
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 09:27:52


I checked the tracking number of the original shipping slip,and found that the current status of package remained to "being accepted." The problem has not been resolved,has it?If the package has been shipped out again,please send me the new shipping slip so that I can track it.

I have checked the original airway bill number, the parcel is in the state of being signed for. Is the problem still remain unsolved? If it is redelivered, please send me the new airway bill number so that I can trace it.

I query the original waybill number,found the parcel is still in a state of be sign for it.Problem is not solved? If it has been sent again,please give me a new waybill number,so that the query tracking.

I have queried the original waybill number, and found that the package is still in the state of being received. Has't the problem been solved? If it has been redirected, please send me the new waybill number to check tracking.

i have inquired the former tracking number and found that the package is still signed of. is the problem not solved yet? if it has been sent again, please use my new tracking number for searching and tracking.

我查询了原来的运单号,发现包裹仍处于被签收的状态.如果它已被重新寄送,请送我新的运单号,以便查询跟踪. EMS帮忙查询我手机不能查询运单号EM067082205CS 谁能帮我查下这个包裹到了那里了?中国邮政普包快递运单号:#PA06593512142 ,仓库:武汉仓 英语翻译翻译:东西寄出5天了,但我用你给我的运单号去SDA快递的官网查询不到任何信息,这个运单号你写对了吗? 邮寄包裹号查询谁能帮我查一下PA20526126911的包裹 翻译海淘的用的英式英文帮忙翻译一下“请问贵公司在发货后,是否会通知我呢?同时我是否能得到包裹运单号用以跟踪我的包裹呢?” 谁能帮我查询这个包裹到哪里了 中国邮政国际包裹查询 包裹单号:cp218533235cn 从中国发往意大利.现在不知道在海关还是在哪里还是退回去了.着急.请高人帮帮忙查询我包裹的行踪.小女子拜谢! 我的包裹没有按时收到怎么查询 ka 开头的包裹 查询 青岛日日顺物流单号具体信息怎么查询?RT.天猫给了个运单号,但却提示没有该物流公司的跟踪信息. 中国邮政国际包裹查询状态我从厦门寄到奥地利包裹 ,现在这样显示是不是被退了,一般都是出口总包直封发的,可是到达上面29号的时候就变成进口总包互封互发,是不是还没发就退了?我没碰 英国的royal mail 求查询.运单号码 RJ7019919955GB 英语翻译我收到了您给出的()usd帐单,我支付帐单后,请将6双靴子分成两个包裹,寄到我的两个地址,每个包裹填写总价()usd,我是想让他在运单的商品总价栏上写我想让他写的金额,这样过 包裹,包裹号查询三河市燕郊邮政局查包裹 包裹号PA23458032713 帮忙查一下这个包裹到哪了是EMS 运单号码:EK333221161CS 物流编号:LP11040710094154 怎么查询包裹收件地址朋友用邮政寄了个包裹给我 但是我不记得当时给他留的那个地址了 怎么办 我该在哪儿去取啊 用的是平邮NE11863488544 帮忙查询包裹到哪了帮忙查询下这个包裹到哪了KA08710461635,