【非谓语】He claimed( )at yeaterday's party.A.having been badly treatedB.to have been badly treatedC.being treated badlyD.to be treated badly答案选B,但我选C,求讲解.claimed不是过去式么?为什么还能用现在完成时to have b

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 21:07:21

【非谓语】He claimed( )at yeaterday's party.A.having been badly treatedB.to have been badly treatedC.being treated badlyD.to be treated badly答案选B,但我选C,求讲解.claimed不是过去式么?为什么还能用现在完成时to have b
【非谓语】He claimed( )at yeaterday's party.
A.having been badly treated
B.to have been badly treated
C.being treated badly
D.to be treated badly答案选B,但我选C,求讲解.claimed不是过去式么?为什么还能用现在完成时to have been?为什么不说to had been badly treated呢?

【非谓语】He claimed( )at yeaterday's party.A.having been badly treatedB.to have been badly treatedC.being treated badlyD.to be treated badly答案选B,但我选C,求讲解.claimed不是过去式么?为什么还能用现在完成时to have b
【解析】claim to do sth 声称做某事
这里用的是 to do 的完成时,即声称做过某事
to do 后面要用原形,不能用过去式 had
另外,虽然claim是过去式,但是被冷落的事情已经发生了,所以用完成时的结构 claim to have done
》》》》》良师益友伴你行 团队为你解答《《《《《 欢迎追问~\(^o^)/~

clame to do 是固定结构

我觉得应该选A,claim to 后面跟名词,表示“宣示对...的所以权”。

选B 首先 claim to do sth 这个是固定搭配
其次. 这里的 have been badly treated 不是现在完成时态 , 这是 have sth done 的用法, have 相当于是 claim to do sth 中的 ...


选B 首先 claim to do sth 这个是固定搭配
其次. 这里的 have been badly treated 不是现在完成时态 , 这是 have sth done 的用法, have 相当于是 claim to do sth 中的 "do"
再者. claim to do sth 所以, 这里应该是 have 而不是 had


考claim to be的搭配,因为treat动作发生在claim之前,所以用完成时

答案没有to had been badly treated,就选个接近的B,因为动作已经完成,C的话是动作正在进行

to 后面必须用动词原形,而且他是昨天强调自己受到不好的对待,所以受到不好的对待又在他claimed 之前,结合两点,选B

【非谓语】He claimed( )at yeaterday's party.A.having been badly treatedB.to have been badly treatedC.being treated badlyD.to be treated badly答案选B,但我选C,求讲解.claimed不是过去式么?为什么还能用现在完成时to have b 【非谓语】He claimed( )at yeaterday's party.A.having been badly treatedB.to have been badly treatedC.being treated badlyD.to be treated badly答案选B,但我选C,求讲解.claimed不是过去式么?为什么还能用现在完成时to have b aim at 和be aimed at 区别,非谓语用法 claimed 谓语非谓语 高中英语He claimed _at yesterday's partyHe claimed _ at yesterday'party 老师说填to have been badly treated 可我感觉应该填to be treated badly请问到底填什么啊… 英语非谓语:He said he remembered_at the party,but not_.When asked by the police,he said that he remembered ____(arrive) at the party,but not ____(leave).A.arriving leaving B.arriving to leave.求详解. He is at home的句子结构主语:he谓语(系动词):isat home是表语还是状语? 9.After long time questioning,he ( )what he has done.A、 declared B、 released C、 claimed D、 conserved looking at his watch,he saw that it was one o'clock.这句话用的是什么形式呢?非谓语动词作状语吗?若写成he looked at his watch and he saw that it was one o'clock 这样意思有变吗?为什么要用非谓语动词的形式写呢? 非谓语和并列谓语 At the time of the murder,the man claimed that he had been travelling on the 8 o'clock train to London and had arrived at work on time.这句话的时态变成 At the time of the murder,the man claimed that he was travelling on the 8 o'clock train to 非谓语动词宾语补足语they sat here( )the fat man ( )A.to look at ,running B.to look at,runC.looking at,run D.looking at,running为何不选d?为什么run可以用原型 claimed( )at yeaterday's party.A.having been badly treatedB.to have been badly treatedC.being treated badlyD.to be treated badly但我选C,求讲解.claimed不是过去式么?为什么还能用现在完成时to have been? 一道非谓语的英语题40._______ for the work,he went to sleep at ease.A.Well prepared B.Preparing C.Being prepared D.Getting ready为什么选A 非谓语的语法问题 求解答++++++++++++++When ____to dinner at the White Rose Restaurant ,he seemed very happy and accepted the invitation.A.invited B inviting C to be invited D.having invited 非谓语动词是啥啊 非谓语动词练习