我做题时看到了这样的句子 What is your last name My name is Black.对么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:15:11

我做题时看到了这样的句子 What is your last name My name is Black.对么
我做题时看到了这样的句子 What is your last name My name is Black.对么

我做题时看到了这样的句子 What is your last name My name is Black.对么
例如:what is your last name?my last name is chan.

不对,last name 是问姓的,回答的是名字。

我做题时看到了这样的句子 What is your last name My name is Black.对么 what is...meaning = what does...mean?另外what is...meaning of 和what is meaning for 好像没见过用what is...meaning for的句子.可我觉得这样用也没啥不妥.附例句.thanks what is color is it?这句子是不是错误的?为什么书本会这样写的? what a lovely weather!我看到这样的句子.what a lovely weather it is 还有 what lovely weather it is 到底哪个是正确的,需不需要加a . 我英语不好,帮我翻一个句子,“这是什么感觉?”what is this the feeling?这样翻译对吗? 解析两个英文句子.不懂句子的结构.为什么要这样写.1.Air is to us what water is to fish2.Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body看不懂what充当什么. where did you get to know her?it was on the farm___we worked.这个题用where 我懂了 可是我想到了这样的句子 It is the farm where we worked 这样把on去掉对不对呢 我记得定语从句和强调句的区别就是这样 It is the f 我看 歌舞青春 时看到这样一个句子,“what time it is?it 's show time.可以what time it is?这种问法吗?我只听老师讲what time is it ? What bad day it is!在一个单项里看到这样一个句子,day不是可数的么 怎么不是 What a bad day it is! “我看到了.我嗅到了.我感觉到了.”来写句子,描写夏天的句子 为什么What's the meaning是中文式的英文?如题.但我查字典,有What is the meaning of the phrase?这样的例句.难道of this phrase去掉,what is变成what's 这句子就变成中文式的了? 翻译这个句子:到了出发时间时,我会叫醒你的.(wake up;it is time to) 介词宾语从句造句,实在想不出来还有什么句子可以造了……麻烦大家帮我想想- -要类似于这样的句子1)I want to buy what I lean to English everyday is important(what后面的句子可以用a English book代替的 what is it that 加从句,能给我造尽可能多的句子吗? what temperature is it today?和what is the temperature today?都可以么?what temperature is it today?和what is the temperature today?我两个都查到了.是不是都是正确的?还有比如说what temperature is the water?what's the temperture 形容词修饰名名词,一定是形容词在前,名次在后吗?我在书上看到了这样一句话,what time is their departure scheduled?scheduled是形容词,而departure是名词,他们两个的问题颠倒了?应该是这样的吗?为什么? 求助英语帝…这个句子实在搞不懂It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows what to do with it.这个句子按我老师讲就是这样的没错,但我实在是搞不懂…个人习惯上觉得应该是It is said this is my personal top 10 list of what i find to be his best stunts那位好心人教下我如何理解这样的复杂句子,并且热、如何快速地理解成中文.请问有什么秘诀!