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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 19:22:02 小学作文







篇一:Nel mio tempo libero

Nel mio tempo libero, mi piace suonare il pianoforte. Dicono che la musica sia un'amica bellissima della gente. è giusto. Ho cominciato a suonare il pianoforte quando avevo otto anni. Mia madre mi ha mandata da un bravo insegnante. Per dire la verità, era veramente difficile e faticoso all'inizio. Dovevo suonare almeno due ore tutti i giorni e così non avevo tempo di giocare con i miei amici. Quando mi annoiavo, pensavo sempre di smetterla. Davvero amavo la musica, ma ero ancora una bambina che desiderava il tempo per giocare invece di sedermi avanti al pianoforte tutto il tempo. Fortunatamente, non ho rinunciato e adesso sono brava.

Quando suono, mi sento che la vita è bellissima. I problemi non sono più importanti e le cose brutte non ci snon più. Mi dedico alla melodia, al mondo di Bethoveen, Mozart e di tutti i maestri musicali. Una volta ho pensato di fare diventare la musica una carriera per tutta la mia vita. Ma adesso sono fortunata di non aver fatto così. Essere una pianista forse mi potrebbe portare la fama, ma è un po'

pesante. Secondo me, la musica è per godere, non per guadagnare i soldi. Allora sono fortunata di aver la musica come mia migliore amica, invece di un modo di vivere.

Il mio genere musicale preferito è la musica classica. Mi piace anche la musica leggera, lo pop, ma la classica è una cosa molto diversa.

Nonostante cambino i tempi, lei rimane sempre così tranquilla e elegante, e il tempo esiste solo per aggiungere la sua bellezza. Deve essere ascoltata non solo utillizando le orecchie ma il cuore. Immagina che è meraviglioso quando sei da solo con i occhi chiusi e c'è il capolavoro di Mozart che sta volando intorno a te. è probabilmente la cosa più bella del mondo e della vita.

Come la musica, il libro è un altro nostro amico. Un grande scrittore ha detto che i libri sono le scale degli uomini. Le saliamo e poi otteniamo la conoscenza di quasi tutto. Mi piace leggere un bel libro quando sono libera perché un bel libro è come un bel sogno. Mi sembra di essere Alice nel mondo delle meraviglie quando leggo. A me piacciono soprattuto i romanzi. Una storia ben scritta può portarmi in un altro mondo che è tanto diverso dal questo reale. Le emozioni, le passioni sono così affascinanti.

Ci sono tanti scrittore famosi e il mio priferito è Murakami Haruki, uno scrittore giapponese. Il suo capolavoro è Norway's Wood riguarda la gioventù, l'amore e l'amicizia che è popolare in tutti i paesi. Ho letto questo libro cinque o sei volte anche ho visto il film trattato. Non so ancora se ho capito interamente il libro o no, ma veramente ho imparato tante cose importanti della vita.

Ci sono anche tanti libri di Haruki che mi interessano tanto. Il suo modo di scrivere il dialogo è sicuramente unico al mondo. Lui considera la conversazione la parte più importante , cioè l'anima di un libro. Vuole presentare veri e propri dialoghi ai lettori e, dal mio punto di vista, ha fatto tanto bene. Ecco perché me piace molto.

Adesso vorrei parlare di sette libri famosissimi. Sì, li conoscono tutti, Harry Potter. è una storia di fantasia, di magica. J.K.Rowling, l'autrice è ovviamente una persona piena di fantasia, di sogni. Lei ha scritto il primo libro di Harry Potter in una situazione molto difficile. Non aveva i soldi, non aveva una casa, l'ha scritto sui pezzerini di fogli in un bar. è proprio questo libro che è dientato un grande successo mondiale. Tutti i ragazzi amano Harry, un piccolo mago che è sopravissuto ad un disastro. E poi J.K.Rowling ha continuato a scrivere. La storia di Harry e dei suoi amici contro il mago cattivissimo, Voldmort attrae la curiosità di ogni ragazzo e ragazza. La cosa più bella è che J.K.Rowling, pur essendo un'adulta ha ancora un cuore da banbina, da ragazza. Ha raccontato una storia così speciale. Quando si comincia a leggerla, non si può smetterla.

Insomma, mi piacciono la musica e il libro. Sono i miei amici quando sono da sola e mi hanno portato tanta gioia. Per fortuna sono ancora

molto giovane e ho tanto tempo per migliorare e ho tante cose da imparare.



1. in general/ on the whole/ generally 总的说来

2. all in all 总而言之

3. From the foregoing 从上面论述,我们可以……

4. in brief/ in summary/ in conclusion/ in a word/ to sum up/ to conclude / to summarize 总而言之,综上所述

5. If it is up to me to make a choice between A and B, I would rather choose…..over…. 若要我在A和B之间作出选择, 我宁愿选择…….

6. If I were forced to agree with one of the two, my choice would be……. 如果要我在两者之间选择一个的话,我会选…….

7. From the above comparison and contrast, anyone can safely conclude that…… 从以上的比较,任何人都有可以得出这样的结论……

8. When the advantages and disadvantages are carefully compared, the most striking conclusion is self-evident 当仔细比较了长和短之后, 最有力的结论就不言而喻.

9. Judging from all evidence offered, we may reasonably come to / draw the conclusion that…… 从所提供的证据来看,我们可以得出以下结论

10. All these opinion make sense, and consequently it is hard to choose the best of them, In my opinion, such matters must be left to individual’s conscience. 所有这些意见都说得通,因此很难从中做出选择.在我看来,这些问题应该由个人的良心去决定.

11. From what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that….. 从以上所讨论的来看,我们可以得出以下结论…….

12. Personally, I side with the former / latter opinion 就个人而言,我赞同前(后)者的看法.

13. I am of the opinion that priority should be given to….. 我同意….具有优先权的观点.

14. Personally, I stand on the side of…… 就个人而言,我支持……..

15. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the opinion that…….. 就我而言,我赞同……的观点

16. For my part, I completely agree with the former / latter 至于我,我完全同意前(后)者的观点

17. To be frank / To tell the truth, I should second the former / latter attitude / position in preference to the latter /former. 坦白说(老实说),我赞同前者(后者)的观点优于后者(前者)

18. People from different backgrounds, however, put different interpretations on the same thing 然而,不同背景的人对同一件事却有不同的看法.

19. Views on the issue in question vary from person to person / vary widely. 对正在讨论的问题每个人都有不同的看法

20. People rarely reach am absolute consensus on a controversial issue. 人们很少在一个有争议的问题上达成绝对的一致.

21. Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the moral that……. 全盘考虑所有的因素,我们可以得出这样的教训……..

22. For the reasons presented above, I strongly commit to the notion that….. 根据上述的理由,我坚持的观点是…….

23. All the evidence justifies an unshakable view that….. 所有的证据证明了一个不可动摇的观点…….

24. All the evidence supports an unmistakable conclusion that….. 所有的证据证明了一个千真万确的结论……..

25. To conclude my essay, I would like to quote an old saying…… 我想引用一句古语来结束我的文章.

26. Both views have strong foundations;

but, overall, I tend to agree with the latter. 双方观点都有一定的道理,但总的说来,我更倾向于赞成后者.

27. What we must do is make sure that the positive ones are encouraged and the negative ones are eliminated as far as possible. 我们必须做到的是设法使积极的影响 得到加强,而消极的影响尽可能的消除.(扬长避短)

28. It is true that to do…brings about both positive and negatives results. But we can try our best to reduce the negative influence to the least extent. Besides, compared with the positive effects, the disadvantages would not count much. …….同时带来积极的和消极的结果,但我们可以努力使消极影响降到最低限度,而且,与积极的影响相比,这不利之处也算不了什么.

29. It is high time that we / the government did….. 我们(政府)早该干……..

30. To achieve this goal, however, we still have a great distance to cover 然而,要达到这个目标,我们还有很长的路要走.

31. It is urgent / important / necessary that appropriate / effective / proper actions / measures / steps / method be taken to end / correct / improve…….. 采取适当的(有效的,合适的)措施(行动,步骤,方法)去消除(纠正,改进)……是迫切的(重要的,必要的).

32. There are believed / expected / supposed to be two effective measures / practical schemes / sound solutions, one of which is ….. 人们相信(认为)有两种有效措施(实用计划,合理的解决办法),其中一个是……

33. Both governments and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations. 不仅仅是为了我们,更是为了我们的后代,政府和普通公民应该联合起来,使这个世界变成更美好的家园。


1. My argument for this view goes as follows: 我关于这个观点的论证如下:

2. There is considerable evidence in favor of…. 有相当多的证据支持……

3. One very strong argument for…is that…. 关于……的一个强有力的论证是…….

4. firstly/first/n the first place/first of all/to begin with/above everything else/in the first instance 首先

5. second/n the second place 其次

6. besides/in addition(to)/furthermore/moreover 再者,其次

7. finally/last of all/last but not least/lastly/in the last place 最后

8. admittedly/I admit/conceding that/I concede 不可否认的是,我承认

9. to be frank/frankly speaking/honestly speaking 老实说,坦白讲

10. The birth/invention of…has made an enormous/essential difference to…But it does not mean that….


11. Many people hold an erroneous view towards… 对……...很多人都持有一种错误的看法。.

12. In my opinion, both views are lop-sided.] 在我看来,两方面的观点都有失偏颇。

13. …as the product of modern civilization, have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of human society.


14. …has changed the way our society develops .But its bright side should not keep us from following closely its darkside. …改变了我们社会发展的方向,但它光明的一面不应该阻碍我们注意到它的阴暗的一面

15. But we must not lose sight of the fact there are disadvantages/benefits to doing something.


16. As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes/positions. 至于它是福是祸,人们却持有不同的态度(观点)。

17. ….if made the best/the worst of ,will bring some distinct

advantages/disadvantages to…. ……...如果充分利用(作最坏的打算),将给……...带来明显的好处(不利)。

18. There is a good side and a bad side to everything, and that includes…. 任何事情都有好的一面和坏的一面,这包括……...

19. …is a two-edged sword. ……...是一把双刃剑。

20. Obviously,….like anything else, have more than one face. While they are indispensable to mankind, they also bring us serious problems.


21. There is merit in both these points of view. /There are merits to both of these two arguments. 这两个观点都有优点。(这两个争论都有优点)

22. There is probably some truth on both sides. 也、也许双方都有一定道理。

23. There is probably a little bit of truth in both arguments. 争论的双方可能都有些道理。

24. …..is both a blessing and a curse for mankind. ……...对人类来说既是神气又是灾祸。

25. As the proverb goes:―Every coin has its two sides‖…..is no exception. 正如谚语所说―每个硬币都有两面‖ ……...也不例外。

26. No garden without its weeds. 没有无杂草的花园。(有利有弊)

27. As the old saying has it,―………‖ 古语所言:―……...‖

28. There are two sides to every question. 每个问题都有两面。

29. Everything has double folds 任何事物都有两面。

30. Every medal has its reverse. 每枚奖章都有反面。(有利有弊)

31. I cannot totally accept the idea that…..,because, in my point of view, I believe…. 我不能接受……...的观点。因为,在我看来,我相信……...

32. There are numerous reasons why…..,and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here. 为什么……...有很多理由,在此我仅仅探讨其中最重要的几条。

33. There is another reason why I cast my preference for ….. 我倾向于……...还有另外一个原因。

34. There are many good reasons against doing something 反对……...有很多好的理由。

35. The social and economic advances, the quickening of living tempo and the ever increasing competition are deemed as the main contributors to…


36. There are some major causes for….One cause is…..Another cause is…..And the most frequently stressed cause is…..


37. It can not be denied that….. 不可不否认的是……

38. Nowadays, it is generally/widely/commonly/prevalently held/accepted/assumed that…. 目前,经常(广泛,普遍)认为的是……

39. It goes without saying that…. 毫无疑问的是……..

40. There is no denying that…. 不可否认的是…..

41.It is a common saying that…… 常言道……..

42.It is probably no exaggeration to say that…… 大概可发毫不夸张地说……

43.It is a traditional practice to….in our society 在我们的社会,……是一种传统习俗

44.No one can cast any doubt on the fact that…… 没人会对……这个事实产生怀疑.

45.It will have/ exercise/ exert/ produce/ bring about a (decisive/

far-reaching/beneficial/disastrous/unfavorable) effect/influence/ impact on…


46. It may create/ cause/ result in/ lead to/ give rise to a host of/ a set of /a series of problems. 这有可能造成(带来)一系列的问题.

47.There are several advantages in /of ……. 关于……有几个好处.

48.The advantages of A far outweigh/ are much greater than/ carry more weight than the disadvantages in/ of……. ……..的利远远超过……的弊

49.The pros outweigh the cons 支持的多过反对的,(利大于弊)

50.For all the disadvantages….has, it has its advantages. 尽管……有弊端,但它仍有利处.

51. However, though it has brought mankind merits, some undesirable side-effects have gradually come to the surface. 尽管它给人类带来好处,但一些副作用也渐渐表现出来

52.Despite the adverse effects…has, it has its advantages. 尽管……有不利的影响,但它也有利处

53. But every coin has its two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent, To begin with,……To make matters worse,….Worst of all……




54. Obviously, it has its drawbacks/ disadvantages/ negative effects as well as

merits/ advantages/ positive effects. 显然,它既拥有优点(长处,积极的作用),也有弊端(短处,消极的影响)

55.The side-effects…..has produced on us can be boiled down to three major ones;


56.Undeniable,….is good in many aspects;

however, it has its disadvantages ,too For one thing ,it…;for another ,it….. 不可否认的是,…….在很多方面是好的,然而,它也有不利之处,首先,…….;其次,…….

57.It is no easy job to render the reasons for this complicated phenomenon which involves several factors 给这个牵涉到几个因素的复杂现象做出解释不是一件容易的事.

58. A number of factors could account for/ contribute to/ result in the change /success/ increase. 许多因素可以说明(导致,引起)这个变化(成功,增长)

59.There are a variety of reasons for this phenomenon 关于这个现象有各种各样的理由

60.A thorough examination proves the groundlessness of arguments supporting… 深入的调查证明了支持…….的争论是毫无根据的,

61.It is essential to examine every angle in order to fully understand the nature of a perplexing problem 为了全面了解一个复杂问题的本质,很有必要从各个方面对事件进行调查

62.At first thought ,it may seen to be an attractive idea but it doesn’t bear closer analysis, we find……. 一开始好像是一个有吸引力的主意,但它经不起更深的分析,我们发现…….

63.Superficially, it seems to be a sound solution, but when carefully weighing in the mind, we find…… 表面上看,这好像是一个合理的解决办法,但仔细想想,我们发现…….

64. A close scrutiny of these arguments would reveal how fallacious they are. 这些争论的详细研究揭示出它们是多么的荒谬.

65.There is some element of truth in these arguments, but they overlook a deeper and more basic factor that…. 这些争论有一些正确之处,但他们却忽略了更深一层和更基本



启 承 合

一、 如何切入话题?这是作文的


其实,切入话题的句子有很多,如As shown in the above chart/table, great changes

have taken place in … between the year … and the year …(此句适用于图表说明);In this fast action global information age, people are leading a quicker than ever tempo of life.(此句适用于当前时髦话题,如汽车、因特网等强调效率的作文),As Americans observe their Christmas and Thanksgiving, Chinese celebrate Spring Festival and Moon Festival.(此句适用于介绍中国传统文化),With her economy developing in a steady and relatively fast manner, China’s demand for energy is on the rise.(此句适用于节能减排的环保话题),It gives

me such a great honor to write you this letter applying for a …(此句适用于申请信),The whole nation is now launching a campaign of building up a harmonious society, an element of which is a dorm on campus.(此句适用于建设和谐寝室),如此等等,不胜枚举。这些句子看似难写,仿佛只有高手才能有此杰作,其实不然。因为阅卷老师也是常人,他们心目中对作文题早有某种预期,只要不离题又能以他们觉得“可以接受”的语言切入话题,都算是好句子,要是能写出与他们“英雄所见略同”的句子,便是闪光点了。记住,每次全国四级统考都有大半考生的作文是在瞎写!他们备考的时候压根就没用过心思,更不用说动手练笔了。

二、 如何表达中心?尽管这是作文的

观点,也不一定就非要用 “I think”之类的,也可换点新鲜的,如 as sb. can see…或 undoubtedly/self-evidently/arguably, … (As anybody can perceive, the nonrenewable resources are relatively limited to the fast developing human exploitation.或Arguably, those nonrenewable resources are to be exhausted relatively soon with the ever increasing demand.这样句子的开头就要有“观点词”,明确表达观点,毫不含糊)。这种中心句的组织要逻辑严密,故而略显丰满,但过分地拖泥带水不行。平时分析作文范文时候要有意识去学习他人好的文笔,再按照作文游戏规则合理加工。比如你学会了

两句中就更不可以使用同一个句型用 “you” 格式,因为这样的文笔显得不够客观。

表达中心的句型还有许多其他可用的,如 It is pertinent to say that …/It cannot be

denied that …/It is an undeniable fact that …/It is universally accepted that …/It is arguable that …/Arguably, …/ The unshakable fact is that…/ from an objective perspective I hold(perceive/presume/) that …/To the best of my knowledge, …/Personally speaking, … /As I see it, …等等都是很不错的表达法,这些语言既可以用于



Ⅰ Sentence patterns:

1 Though + with+ noun phrase, a sentence (B3, U4, Ex. 10)

e.g. Though with some side effects, college ranking has its benefits.

1 absolute structure (B3, U 4, Ex.9)

e.g. Spoiled by their parents, some college student are lack of the ability to control themselves.

e.g. College ranking in China prevails, triggering heated debates among people, especially intellectuals.

2 Not until…, the inverted sentence (B3, U 5, Ex. 9)

e.g. Not until their children had mental problems because of their inability to deal with troubles, did the parent realize they are wrong to take care of everything for them.

3 As to + clause, the main sentence (B3, U 7, Ex. 9)

e.g. As to whether the universities should be ranked, people’s opinions can not be cut from the same cloth.

4 There / It is no use ( point, sense, etc.) (in) doing… ( B3, U

7, Ex. 10)

e.g. In this sense, there is no harm listing all the universities from the most competitive to the least ones.

5 With + n.+ prepositional phrase ( B3, U 8, Ex. 10)

e.g. With its harmful effects, university ranking should be stopped at once.

6 would/need/should/ might/ must have done ( B4, U1, Ex.10)

e.g. Universities should have focused on improving their teaching quality and promoting their academic research. However, the ranking list makes many of them only strive to reach some statistics required by the ranking standard.

7 …rather than… ( B4, U 4, Ex. 9)

e.g. Under the influence of the university ranking, many universities focus on reaching some statistics required by the ranking standard rather than improve their teaching quality and promote their academic research.

8 For all + noun phrase

e.g. For all sharp criticism of it, many high school graduates still make their decisions according to the information provided by the rank of the universities.

9 So+ adj.+ be+ that-clause ( B4, U 10, Ex. 9)

e.g. So spoiled are some freshman that they feel extremely difficult to adapt to college life.

10 Not only…, but also… ( B 1, U 1, Ex. 7)

e.g. Not only does too much protection of the parents given to their children bring parents a heavy burden, but also it will limit the development of the children.

11 Conj. + V-ed/ V-ing, the main sentence ( B 1, U 3, Ex. 7) e.g. For those well protected by their parents’ wings, they will feel perplexed/ confused and don’t know what to do, once set free.

12 Even if + clause, the main sentence ( B1, U 6, Ex. 7)

e.g. Even if parents feel they offer their greatest love to their children, they may receive little in return when they are old. Because their sweetie even lack the ability to take good care

of themselves, not alone their parents.

13 Instead of + noun phrase, the main sentence ( B1, U9, Ex. 7)

e.g. Instead of doing everything for their children, some wise parents choose to love their children in a different way, that is, giving them completely trust and some guidance.

14 What -clause + the main sentence ( B1, U 10, Ex. 7)

e.g. What our college students should do is to create opportunity to prove our ability and build a new image for the so-called only child in one family.

15 The main sentence, much less+ the inverted sentence ( B2, U 1, Ex. 8)

e.g. Under the parents’ overall protection, some young people can not get mature when they should be, much less can they be competitive in the society.

Ⅱ Useful expressions:

1 越来越: be increasingly + adj.,

be on the rise,

the growing number of

2 许多问题: a host of/ a multitude of problems

3 人们认为: it is generally believed/ agreed that

4 引起人们的注意: there is a growing awareness/realization of/that

5 适应新形势的变化:adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself to new environment

6 接触各种思想,经历:be exposed to new ideas/ experiences 7 接触社会: come in to frequent/ close contact with the world/ society

8 获得成功: achieve/accomplish success

9 提出建议:advance/ put forward/ come up with suggestions/ideas

10 做出努力: make tremendous/ persistent/ sustained effort to do sth., take great pains to do

11 影响学习: interfere with studies

12 产生影响: exert a profound influence on life/ personality, have a dramatic/ undesirable effect on

13 剥夺机会、权利: deprive oneself of the chance/ right/opportunity

14 采取措施: take effective steps/ measures to

15 满足要求: meet/satisfy/ accommodate the demand of 16 补偿损失: compensate for/ make up for the loss/ damage

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