你可以给我买北京烤鸭.You can ___ ___ Beijing Duck

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 17:38:59

你可以给我买北京烤鸭.You can ___ ___ Beijing Duck
你可以给我买北京烤鸭.You can ___ ___ Beijing Duck

你可以给我买北京烤鸭.You can ___ ___ Beijing Duck
答案是【buy me】
注意词组:【buy sb sth】为某人买人物

你可以给我买北京烤鸭.You can ___ ___ Beijing Duck 我饿了,你能再给我两个苹果吗?i'm hungry.can you _ 如果你来我可以带你去游玩和吃北京烤鸭.用英语怎么说 英语好的请进来看一下!句子翻译:1.你能尽快给我写信吗?Can you _ _ _ 2.请尽快写信告诉我有关你的情况.Please _ and _ me _ youreslf.3.向右拐,沿着布莱街前行._ _ and go _ _ Bridge street.4.在第一大街左转 当我的鹦鹉饿了时,它总是敲笼子门When my_ _ _,he always _ _ the cage door在公共汽车上我们应该给老人让座We should _ _ _ _ _ on the bus你不可以将热东西放进垃圾箱YOu mustn't _ _ _ _ rubbish bin 英语翻译你可以和你的朋友去 如果你喜欢的话,你也可以独自一人去you can go with you friends or,_ _ _ ,you can_ _填空 我们怎么联系你?_ can we _ you? 你可以在太平山顶鸟瞰香港You can have a birs's-eye view of Hong Kong _ _ _ _ the Victoria Peak. ( ) They will arrive______ our school ______ Tuesday.A.in,on B.at,from C.in,in .D.at,on( )We have many apples here.Would you like ______one?A.other B.the other C.another D.others你能帮我给朋友买件礼物吗?Can you _____ ____ ______ _______ _ 你愿意和我一块儿给小猫洗澡吗 would you like _ _ _ _the cat with me? 你想象不到那时我是多么沮丧you can't_ _ _ _ _ there is a newspaper stand ().you can buy newspapers there .红绿灯那儿有个报亭,你可以在那儿买报纸根据所给汉语意思完成句子 我相信你能处理好这个问题..I believe you can _ __ this matter. 请尽快给我回信Please write back to me _________/______________尽快地跑,那么你就能赶上他Run _ _ _ _,_ you'll _ _ _ him. 汉译英 我们可以搭车去乡下吗?could we _ _ _ _ the countryside?我的父母都从事教育工作 my parents both _ _ _我想做他想做的事 he is gong to do _ he _ _ _你最好别让他们等太长时间 you _ _ _ _ them _ for too long 汉译英:你可以把你的书拿走了,因为我已经买了一本.You can take your book away _____ ______ ______ ______ _____. Can you lend this book give me?你可以借这本书给我吗?语法 北京烤鸭哪里可以学?