
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:25:47


美国同胞们,爱好自由的美利坚公民们,睁开眼睛看看吧,在伟大的独立战争胜利二百多年后的今天,我们祖国缔造者们的理想,已经被盘踞在白宫和华尔街中的叛徒们亵渎了.疯狂的穷兵黩武,华尔街血腥的清场,侵犯人民的“棱镜”,对英雄斯诺登的迫害,自由的人民难道可以继续忍耐吗?所有有血性的美国人,请马上行动起来,拿起武器,以利比亚,叙利亚人民为榜样,发动第二次独立战争,对白宫和华尔街的叛国者宣战,把他们绞死在时代广场的路灯上.不要害怕亡国,不属于人民的国家,再强大又有什么用呢?如果把美国分成五十一份能换来民主,那这就是我们要做的事.前进,美国人民,以乔治.华盛顿的名义,美利坚之春万岁.United States compatriots,freedom-loving citizens of America,open your eyes,look,the great victory of the war of independence today,more than 200 years later,ideal for our motherland's founders,had been camping in the White House and Wall Street traitors were desecrated.Mad militaristic,bloody clear Wall Street,people's "Prism",persecution of hero Snowden,free peoples can continue to endure it?All bloody Americans,please do not hesitate to act,to take up arms,Libya,Syria people's example and launched the second war of independence,declared war on the White House and Wall Street traitors,hang them on the street in times square.Don't be afraid of death,States that do not belong to the people,then what about the powerful?If the United States is divided into 51-for-democracy,then that's what we want to do something.Advance,United States people,George.On behalf of Washington,long live the spring in the United States.


My fellow Americans, freedom-loving citizens of the United States, opened his eyes to see it, the victory in the Great War of Independence, two hundred years later, the founders of our country's ideal...


My fellow Americans, freedom-loving citizens of the United States, opened his eyes to see it, the victory in the Great War of Independence, two hundred years later, the founders of our country's ideals, has been entrenched in the White House and Wall Street in the traitor were desecrated. Crazy militaristic, Wall Street bloody cleared, infringe people's "Prism" persecution of the hero Snowdon, free people it can continue to put it? All have bloody Americans, please act now to take up arms to Libya, the Syrian people as an example, to start a second war of independence, the White House and Wall Street traitors war, hanged them on the street in Times Square . Do not be afraid subjugation, do not belong to the people of the country, no matter how powerful, what use is it? If the United States is divided into fifty one can exchange democracy, and that this is what we do. Forward, the American people, to George. Washington in the name of the United Spring Viva.



英语翻译美国同胞们,爱好自由的美利坚公民们,睁开眼睛看看吧,在伟大的独立战争胜利二百多年后的今天,我们祖国缔造者们的理想,已经被盘踞在白宫和华尔街中的叛徒们亵渎了.疯狂的穷兵 英语翻译United States of America,美利坚合众国,美利坚音译也不像啊,不要给我复制百科美国的起源,.我问为什么翻译成美利坚这三字 美利坚万岁,地球是美利坚的.只有美国才能领导世界 美利坚万岁,地球是美利坚的.只有美国才能领导世界.英语怎么讲 英语翻译第一,该案认定黑人,不仅仅是黑人奴隶,包括黑人的自由人均不是美国宪法意义上的“公民”,该案后来受到了林肯激烈的抨击,同时,“他认为对于奴隶制这样一个关系到全体美国人民 美国的二等公民是什么意思? 爱好的英语翻译是什么? 我国公民的政治权利和自由包括? 公民有没有居住自由的权利? 美国全称美利坚合众国的美利坚是什么意思?或者是什么英语单词的音译? 美国全称为何译为美利坚合众国美利坚 哪里像 America 的音译 美国的全称是美利坚联邦共和国吗?还是美利坚合众国?如题,倒底是哪个呀? 国家的全称你都知道那些?如:美国为美利坚共和国 一些国家的全称是什么,例:中国-中华人民共和国 美国-美利坚和众国 美国最早大部分是什么人我指的是美利坚成立后 世界上还有哪些国家像美国一样允许公民自由拥有枪支我说的是国家法律里允许公民自由持有枪支,不包括非洲那些法律只是摆设的国家,也不包括中国的游猎少数民族的情况 美国永久居民与公民的区别? 英语翻译“美国自由女神像”和“澳大利亚”,“法国”