下来了,老天为什么叫那么多人承受相同的痛苦,爱,会是伤害,会是痛苦,你和我想的太多做的太少,我们想到对 指眼泪流下来是什么成语 怎么样才知道她是爱你的? 英语翻译第二天当我再来到那片草丛时,我发现小狗小小的尸体依靠在大狗身上.我不停得回想着和它相遇的经历,眼泪再次流下来.试问,我们人类能比得上动物重感情么?