—— (很少的 )people can keep healthy only with a good diet .

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 09:04:09

—— (很少的 )people can keep healthy only with a good diet .
—— (很少的 )people can keep healthy only with a good diet .

—— (很少的 )people can keep healthy only with a good diet .

—— (很少的 )people can keep healthy only with a good diet . 很少有人知道 ()()people know 很少的几句话—( )言( )语 the theatre————( build) now can hold over 3000 people I Can hardly hear what he's saying ,and ——a,so can all the other people b,nor can all the other people c,so hardly other people d,nor all the other people can Some people can hold their breath————than other people横线怎么填 can chinese people write words on( )( 括号内应填什么?原句:—can chinese people write words on ( ) ( —yes,they can.旁边画了一个古人正在看一本用竹编成的书. 表示很少的话——( )言( )语 He eats like a ——(他吃得很少) It is meaningful to support charity because it can help more people because it can help more peopl( because it can help more people)划线部分. _____it meaningful to support charity ?——对划线部分提问喔, we can see all the people and buildings in the villageWe can see all the people and buildings in the village—— —— —— —— ——(在夕阳中的)from the hill top.+翻译 平衡时2,4-二戊酮的一种烯醇式异构体(CH2=C(OH)—CH2COCH3)的含量很少,急 Doctr can s( ) the ill people. You have seldom told people personal things about yourself.你很少告诉别人你个人的事情.你很少跟别人说你的私事.哪一个好一点? 说“人很少”是用few people还是little people 用所给词的正确形式填空 ⒈people —(build)the Terra cotta Warriors a long time ago.⒉Peter can用所给词的正确形式填空⒈people —(build)the Terra cotta Warriors a long time ago.⒉Peter can't wait —(ride)his bicy 用many ,much ,few,little,a few ,a little完成下列句子1._______(很多)people don't have _____(很多) food.2._______(很多) of the mistakes were just caused by carelessness.3._______(很少) people can live to be 100.4.You have done wery ___ Many people want to know when they can get to Beijing?Many people want to know when they can get to Beijing?Many people want to know ——— —— can get to Beijing?