Q:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The extended family(grandparents,cousins,aunts,and uncles) is less important now than it was in the past .这是我自己列的提纲...然后写完第一段我就彻底崩溃了!求给位帮帮

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 23:31:51

Q:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The extended family(grandparents,cousins,aunts,and uncles) is less important now than it was in the past .这是我自己列的提纲...然后写完第一段我就彻底崩溃了!求给位帮帮
Q:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The extended family(grandparents,cousins,aunts,and uncles) is less important now than it was in the past .
求给位帮帮忙 如果真的考试遇到个无从下手的题目怎么办
1 忙 没有时间与家人像以前一样 常常聚在一起家人重要 1.给我们爱 在我们伤心时 不得志 鼓励 2 给我们关心 让我们不再孤单 3 理解我们,支持我们的决定,在必要时又能提出有用的建议议 In the modern society,people become more busier than before,the students,company employees,and worker of factory.They have lots of stress because the homework and task of required.So they have few time to stay with they family.However,family is important and we can not live so warmth and happy without the accompany of our family member.Family give us love and warmth when we upset,Every people have a hard period.the

Q:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The extended family(grandparents,cousins,aunts,and uncles) is less important now than it was in the past .这是我自己列的提纲...然后写完第一段我就彻底崩溃了!求给位帮帮
In my opinion, the extended family is less important now than it was in the past. Because it modern society, people have their own jobs and own buissness to work. They don't really have time to meet each other and talk about their lifes. In conclutions, The extended family isn't as important as the past.

有些字好像有打错 抱歉哦= =

Do you agree?与Do you agree or disagree?有什么区别?有什么区别? do you agree or Are you agree?你同意吗,用哪个? to what extent do you agree?to what extent do you agree do you agree or disagree?do you agree to what extent do you agree?to waht extent do you agree or disagree?do you agree or disagree?这三个的区别和回答作文结构给我讲讲可以么? Toefl speaking part 2 ( Need Answer) Q:do you agree or disagree with this statement?People should dress according to the latest fashion 雅思写作里的to what extent do you agree or disagree和do you agree or disagree答起来一样吗? 急.请问雅思写作中do you agree or disagree 怎么写.想请教一下do you agree or disagree 和 to what extend do you agree or disagree 还有what is your opinion 有什么关系呢.do you agree or disagree 可以是partly agree 吗,如果是 how far do you agree?what extent do you agree? 求文档: people should not pay for public transportation.do you agree or disagree? to what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion 求一篇口语短文Do you agree or disagree:people should always tell the truth? Do you agree or disagree;people should always tell the truth?give me some point...ok? Do you agree or disagree:people should always tell the truth?英语演讲稿 Do you agree or disagree people should always tell the truth ,不是翻译学, Do you agree or disagree people should always tell the truth 不是翻译, communication is a learned behavior?do you agree or disagree?why?能不能说再具体点! Do you think (whether:on)sheis going to agree(.)onr suggestion or not?为什么 8)Do you agree or disagree with certain modern opinions?用英文写几句小短文 everyone should stay at school before 18,do you agree or disagree?英语观点文,