求两篇英文对话,考试用,每篇大概15句左右差不多了,主题如下.1.A asks B about one of the scientific inventions of the 20th century.They talk about the time and place of the invention,and its attractions.2.A bought a lottery ticket

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 08:33:29

求两篇英文对话,考试用,每篇大概15句左右差不多了,主题如下.1.A asks B about one of the scientific inventions of the 20th century.They talk about the time and place of the invention,and its attractions.2.A bought a lottery ticket
1.A asks B about one of the scientific inventions of the 20th century.They talk about the time and place of the invention,and its attractions.
2.A bought a lottery ticket and is thinking about how to spend the money if he wins.B prefers to put it in the bank for a rainy day.

求两篇英文对话,考试用,每篇大概15句左右差不多了,主题如下.1.A asks B about one of the scientific inventions of the 20th century.They talk about the time and place of the invention,and its attractions.2.A bought a lottery ticket
A:Hi, do you know any scientific inventions of the 20th century?
B: Let me think... Oh, the internet.
A: Yes, do you know who invented the internet?
B: i am not sure... the great achievement might be shared with many scientist. But i know the it was invented in 1969.
A: Really? People used internet in 1969?
B: No. In the summer of 1969, the prototype of the internet appeared in USA. It consisted of 4 PC sites.
A: wow, that is interesting. The scientist must work very hard.
B: Yes, and they sent the first email in 1972.
A: If we don't have internet today, how ignorant will we be! It is such a great invention that everybody enjoys it a lot.
B: Yes, we use internet to read online magazine, listen to music and search for important information.
A: And on-line chat! I can get in touch with my friends around the world!
B: Exactly, and we can play online games.
A: Yes, what a great invention! thank you to the hard-working scientist!
A: See, here is my lottery ticket.
B: wow, open it and see what is the result.
A: Um...
B: Hey, are you listening to what i talked? Open it!
A: I am just thinking about how to spend the money if i win.'
B: wow, that may be a sweet dream!
A: I will buy a big house with beautiful garden, and an expensive car, and...
B: That is not realistic, in my opinion, you may put it in the bank for a rainy day.
A: But i prefer to use the money. Spending money is a great work.
B: You are wrong. Some day you may find you need money for emergency. Be far-sighted!
A: You seems right. Let's open this ticket.
B: One .. two.. three...
A: Oh! Nothing!

求两篇英文对话,考试用,每篇大概15句左右差不多了,主题如下.1.A asks B about one of the scientific inventions of the 20th century.They talk about the time and place of the invention,and its attractions.2.A bought a lottery ticket 用英语介绍中国的一个旅游胜地应付口语考试用的,大概五分钟左右。呵呵最好用对话形式 新颖的英文自我介绍(考初中面试用)有高分 关于“表达歉意”的英语对话是2个人的对话~大概每人6~7句~就是1个人向另1个人表达歉意是英文的~ 帮我写5篇英文对话,两个人的,有TOPIC,每篇长2分钟.请英语高手写几篇词汇比较高级的英语小短篇,写得好的给分50分,因为怕没人写浪费我分数啦,有5个单元,每个写一篇,2个人念每篇大概2分钟时 求关于business的英文对话,大概4分钟,急英文的,对话形式, 适合初一上册英语阅读的短文六七篇左右 大概每篇20句 有几篇算几篇吧 learning english英文对话不少于20句 急求一篇关于hobbies的五人英语对话看清楚,是五人的,英语口语考试用, 简单的商务英语对话谁能给我个简单的商务英语的对话,本人英语不好,希望简单点,2个人的对话,每个人大概15句左右把,还有这个对话的背景.50分 求一个英语对话,口语考试用,两分钟就行:假设你突然在街上遇到你十多年前出国的老朋友,写一个对话 求简单英文对话.急,请根据下图理解,写一个简单点的两个人的英语对话,大概每人5,6句左右吧.答得好再加分哦. 这是英雄的中国人民坚强不屈的声音.改双重否定句.急!明天考试用 英语翻译这句英文的大概意思 英文主持稿本人想要1篇,英文的主持稿.大概3分钟,形式为二人对话.就是A一句B一句.这样子的. 考试用的着的 不要太长 两人对话 大概11到15句左右抱歉,我需要熟人之间的对话,内容不限。可写多个不同对话。多的话我还会加分, 请教几个英文口语对话内容,考试用要求:每一个主题内容要1分钟左右长度,要有提问与回答的格式.一、设想一下自己十年后的家是什么样子.要求包含一下要素:location、size、different rooms、de