
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 21:16:25


The next day when I was again on the grass ,I found the body of the little dog against the big dog's(body).I kept thinking of the experience that I met it that day.Again ,tears were running down my face. I just want to know if we humanbeings have the feelings that can be compared with animals'

The next day when I'll come to that piece bushes, I found the puppy small bodies on big dog.
I keep memories and it met again, t...


The next day when I'll come to that piece bushes, I found the puppy small bodies on big dog.
I keep memories and it met again, tears streaming experience.
Ask, we humans can match animal feelings?


When I returned to the grassland the nest day,I saw the tiny doggie dead,lying besides the big dog. I keep remembering all that happened since I met it, my eyes wet again...
I just wonder whether we human beings can be compared to dogs in this aspect?

The next day when I came again when the patch of grass, I found a little dog body depend in large dogs.I kept thinking about, and it was back to meet the experience, tears streaming down again.How can we re-human animals can match the feeling?

英语翻译第二天当我再来到那片草丛时,我发现小狗小小的尸体依靠在大狗身上.我不停得回想着和它相遇的经历,眼泪再次流下来.试问,我们人类能比得上动物重感情么? 英语翻译最下面那篇文章哪位能翻译一下我英语无能第二页的 世博那片 英语翻译我要发东西到国外, 语文造句当我什么当我什么的句子5个还有在那......在那........现在就要没有第二个句子的少发 英语翻译有人说跳舞很苦,我觉得这是真的!再来两句:1.舞蹈有很多类型。2.当我跳舞时,就可以忘记一切烦恼! 英语翻译不知道在什么时候,你们占据了我的心头,让我不再孤独,当想再次放手时,发现已放不开,那坚决的温柔. 英语翻译注意是第二部分!有的发我哦, 当我四岁生日那天英语翻译 “看来我只能下次再来拜访你了‘ 用英语翻译 英语翻译再来句 为什么她长得那么像我~ 英语翻译有的话能发我那文档? 童年往事作文评论最令我难忘的,是那年夏天和小伙伴们捉蚂蚱的事.那天,我约上几个小伙伴到田野里捉蚂蚱.虽说是我号召大家捉蚂蚱,但内行人一看就知道,我并不会捉.我趴在草丛里,一根草 当我爱上你时,希望你再来勾引我,英文怎么说译文要直接点的,别太涵蓄 《我总也忘不了那句话》作文可以写什么啊?我都想破脑袋了!发片文章抄抄. 英语翻译考虑隐私的话,也可以私信发,我给你发信,前面回答过的那几个人到现在也没有回复我翻译. “我会爱你到永远得第二天”用英语翻译?‘我会爱你到永远的第二天’用英语翻译? 我要买台太阳能电池片测试仪可以到那几买啊?有使用者请告诉一下 我就是那片泥土,永远接纳你!用英语翻译一下