On hearing the noise,he_______to me and asked what was the matter.A.came aroundB.came upC.came putD.came on还有第一句中 on hearing the noise 中,on 介词的使用.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 09:49:01

On hearing the noise,he_______to me and asked what was the matter.A.came aroundB.came upC.came putD.came on还有第一句中 on hearing the noise 中,on 介词的使用.
On hearing the noise,he_______to me and asked what was the matter.
A.came around
B.came up
C.came put
D.came on
还有第一句中 on hearing the noise 中,on 介词的使用.

On hearing the noise,he_______to me and asked what was the matter.A.came aroundB.came upC.came putD.came on还有第一句中 on hearing the noise 中,on 介词的使用.
on doing sth.意思相当于as soon as一…就….come up to走上前,走到某人跟前.整句话意思是,他一听见那声音就走到我面前问我发生了什么事?

答案是B。come up to 有达到,走进接近,比得上等意思。在这句话里为接近靠近某人的意思。整句话翻译一下就是:听到声响,他走到我身边问我怎么了。
A. come around 有很多意思,如:绕道而行;开始接受,理解;周而复始,重新来到;恢复知觉,苏醒;息怒,消气;造访,拜访。但是一般与to连用的是调转方向的意思,例句:The wind has come around to the ...


答案是B。come up to 有达到,走进接近,比得上等意思。在这句话里为接近靠近某人的意思。整句话翻译一下就是:听到声响,他走到我身边问我怎么了。
A. come around 有很多意思,如:绕道而行;开始接受,理解;周而复始,重新来到;恢复知觉,苏醒;息怒,消气;造访,拜访。但是一般与to连用的是调转方向的意思,例句:The wind has come around to the north.——风向已经转向北方。
D. come on的意思也很多,口语中常用的:1.快点; 赶紧; 赶快 2.加油做; 振作起来 3.(表示知道某人所说的话不正确)得了吧
书面中有:1.前进, 出击 2.随后跟上 3.开始工作 4.登台, 出场 5.开始; 来到 6.提出讨论, 审问 7.进步, 发展 8.偶然发现
开头中On可以理解为When, 当...时候。
(1)on表示时间,用于星期、日期(包括该天的各部分)。如:on Sunday/Sundays,on Monday morning/afternoon/evening等。
On New Year's Day 在元旦,on Children's Day 在儿童节等。
a house on the main road 临大街的房子, sit on my right 坐在我的右边
on duty 值日,on holiday 度假
on the box 在盒子上


on作为介词后面跟宾语 表示“一……就……”

came up解释为“走上前来”。
on hearing the noise= As soon as he heard the noise,在这儿,on表示“一……就”。

On hearing the noise,he_______to me and asked what was the matter.A.came aroundB.came upC.came putD.came on还有第一句中 on hearing the noise 中,on 介词的使用. On hearing a loud noise outside,he opened the door quickly to see what was happening.(同义句) 翻译Mang workers in that company had their hearing harmed by the noise of machines. 英语语法:On hearing a great noise,Mike looked forward through the window _____ what happened.B.to seeD.to have seen问:不定式的完成时在什么情况下使用?要使D正确,原句可以如何更改? We are hearing a talk on the history of America.hearing 在这里是什么用法? On hearing the bad news,she couldn't help crying. She fainted on hearing the news 有无语法错误? the noise from my neighbor interrupt me.The noise went on哪里有错并改正 on hearing us how__(noise) the studeats are playing on the ground为什么 轮机专业的英语题 该选啥1.Hearing astrong noise,______at once.A.the engine stopped B.theengine was stopped C.he stopped the engine D.he hadstopped the engine1.The data to berecorded on this sheet ______ the performance of the engine.A.makes 到底是the voice of birds 还是the sound of birds11.I love the _______ of birds in the tree.A.noise B.voice C.sound D.hearing He jumped with joy on hearing the news中on 能不能换为while Hearing the noise,the man looked forward_____what was happening.A .to seeing B.to see为什么答案选B?不是looked forward to doing吗? 英语翻译What keeps us from being cut off from our fellows is our adility to communicate with each other.怎么翻译还有Exposure to loud noise can produce a partial or even complete loss of hearing,depending on the loudness duration ,and freq he was angry when he heard the news. he was angry ___the news.1 with hearing 2 in hearing 3 on hearing 4 for hearing 选择哪一个,及分别说出每个为什么对与错 英语翻译听到枪响,敌人四散而逃了.On hearing the guns,the enemies ran away ( ) ( ) ( ). They made such loud noise that it could __even in the street.A hear B be hearing C have heardD be heard