They were pushed into battle_____.A、unprepared B、unpreparedly C、not preparing itD、without preparing itB、C、D三项分别错在哪里?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 18:47:11

They were pushed into battle_____.A、unprepared B、unpreparedly C、not preparing itD、without preparing itB、C、D三项分别错在哪里?
They were pushed into battle_____.A、unprepared B、unpreparedly C、not preparing it
D、without preparing it

They were pushed into battle_____.A、unprepared B、unpreparedly C、not preparing itD、without preparing itB、C、D三项分别错在哪里?
题意为他们没有准备好就被陷入战役中.则选项C、D句意与题意矛盾.A为伴随状语,修饰they当时的状态,若使用B中的副词形态,则是修饰were pushed的动作,与题意矛盾.

D:改成without preparation就行

有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

问:They were pushed into battle _____.They were pushed into battle _____.A:unprepared B:unpreparedly C:not preparting it D:without preparing it 请问此题中哪个选项是正确的? They were calling his names and even pushed him to the ground and kicked dirt in his face.的翻译? they were pushed farther and farther until they were confined to a reservation in--is now SouthDskoda.a.whichb.whatc.where选哪个为什么请给出详细解释 pushed They were pushed into battle_____.A、unprepared B、unpreparedly C、not preparing itD、without preparing itB、C、D三项分别错在哪里? 请英译汉两句话!People tend to be over-trusting of computers and are reluctant to challenge their authority.Indeed,they behave as if they were hardly aware that wrong buttons may be pushed,or that a computer may simply malfunction. 英语句子成分划分 They pushed the door open The door was pushed open,who should come in but the woman they were talking about.求大神帮我分析一下后面句子的语法,有那个but有什么用处,should应该怎么解释? 英语翻译In grade Six,because of my poor grades,my parents were worried that I wouldn’t be able to get into an excellent middle school.They pushed me to sturdy harder,but I didn’t really understand why they were so anxious. they pushed to drink wine even if they don not want to drinkfanyi they pushed to drink wine even if they don not want to drinkpushed to drink 翻译 哪位英语高手可以帮我翻译这三句话?1、the larvae are weightless2、they simulate gravity as a camouflage technique3、they well fall relative to how they were pushed就是这三句,我用有道词典翻译,结果是:1、the larvae ar Where were they?翻译 THEY WERE THERE怎么样 They were young,then. When they were they were worried是什么意思? they were young ,then .