
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 17:52:22


We find that you have already signed for the express.
Didn't you check your express before you signed?You need to contact with your local DHL and the phone number is XXX.Because you have already signed for the express,we have no way to complain.Therefore you have to get contact with your local DHL first.
Then please take a photo of your express so that we can know the exact condition of the pack of the painting.

I query that you have received the parcel.DIdn't you check when you got it?You can call local DHL at XXX to contect with.(Because you have received it,you can't complaint about us,you only have to contect with local DHL first.)Then you could take a photo of the parcel for us

I`ve checked with the Express that your parcel had been received.
did u do any inspection when u signed in? you`d better contact with your local DHL,the NO.is...(we can`t complaint as u `ve signed in )
then,would i send us the pictures on the packing?

纯手工翻译,非网页翻译器直译。楼主可放心使用。 PS:"是要画两张吗"因为不是很懂你们具体的工作,我直接翻译的是“需要我们为您画两张吗” Dear

I check that you have signed up the express,and because of it,we do not have a way to voice a complaint.Now you need to connecting with the local DHL by dialing telephoneXX,after it you can take the photo of the accurate package surface to us.Be careful of checking the things when you begins to sign up next time.

英语翻译我查询到快递您已经签收了您签收的时候没有检查下吗,您需要和当地的DHL联系,电话是XX(因为您已经签收了,我们这边没办法投诉,只能您先和当地联系)然后您把画的包装情况拍照 英语翻译我查询到快递您已经签收了您签收的时候没有检查下吗,您需要和当地的DHL联系,电话是XX(因为您已经签收了,我们这边没办法投诉,只能您先和当地联系)然后您把画的包装情况拍照 舟山汇通快递垃圾中的垃圾 简直就是个渣渣!查询下快递 说是已签收了 还写了个签收人 草字 我很震惊,因为完全没有快递电话打给我过,在我毫不知情的情况下竟然签收了,然后我就打电话去 英语翻译我给你的信,你收到了吗?没看见你签收,你可以查询所在地邮局的号码! 英语翻译我们查询了EMS记录,跟踪号:EE662193316CN ,物品在2011-12-20 14:51:00已经签收 ,难道不是你签收? 澳大利亚驻上海总领事馆签证处本人快递了个邮件给使馆,签收人叫澳华.我问了使馆前台他们说没有叫这个名字的人,说地址对就行了.请问各位,签收人是澳华吗? 我去拿快递,用英文怎么说?我的快递到了,我要去签收,怎么用英语说? 英语翻译1.跟踪每家签收情况,并在全部完成签收后,将快递单号、签收记录截屏2.同1.1章节 申通快递,“签收人是转单”什么意思?那我要怎么查快递寄到了没呢?原本的单号无效了吧? 英语翻译我们今天发出了076订单和077订单的货物到贵公司,请贵司注意签收货物. final delivery是什么邮件的状态,写着final delivery,是说已经确认签收了?是不是已经确认签收的意思?还是只是货到了的意思? 顺丰快递 “派件已签收”是什么意思? 发的是申通快递,到了南部派送不到我们镇上,我追踪快递就是这个信息,已签收,签收人是105792950906,我根本没收到货呀!这是怎么回事? ems快递显示某某揽投站投递并签收,物流显示我的ems快件在中午12点半就到达了我所在城市的揽投站,且投递并签收.但我并没有收到电话通知.而且12点半后再也没有物流更新信息了,代表东西已 英语翻译发票签收单尊敬的客户,您好!为了完善我们公司的服务流程.烦请您在收到发票后,在此签收单上签字盖章并回传,非常感谢你的支持与配合!签收单请回传至:xxxxxxx今收到xxxxxx有限公司 英语翻译est ce que l'on peut repasser avec un fer à repasser le fond photographie merci我是卖背景布的,一个法国客户,写的英语我看不懂,就让他写法语的,他之前买 到一个,已经签收了. 到也门的快件已签收 用英文怎么讲啊如题 我查询了原来的运单号,发现包裹仍处于被签收的状态.如果它已被重新寄送,请送我新的运单号,以便查询跟踪.